If you are not living “out of nowhere” internet is pretty o.k.
I am online 10 – 14 hours a day on 1 to 2 mbps which is not too bad.
Getting dumped once in a while – well – that´s Costa Rica
Well, I have been living in Costa Rica for 17 years, have several bank accounts at Banco Nacional (personal and S.A.), am managing several accounts from other people, and have never been asked for an update after the inicial paperwork, except when I changed my ID from Passport to Residencia many years ago.
I have the impression that laws in Costa Rica sometimes are used as voluntary guidelines, even from authorities.
I want to make clear that this is not an advise to ignore the laws, but people should not panic if they hear something and don´t know the details, there is always time to fix a problem.
In case of the S.A. normally the president or a person with full POA opens the bank account, and this person will be asked for an address which does not have to be the address of the S.A. (which is sometimes the attorneys office, not always).
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