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MemberBig corporations have been doing this for years now, always looking for government “incentives” (i.e. tax breaks or reduced fees, etc.) and will use that to their advantage by continuing to move their operations to a place where the wages and cost of doing business is lower.
They are wiping out unions and subjecting workers to near indentured servant working conditions and always threatening them with layoffs or plant closure to drive down wages so the CEO’s and other executives can continue to raise their own salaries.
That is why the divide between the average worker and the company executives is wider than it has been in decades and continues to grow by leap and bounds.
Do you really think that all this is happening by accident? No, it is planned, staged and manipulated by those ALL MIGHTY central bankers and BIG money hoodlums!
This I am saddened to say will probably continue into the foreseeable future as they have all the control with the politicians in their pockets and the ability to control mass media, politicians, and judges! 🙁
Member[quote=”davidd”][size=200]TOUCHÉ[/size] :roll::roll::roll:
[quote=”sweikert925″]From the message board guidelines:
This site is called and 99% of us do love living here so if you just want to whine, complain and post negative comments in the Forum without offering sensible solutions, don’t bother posting!By popular demand we ask that you refrain from straying into U.S. politics except where it directly affects Costa Rica or people living in Costa Rica.*[/i]
How about this then, wake the masses out of their deep slumber and have them vote out ALL of the current crop of state and federal legislators and we start over with a whole new group who pledge to bring the country (USA) back to it’s roots as a Republic and give the people back their individual freedoms and liberties as “guaranteed” us under the Constitution and the amendments to that document? There does that offer a solution,and thus stay w/in the guidelines? Or is that too radical for you?
* Unless you want to whine, complain and post negative comments about anything to do with government, in which case go right ahead![/quote][/quote]fishrman
MemberYes, unfortunately there are WAY TOO MANY sheeple out there who continue and will always continue to drink the Kool-Aid that Big Brother puts out there, simply because they are unable or unwilling to use their own minds to see the reality happening right in front of them. Sure, it is a lot easier to just go thru life ignorant to the realities of the world than it is to use the grey matter between your ears and connect the dots to see what is truly going on in the world. If you do not question everything government is doing, when they are supposed to be working for YOU, not the other way around! Wake UP SHEEPLE!
April 9, 2014 at 4:16 pm in reply to: IRS FATCA Making Banking Abroad For U.S. Citizens EXTREMELY Difficult #161274fishrman
MemberMy Rica wife and I went to BN the other day to open an account in her name and they told us that we needed to prove where the $9k came from. As it was less than $10k did NOT have to declare at customs, but they still want to know where it came from, even though there is a complete money trail from US banks showing exactly where it came from. The U.S. is forcing these other countries,using fear and intimidation,into doing their dirty work. They are trying to force US citizens back home to continue extorting monies from them to feed the STARVING bureaucrats clamoring for an ever increasing portion of YOUR money! 😈
October 18, 2013 at 4:43 pm in reply to: What are your experiences of moving bank accounts from U.S. to C.R.? #172931fishrman
MemberYeah, my wife, who is also a Tica, and I (a Gringo) tried to open a bank account in CR last year when we were last there and they wanted all sorts of documents and proof of residence, etc. and we finally just gave up and will try again next year when we move there (I am retiring next March).
I will also be receiving a monthly pension check and have been trying to figure out the best solution to this problem since they will not deposit my pension check into a non US bank.
I have been looking to see what US banks also have a presence in CR and it looks like Citibank does, so that is probably what I am going to choose.
Open an account at Citibank here and also one in CR when we are there. Any thoughts? 😕
MemberAlthough this thread is getting a little off track, it is still important to see that the U.S.A. today is NOT the country our forefathers fought so hard for. 😥 The U.S. has gotten away from its core principles (i.e. the Constitution) and is now being run by hoodlums in the guise of CEO’s and bankers, all with the blessing of Congress and the White House puppets! It is utterly disgusting and a shame! By the time the masses realize, if they ever do, what has happened, it will be way too late! The “incidents” mentioned previously were all deceptions planned by the people in power to rile the masses into action to achieve their goals of amassing more wealth and riches at the expense of the innocent and patriotic. There is a LOT of info out there about the deceptions that have been used to stir the masses into believing that we (the U.S.) has been attacked or is being threatened by some “3rd world power” (e.g. Saddam, Bin Laden, etc.,). Wake up and look at the truth, it is there for the seeing if you’d only open your eyes. 😯
Memberalmaral, It seems to me as if you already have a very poor attitude about Costa Rica and I sure IF you did decide to actually move there you would not last long as you seem to already have your mind set on it failing. All your comments about the place and the “crime stats” that you mention indicate that you have already determined that it is not the place you want to be and are just looking for further “justification” for why you shouldn’t move there. I bought a small parcel of land there a couple of years ago and I CAN’T wait to retire and move there so that I can truly live the PURA VIDA full time! It’s a beautiful country with a warm and caring people and although it’s not for everyone, it’s definitely a place for me. I wish you luck and peace in your quest to find the perfect Utopia!
