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MemberWoW, are you the one in the pictures with his head in his hands? Derivative Jeff?
Please. Ok, by your inference, let’s have Paulson figure out just how much all of you “benefactors” have over paid in taxes, and we’ll give you that plus the current t-bill rate. I can tell objectivity when I read it.edlreed
MemberAaron, I thank you for your post, your logic and your heart. The obvious (to me) is that many in our societies just cannot cope with the “modern” world, and to many the way to cope is to cauterize their own moral outrage. What is the drag on a society of humans with at least the semblance of a caring interest in each other? For those of us who have vested interests that condone the acts perpetrated in our names…wake up and at least acknowledge to yourself your responsibilities for the results. Our so-called leaders have drug us over the line of moral responsibility and its not the time to put on blinders.
MemberGang killings, immigration problems…to…smoking marijuana? Anyone read about the prescription drug addictions in the high schools in the US? Try some cause and effect logic before you make such ridiculous leaps in logic. Why are the somewhat draconian US drug laws passed…and what has been their effect? Liberal Canadian laws? It’s being “liberal” to allow another person to determine whether they smoke a cigarette or a joint? A marijuana source of relief from their pain or another toxic drug handed out by the AMA with YOUR total blessing? Please.
MemberNorth American lifestyle? If that is your perceived reality…
MemberI must guess your medals (you’ve earned of course) must cover your chest…even when you take a shower.
It is a travesty to even suggest that it is your ilk that provides the fibre of this country. If you weren’t so vested in being the sheep, you’d realize you’re the cannon fodder. Yep, yahoo, I’m a vet. Just remember what you’ve seen (if in fact you have served), and not the ballyhoo you’ve adopted to justify it. You do your comrades no honor and in fact, you are totally lacking in grace.edlreed
MemberSo…on the one hand, I don’t know why anyone can already arrived at their conclusions…and continue to “educate” themselves on the situation and make exchanges with these nuts. Find peace, sisters.
On the other hand, it becomes obvious who has been carried past the point of no return with these war mongers, and their simple “vested” interests have trapped them in their dogma. To these I say…a Costa Rica blog? How valuable your time is. Devils advocate? Stick pins in butterflies.edlreed
MemberJust one question for all…why is this discussion taking place in the context of living “harmoniously” with the native population of Costa Rica? My guess is if you could afford it, you’d be on the Rive Gauche sipping espressos and wondering why you weren’t alive in the 20’s. DaDa lives!
MemberHi Jenny. I’m still in the states, but your thoughts about Thanksgiving and your generous spirit make me want to jump down there and join you. Thank you and I hope sometme soon I will be able to meet you and your friends. Thank you.
MemberIf I may jump in here sideways…my observation is that the moral outrage of the “civilized” world has been cauterized by the constant innundation of violence and destruction we have been subjected to. We simply cannot cope with all of it, and thus our sense of outrage has retreated to…well, where is it? This seems to directly corrolate to our new brand of “heroes”. Does anyone remember THE HERO of the Balkan War? Wined and feted at the White House? Well, for those who don’t, this pilot got shot down, spent 3 days hiding in bushes till he was rescued. Quite humble himself and totally blown out at how he was being exploited, he actually admitted to peeing in his pants whenever the Serb patrols would get close. His act of “heroism” was getting shot down. What this all says to me is…they no longer care what we think, period. Junior is actually that wonder of politicians, totally transparent. The sucker TRULY does not care what you think, and if anything (he shares this with his ol’ man), he is a little confused by our disdain because HIS people are doing quite fine, thank you. So…screw it, looking for your moral outrage (wherever it is hiding) and enjoy the Pura Vida. Why the hell not. Ed
MemberGreat data, Alberto. I don’t know if you know, but Yamaha has offered FREE doors and handholds for the Rhino, I think in the 2004-2007 models. I’m in the Santa Cruz mountains, close to San Francisco, California, and we just got our first sprinkle in awhile. WE NEED rain badly, so send some up. Take care, Ed
MemberToo cool…That sounds perfect to me. Tks for the info, and if I may…did you get the Rhino in country, and mind throwing a price at me? Insurance? I know there are lots in country, so assume maintenance is not that big a hassle. Thanks again Alberto
MemberThanks, Alberto. I’ve been to CR and find miscellaneous trips by bus and taxi no hassle. I can see wanting to take an ATV drive to the coast, though. The rain…part of the reason I find the country attractive. Last time I checked, I was still waterproof. I just want to expand my “home” potential out into the countryside around Puriscal, and the thought of acquiring and using a car just doesn’t ring true to me. Are you from that area? Ed
MemberHi. I have been considering the Puriscal area, and using an ATV as my sole transportation. Is that a practical idea?
MemberThey go to the same tailors. Their kids go to the same schools. They all vocalize how they are the defenders of the last bastion of democracy. Do you know the difference between a republican and a democrat in D.C.? (my humble opinion). As they sit in their chairs in their oak paneled rooms sipping their VSOP and smoking their Cuban cigars, the democrats say “If we don’t give them something…they’ll revolt!” The republicans reply “Screw them”.