I believe this year Costa Rica might be ready for the New Horizons event. Once a year in this hemisphere the U.S. will do a major push for a humanitarian event, such as building schools, hospitals ect in areas that need them. [/quote]
Ha! The same as they did in Iraq and Afghanistan? Killing children and women? I think you mean bombing schools, hospitals ect. Soldiers are learning to kill and that is what they can & will do. Next is Iran. The USA never helps, the concur wher they can find oil. ? CIA is the biggest drug dealer on earth, in Afghanistan they take care of the opium fields, the Taliban stopped this before. And now with the help of US NATO CIA the have 195K ha (=481.855494 acres)
Costa Rica don’t need the help of the US.
Where are the filibusters 🙂 to kick them out. They have to clean up the Golf – this f… mess Obama`s friend BP did.
But if you take a picture of the coast you go to jail or pay 40,000$ The land of freedom (and censur)! Stay in your own land and clean it up.
? USA has now more than 40 Millions of people getting food stamps.
I hope CR will not become another satellite state of the US
pura vida y salu2
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