Forum Replies Created
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”Andrew@CR”]for me usually after five…..:-)[/quote]
Oh, good grief! Five beers in any three-day period and I’d be permanently disabled. Are you still in your twenties?[/quote]
An eon ago, Heinecken was only available in kegs, from Germany (this was when Bud was IT). I remember tapping one (attempting) and before I got it seated, the pressure shot it past my head, and the tap stuck in the ceiling. Very dangerous work, bartending. Some of you can remember when wine was available only in carafes…red, white or rose. There WERE some foreign wines, but Poille Fuisse, one or two reds from France, and that rose from Portugal in the cute little bottle (Mateus?), impossible to decork. This is generally speaking, of course, for the “middle class”. The rich could always sate their “jones”.
I was living in Hawaii in the ’60’s, and it was a BIG deal when someone smuggled a case of Coors (Cuwers) from the mainland. Primo, the local brew? A case and you might get one that didn’t taste like…well, fill in the blank.edlreed
Member[quote=”maravilla”]that’s sounds right out of the mouth of Charleton Heston! what about all the people who were rounded up and exterminated in one way or another before gun laws were in effect. AS IF, having guns would’ve prevented the Holocaust. sheesh.[/quote]
Read Mila 18, Maravilla. I don´t own or carry a gun but you should know one of the proud moments in that dismal period was the Warsaw ghetto uprising, made possible by? You bet, the few left who decided they weren’t going to be just victims and founds ways to arm themselves.
You don’t address any of the facts stated. Why? A paradox in my life is I don’t believe in capital punishment (yes I think it can be termed murder by the state), but touch my family? You get the point.edlreed
Member[quote=”sstarkey”][quote=”kshatzer”]Ahhh, a prime example of why I didn’t move to Costa Rica; couldn’t take all you enviornmental wacoos that want to sit around and sing kumbyah all day long. I live on the gulf coast and although it is bad, it is not as bad as the media plays it up to be. With all you doomsayers plus the NY Times we all would be back to horses and buggies with a life expectancy of 30 years.[/quote]
May I ask why, since you have such disdain for those who live in or are interested in Costa Rica, are you posting on this forum? What interest could you possibly have?
I’m surely glad you think that the gulf coast damage won’t be as bad as ‘the media’ says it is. Perhaps you’re right. I do have to wonder, however, if your rosy view is shared by the other humans who live and work there, as well as the wildlife that cannot speak for themselves who are now, as we speak, drowning in deadly toxins.[/quote]
Well said, and if I may add, a caveat. My friends live in Bay St Louis, she works for Habitat for Humanity and he is a tug boat captain, and they are right in the middle of this mess. I cannot be as polite to this joker as you. Lifestyles built on generations are endangered as well as the wildlife. Comments and observations such as this are totally indicative of the concern these kind of “humans” have for their neighbors. But then again, who are we to show and feel this concern as opposed to how the Dow Jones did today. Mister, I’ll hum Kumbaya in your ear. Figure it out quick, you stand on a shaky and immoral platform.
Member[quote=”simondg”][quote=”maravilla”]this will really put you over the top. big business and greed are antithetical to the welfare of the inhabitants on Earth.
at least in China, they will execute the executives of companies who commit the most heinous crimes of damaging the environment. hmmmmmmm. how about stuffing that Hayward guy headfirst into that well?VBS.TV[/quote%5DSure why not execute the people that took all the financial risks to enable the American economy to function with lower gas prices for decades? Without offshore drilling I wonder what the price of gasonline would have been over the last twenty years?[/quote]
A “functioning economy”? We’ve become a country of middle men and service industry employees owned by foreigners, and you take pride in that? Just what is a derivative and the money market (billions exchanged a day) but pure speculation in hot air that is, in fact, further destroying OUR economy. I ask again…Just who do you guys champion? Day traders sitting on their butts and the international corporations?edlreed
Member[quote=”dfdyke”] [i]As far as i am concerned the fault lies with[/i] BP, the government and mostly the environmentalists who demanded that we drill in 5000ft of water instead of 200 where it could easily be capped and stopped. Also not allowinfg drilling on land in places where we have more oil than all of Saudi Arabia. Montana, Wyoming, the Rockies, Alaska and on and on. These bleeding heart libs won’t be happy till we’re back in the stone age.[/quote]
Your concern lies with finding fault? May I suggest the reason for this outrage is obvious. Maybe the stone age was the last time we were in harmony with the earth.
Member[quote=”2BNCR”]Don’t get your point. The cowards were the hijackers who hit the twin towers.
Let’s just eliminate war. And money and sickness and all other inequities. But until they do, I thank the soldiers that are out there protecting us regardless of their personal motivations.[/quote]
I already knew you wouldn’t get my point. If you REALLY think those killers were cowards, its obvious you have not put yourself in harms way as they do (OUR kids…and them). Let me pose this scenario. 20 year old corporals, sitting at a desk in Texas, “piloting” a drone from what [i]their[/i] reality tells them is a video game, that fires missiles into villages IN a country supposedly our ally in the “War on Terrorism”. A hero? Or…? By posing this, I in no way disrespect that young soldier. I worry for his mental health as he comes to know he wiped out a family of ten. From around the world. With, literally, no blood on his hands. I worry about his family, so happy that he had found such a “responsible” job, until they too discover just what he has done in his three years. Killer by proxy.
Your last paragraph would have sufficed, for both of us. I’ve said enough. I apologize to those who for whatever reasons find this too sensitive a topic, and inappropriate to this forum.
