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  • in reply to: Where is Costa Rica headed? #170200

    Thank you 2bncr,
    My family and I have been coming here since the 50’s. We have been in court for land squatters for 8 years.
    I agree with you on the courts and lawyers.
    I have some experience of the law system or should I say the lack of.

    I also have lived in Mexico, D.R. and Egypt. I do know how to adjust, but some things are not acceptable to adjust to for ME.

    I cant make judgment to what your level of tolerance is. I only know mine.

    It is remarkable how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with the daily reminder that the average, or lies, or dishonest is acceptable. I believe our world suffers from terminal Normality. It limits us and the governments.

    Look how desensitized we have become with the GREED, Crimes of Wall Street and our own Officials, Pres. “0” included.
    The TICO’S are the same… they dont question or ask they relax and follow any stupid rule, taxes or law passed.

    We keep saying OH, this is bad and next week it is worse and then it becomes, OK, it is NORMAL.

    Everyone is doing it so it must mean it is OK.

    WRONG.. THINKING as far as it is my concern, and on the path to destruction of family, home and our governments.

    I concurred with most that you have said. I dont know that I can relax with dishonest, thieves, crime and stupidity. I take my life, family, government and neighborhood serious.

    This is not a rehearsal. This is an opportunity to make or be a part of change even in our government in the USA. Education and sharing your knowledge, just might open
    someone’s eyes and mind. Even if it is one person, it is contagious and it might take a year or years to see the ripple effects. It is my right and choice to continue to keep trying. I am not out to be a Malcom X or Mahatma Gandhi, but I like their thinking.

    I cant tolerate or change things I dont believe in.

    [quote=”2bncr”]Hey Geegee

    Smekuly is trying to indicate that you need to adapt your personality to Costa Rica. That means like many Ticos you don’t take thing so seriously.

    I like your analysis.

    It’s correct. The money is there.

    Now I will make a point I have made before and people always rush to shoot it down or compare it to the US by saying, “what you don’t think there are dishonest people in the US? Ha!” Same boring argument.

    The bottom line here is the inherent ACCEPTANCE of dishonesty.

    Am I saying there are dishonest people here. Yes!

    Am I am saying that all Ticos are dishonest? No!

    So let be perfectly clear so the many easily ruffled panties here are not quick to knot up.

    In my opinion, per capita there are more dishonest actions here than in the US. My point is there is an overwhelming difference in how dishonesty is viewed and accepted here.

    Dishonesty by others is accepted/tolerated much more so than in the US. Many Ticos just make a face or smile when they here of their neighbors dishonest actions. They don’t think less of them in general.

    That is a fundamental cultural difference between the US and CR.

    No I am not saying all Ticos are dishonest, and Ticos are not good people, and all the other words panty twisted posters here wish to put in my mouth.

    It is obvious to me that the ACCEPTANCE of the dishonest BY THE HONEST PEOPLE here perpetuates dishonesty.

    The biggest contribution to this is the lack of conviction for crime.

    Here is a major reason that crime continues to soar.

    Once you have been charged and are in the legal system and you think you will be convicted, you have a chance to pay your way out of jail.

    Example: So you have committed fraud. At a reconciliation meeting, you can make a deal with the plaintiff/victim to pay him money to drop the criminal charges. In the US the district attorney may or may not chose to let you off by compensating the victim. Here it is routine.

    So the offenders of white collar crime know that even if they are caught, they can pay their way out of jail before ever going there.

    That is the kind of thinking that perpetuates crime.

    Also the poorly educated attorneys.

    There was a recent article about the lack of competence judges here and they gave a test to become a judge and there was something like 100 applicants and NONE passed the test. As I recall the highest score was like 70%.

    That is how poor student/colleges are at learning and teaching.

    The issue of how the government is going to protect the citizenry comes down to the value of honesty.

    Ticos are cynical; they see the dishonest get away with literally murder so they do not value honesty as Americans do. Most Latin countries don’t.

    I wish I didn’t have to say this and it relates to medical service here too and that is that Ticos cheat their way through school.

    I know this personally.

    They come out of university poorly educated.

    One medical student stated to my acquaintance, “ I paid for my education. I deserve my diploma!”

    Another one said after talking about cheating his way through pharmacy school that “After I graduate I am going to have to take a course so I know what I am doing.”

    Can you belive it. This woman is going to spend over 4 years in college and she thinks she is going to “take a course” after graduating so she can understand what she has been supposedly studying for over 4 years.