MemberJohn, although you may see a lot of “for sale” signs that is not an indication that people are necessarily moving from Costa Rica. I too see a lot of those signs, but a couple of years ago my wife & I bought a parcel of land and intend on building our retirement home there in a few years. It’s a wonderful country and the people are absolutely fabulous! I only wished we could retire tomorrow and begin “living” the rest of our lives. Pura Vida!!
MemberDiego, it is the right and the DUTY of every citizen of a country, every country, not just the US to question and keep an eye on the doings of their government. I know it seems as if often there is nothing you can do about a government and what they aare doing, but you can try to change the way that government is operating, it’s just a matter of what you’re willing to sacrifice and endure. I served in the US military and was constantly questioning my “superiors” and their orders and I got into trouble for my actions, but I was not blindly going to follow an order that made absolutely no sense just to satisfy another’s inflated ego or sense of “superiority”. That is why I question the government and vote for the people I believe will get us out of trampling on our rights! I don’t blindly follow nor believe all that comes out of our politicians mouths and the puppets they appoint into positions of authority. Question everything and be prepared for the worse, because that’s what you’ll see. It is because of the corruption in the US government and the people’s unwillingness to stop it that I am disillusioned with the US. WE need to get back to the principles the US was founded on… the RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!!!
MemberFor anyone interested and with an “open mind” there are some video out there where you can see some of the actual video footage of the 9-11 events and hear from some of the true experts some of which were involved in the design and construction of the twin towers, as well as some of the first responders to the WTC. One of the videos is located at and another is at I know there is other stuff out there, but as one who was watching the news first hand, before the government seized the video and doctored them, I observed what happened and I can assure you that it was a missle, not a plane that hit the Pentagon! Look at all the evidence out there and open your minds and you’ll see that this was all planned by the US government to strip us of our civil rights and to line the pockets of the true rulers of the world…the money machines! Open your eyes and your minds and you’ll see the truth! It’s out there waiting for you to find it!
MemberThe people of the US do need to pay attention to the civil liberties that our forefathers fought and died for and that this administration is striipin away all under the guise of “fighting terrorism”! What a crock! The only terrorists we have to fear are those running the “show” all for their own greed and profit! Look at the profits of all the big oil companies; the profits of the former employer of both Bush and Cheney; the list goes on and on! Nobody is willing to even think that the US is capable of destroying the WTC all as a ruse to drum up support for invading Iraq which presented us with no threat! We knew exactly what arms they had as we sold them to them when they were fighting Iran. Now we are beating the war drums for invading Iran because they have the balls to stand up to the US and tell us to go pound sand! How dare they! we’ll show them…round up the Marines and then we’ll pound them into oblivion! People in the US are way too preoccupied with their own pathetic little sniveling lives to care about the important issues and get these clowns out of office and restore this country to the once great country it once was! Vote Liberation and get “Big Brother” out of your lives and enjoy the principles guaranteed to us by the founding fathers! Throw off those shackes and rejoice in your new found FREEDOMS!!! Stand up and make a difference!!! what do you have to lose? A home which is mortgaged to the hilt, so that you can afford a new Hummer, and your Starbucks every morning? Is that what is keeping you compliant with this Administration and the money mongers? If so than these words will have no affect on you as you’re already a lost soul!
MemberYes, I too, was interested in C.R. property & have since bought a parcel of land which we intend on building on so that we can retire to C.R. in a few years. I found this company to be a TOTAL joke and waste of time. I tried to get my in-laws (who live in C.R.) to take a look at the property for us, but the company would have no part of that and they would only allow us to visit the property after we had sent them the $25K deposit. When we were in Parrita last year we asked a local realtor if she knew anything about the company or the land they were offering and she said to stay away from them and that the land was basically swampland and not worth getting involved with. We are happy with the land we did end up buying and warn anyone and everyone to stay away from these companies. Why would any reputable company require you to put thousand of dollars down before you have seen the property, unless they were not going to produce what they are offering and are trying to scam you? It just doesn’t make sense!
MemberYes, I too was interested in some of their projects, but being wary of sending them a “deposit” and having them sit on my money before I even have a chance to go down & look at the lots, seemed rather odd! I asked my in-laws who live in C.R. to see if they could go & see the properties instead of us, but they were flately refused. In my opinion, this is a scam & people need to stay away from this company and any of the “players” involved in this scam. I hope that all who’ve requested their “deposits” back receive them promptly! Good Luck!
MemberI was contact by Paragon, at my request, but didn’t have a good feeling when talking to their sales people. They do tend to use high pressure tactics and I really don’t understand why they won’t show you the property unless you give them a monetary deposit on the property. This just rubbed me the wrong way and family members who live in Costa Rica and also respected real estate brokers in the Parrita area steered me away from Paragon. I personally would stay away from them as in my opinion there are more trustworthy and respected developers around.
P.S. My wife (a Tica most of her life) & I look forward to retiring in C.R. in a few years. Pura Vida!