Forum Replies Created
Member[quote]”[u]Slander[/u] and [u]defamation[/u] are criminal offenses in Costa Rica, as is published on WLCR at;
I’m [u]offended[/u] by the public accusations you’ve made against me on WLCR. Perhaps you should re-consider your [u]defamatory[/u] public statements about my financial motives”[/quote]
Based on that wicked overlord threat intended to silence and even attempt to imprison people such as Ginny for no justifiable reason whatsoever, I have become suddenly more interested in researching prefab methods. Some people here are beyond unbelievable.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]i am so sick of people thinking they understand this issue ….Vicki’s comment, steeped in ignorance…they are clueless….making fools of themselves”
I am so sick of people like you, allowed to spew your demonic baseless attacks here, frothing sickening shameless Marxists who have no respect for God, the Jews or the Bible. The Jews have lived in their tiny speck of the earth going back to thousands of years BC and were taken over by numerous groups. In recent times that would be in the time of Christ with the Romans, then many were cast out, and only a few were able to remain quietly survive there under the Satanic rule of Islam for over 1000 years. The Muslims also took over and enslaved most of Europe for 400 years, sick filthy people like you must think white Europeans should give back the land to the Islamics because they controlled parts of Europe for 400 years by the sword.
Only recently the tiny world population of Jews was able to take back a small portion of the land that was theirs for millennia back to the time of the Pharaohs all the while trying to live in peace within an area 100x larger, the ENTIRE SURROUNDING AREA of which was taken over by Muslims by blood lust of the sword for over 1000 years all the way through Africa, Europe all the way to China, Mongolia and Indonesia.
Filthy sickening people like you who spout your marxist athiest propaganda coming from places like Costa Rica, a place that has never given back its (stolen) land to its native people, including where you came from the USA which has never been given back its (stolen) land to its native people, what pure satanic irony.
Marxists are the most sickening destructive people in all history along with Muslims. I don’t hear you frothing your demonic attacks against the Muslims or Marxists and all the untold hundreds of millions they have murdered and taken over. You won’t ever because you are a frothing Marxist and want to turn the world upside down and create your atheist utopia like your great leaders and your nihilistic mind demand. You will get what you want soon enough as well, since it was all foretold in the Bible to happen in the last days.
[url=]Religion of Peace[/url]
[url=]History of Marxism[/url]
[url=]Jihad Watch[/url]