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I am still here in the States as vulnerable as ever..more vulnerable as time progresses.
“Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work.
In what way do we not qualify as slaves under the above definition?You don’t own property as the the State can take it from you at any time. They can (and do) seize bank accounts and property daily. Mortgage foreclosures, credit card defaults and loss of jobs and income are all due to the banking cartels and their absolute control of money, wages, the economy and your standard of living. Everyone is forced to work to survive and live under this paradigm. And it is not necessary. If you do not understand this, the ignorance is yours.
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live”[/quote]
Well said “sprite.” You are right on the money.BANKS are the slave masters today and instead of the bull whip we get lashings of DEBT.The banking cartels WOULDN’T and COULDN’T operate, however, without the active collusion and cooperation of parasitic and profligate politicians who profit FROM and prostitute themselves TO the debt money system. If any readers have never watched “Money As Debt” and “Zeitgeist Addendum” I suggest that they DO. All of them can be watched free on the internet, all you have to do is “Google” them
We (the sheeple) are being set up for a major banking collapse. The central banks are already making preparations. If anybody wants proof, go the “” (this is the website of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand)Click on the “search” button, top tight hand corner and then click on “OBR March 2011” There is a 14 page “Consultation Document” titled “Pre-positioning for Open Bank Resolution.” It describes how a major bank default will be paid for by “the shareholders and creditors of the bank instead of the taxpayers.” Ask yourself, how many “shareholders and creditors are likely to NOT be taxpayers?” Anybody with money in the bank is a creditor. The RBNZ blatantly uses the term “haircut” in several places in relation to how people will lose money if/WHEN a bank defaults. Think back to ENRON. Those “in the know” got out “with a full head of hair under a full head of steam.” while the sheeple were left bald. Does anyone REALLY think it will be any different when the banks go under? -