MemberI’ve sat on this for 2 days. Don’t respond, I thought. Even if I was not a veteran, however, some things need addressing. Otherwise, I might have to wait till Mother’s day to get such a deeply poignant missive from you. Cowards? If these people are cowards, why do we need heroes? Cowards they weren’t. You’re free. In CR, soaking up the sun. Yet someone else doesn’t have the freedom to be scared? hey, even lazy? That’s disgusting you say.
Too many “I’s” and political viewpoints in your declaration of vicarious honor you bestow. You REALLY think our kids are dying so you can live in Costa Rica? Or I can be “lazy”. You think they also don’t understand the politics and flagrant waste of their lives? Ask them while you put down those “almost irresistible urges” you have? They die for the guys standing next to them. Next time you wax poetic, consider this. The days of the “I’ll be the guy carrying the stars and stripes to the top of this hill in the middle of nowhere”…are gone.
I served (voluntarily) and as with most, if not all 19 year olds, had no clue why when I joined, 1963. When I left the army (honorably, 1967), I left emotionally damaged at the pitiful waste of my peers lives and I live my life to a huge part…for them. NOT in this vision you cast for us. So yeah, bud, I’m scared. Scared that once again, I’ll sit on my hands while more 19 year olds die…for nothing.edlreed
Member[quote=”costaricabill”]for the record, there is only one “a” in “y’all”.
crb[/quote}I sit corrected. Darn, my plastic chair just collapsed. Get me to the shaman.
Member[quote=”rosiemaji”]I agree will Costaricabill’s comments about CR plastics. We live in the San Isidro area and plastic things seem way overpriced compared to the US. They also become brittle fast and break quickly. They are poor quality and sometimes lids don’t even fit correctly. I have refrigerator dishes here in the US that I have had for 15 years or more. A similar use item bought in Costa Rica is lucky to last 6 months. There is also a great disparity in the prices of coolers as Bill mentioned. I bought a big Igloo Cube cooler with rolling wheels at Wallmart in Florida for $30 and took it to Costa Rica as our second checked bag filled with sheets and blankets. It just barely fit into the airline limit of 62 inches (h+w+d). The same cooler bought in Costa Rica would have cost at least $150. Some airlines won’t let you bring coolers as luggage but others will. It has gotten more expensive to bring an assortment of household items to Costa Rica from the states in our luggage since the airlines started charging for the second checked bag and, in the case of some airlines, they charge for even the first checked bag. Many of the things we had been bringing to Costa Rica are beginning to become available. Last year, I noticed a Bed Bath & Beyond store in Paso Colón (just a few doors down from Quiznos, oh boy!). It looked just as American as one in the US with the same luxurious looking stuff inside. I didn’t go inside so I don’t know what the prices were like. I expect this trend to continue. As more Americans move to Costa Rica, the stores (especially the chain stores) will follow with the things that Americans want and will buy.[/quote]
Hey, Toledo South, just around the corner. Ya’ALL come. We brought them Dios, Walmarts. Now, if we can only get them into good plastics. How very trying this all must be. Oh sorry, I forgot this was the WeLoveCostaRica forum. How rude of me.edlreed
Member[quote=”mpgyacht”][quote=”edlreed”][quote=”mpgyacht”][quote=”DavidCMurray”]No.[/quote] what do you do sit around all day and wait for someone to post something to then write “No” Great contribution.[/quote]
You have a problem with succinct and appropriate answers? Thank you David for your many contributions to this site.[/quote] Who are you his bodyguard? I would have thought that with his experience he would have elaborated more on his observations.[/quote]
You. thought. = oxymoron
See, succinct and appropriate.edlreed
Member[quote=”mpgyacht”][quote=”DavidCMurray”]No.[/quote] what do you do sit around all day and wait for someone to post something to then write “No” Great contribution.[/quote]
You have a problem with succinct and appropriate answers? Thank you David for your many contributions to this site.edlreed
Member[quote=”grb1063″]Sovereign Society
Extrapolating CIA factsInteresting factoids:
Hmmmm…simply amazing. Their “honesty” in describing the following as “factoids”. Anyone else look that word up? The Sovereign Society extrapolating the CIA? Please. Why submit this to us as valid?edlreed
My “title”, which I did not expect to be used in forums here, was given to me by acclimation in a specific subject area where I maintain a very large web site. I write about and advise people about metalworking, particularly blacksmithing. Everything from how to start a coal fire to going into business.[/quote]
OK. Setting aside the “poor human being” statement. Damon Runyon, Jimmy Breslin, many others, wrote in the first person vernacular, to their credit, furtherance of the characters and our enjoyment. Editors such as you would have destroyed their talent. Have you read “Seven Years in Tibet”. Brad Pitt made an epic about it, yet it was probably one of the worst written books ever published. Yet, yet, a tremendous true story, made more believable by its “rough” writing. Pardon my taking exception…but it is justified. As to the writer in prison? Keep on keepin’ on. Your writing deserves to be read.
Member[quote=”guru”]I cannot imagine retiring to “nothing”. If you can’t find anything to talk about it then you are a pretty poor human being.[/quote]
Hi Guru. Just sitting on my mountain top, meditating. I was going to just “kiss” you off, until I read your “critique” of the writer in prison. The paradox between your self-appointed and grandiose Title and your caustic wit loom large. Frankly, give me the strong and silent type to your idea of humanity.edlreed
Member[quote=”clayton”] ….And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.”[/quote]
Is this an insight, or am I lacking reason? Does what Clayton say have its obvious conclusion? If there was NO religion, all those after-life adherents would (if there was no crutch) shoot the immorality barometer through the roof? Is that application of reason? God keeps THOSE people in check? Oh, I missed the point. Atheists have no morality. I just made up this joke. Guy walks into a bar, shouting “Repent, the end of the world is nigh!”
Good, says the guy at the bar drinking milk. ‘Tender, I’m off the wagon, give me a double.” -