Hi Scott,
Apologies for the misunderstanding. I obviously overlooked the discussion forum rules so totally understand if you want to remove this post completely from the messageboard.
Hope we haven’t caused too much trouble and in future we’ll be sure to contact you first before posting anything of this nature.
Sorry again and hope you have a good weekend
[quote=”Scott”]Hi Nick,
Welcome to WeLoveCostaRica.com!
You may have caught me on a bad day but I must confess that with all the complete and total BS that banks force us to go through for the ‘privilege’ of opening an account and depositing our hard earned money, and the insane amount of paperwork involved, I find it quite hilarious that you feel that it’s OK to visit our Discussion Forum, ignore the very simple rules which, unlike bank regulations take 15 seconds to understand, and blatantly promote your bank.
Please note one of our Discussion Forum rules which takes about 3 seconds to read and understand:
Remember that commercial posts where someone is obviously trying to promote or sell something are not allowed and will be deleted by one of our Moderators.
Scott Oliver – Founder
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