    Mind numbing? Yes.

    Welcome to CR Geegee.

    That is what smeky was trying to impart to you. If you don’t have an open mind and relax about how things are here, you won’t last.

    Bottom line is cheating and dishonesty is tolerated here in a way that Americans cannot understand.

    Every time you see a person with a degree here, let me tell you many times it means virtually nothing. You better look at results which defines competency rather than credentials.

    The second bottom line is it is cultural. Accepting dishonesty by others and taking very little seriously here are the building blocks of Costa Rica dysfunction.

    Living in Costa Rica is like having a spouse with a borderline personality disorder. The highs are high. But most of the time the relationship is dysfunctional.

    That is why I say do not if you don’t have too, trust professionals here. That means doctors, pharmascits, attorneys, etc.[/quote]

    in reply to: Where is Costa Rica headed? #170196

    I dont find you funny or entertaining anymore. Please if you want to be nasty write me in private. I find that FIT AND PROPER!.
    Thank you,


    [quote=”smekuly”]Gee Gee

    I don’t understand the hate you have in your heart

    just smile and say pura vida

    everything is going to be fine and things are just wonderful.


    obviously its amusing wthat you add your observations when it seems fit.. 😀

    ok all kidding aside

    the answer is


    as the costa rican goverment begin to realize the $$$$ windfall of aggressive taxation

    you will begin to see taxes creep up in all areas of life here

    they learn from the best grand daddy U.S.A.

    mark my words

    happy new year

    [quote=”GEEGEE”]HI Les,
    The question you ask is how?

    Well, you need an honest Government that will pass on the taxes to finance these
    Police, roads, bridges, traffic lights, marked roads, lighted roads, cheaper electric, infrastructure.

    MIND you that C.R. has 13 1/2% tax on about everything you purchase here. Lets not forget the 100% on

    TV,Computers, Washer, Dryers, toasters, Cars, Motorcycles, liquior, beer, mayo, ketchup :).

    C.R. CUSTOMS a huge duty on any itemin a container, shipped or mailed into the country etc, etc.

    Each month I leave the airport now $28.00.
    Lets not forget the Government owns elect, ice, insurance, Companies. Where does all this money go? They charged us $1,800 to move a phone pole and it took them 3 1/2 months after we paid them. Income from many other sources they sell and export of C.R. natural resources.

    Large Corps. that pay to do business here.

    C.R. sells its electric to Panama. Panama pays about 1/2 or what we and the Ticos pay. Why? They sell Electric cheap to Panama and other countries and charge their own people/Ticos double for what they sell it for to other countries. This does not make sense.
    So, I ask you where is the improve infrastructure, new roads, trained police depts, court houses, new computers to
    expedite paper work ie. drivers license, medical exams,car registration etc.
    What IMPROVEMENTS ARE THEY MAKING WITH THE MONEY THEY COLLECT NOW. I am sure if we add up all the taxes. It is
    enough to run this small country. More than enough.
    Airport alone has to be hundreds of thousands a day. Are these taxes going back into the country to improve it? NO, NO, NO.

    Lets also add all the pay offs the officials get to look the other way for the so called Falling new Freeway. What a disaster and many more pay offs.

    IT is so corrupt that the money never gets into the government check books.

    Have you ever asked yourself why are all the car dealerships owned by the same families??? Pay offs.

    Please dont get me wrong I could be speaking about the USA. But my point is when are the Ticos/ and us Americans going to start to march and demand an honest government? We have the same GREED and pay outs in the USA…. at the cost of the tax payer.

    Les, my thought is we do pay and we do contribute…. BUT the real question is WHO disperses it properly
    IF at ALL, so that this country and USA can improve????

    We do pay into the system everyday with each item you purchase and service you receive.

    Just like the USA.


    [quote=”waggoner41″]While we complain about the way taxes are created to finance the Costa Rican government we should be aware of impending peril to all of us.

    While I do not agree with the tax system is set up here I can see that there is a definite need to finance the police authorities and revamp the judicial system and criminal laws. [url=]For Central America’s pura vida state, a drug war test[/url] The drug element now making inroads into the country is contributing to a lawlessness never seen in Costa Rica.

    The question that we all face is how the police and legal system is to be changed and paid for in order to provide a secure environment for all of us. One thing is obvious from the start, the criminal conviction rate in Costa Rica is abysmal. Depending on the type of crime, whether it be murder (61%), rape (90%) or robbery (97%), the non-conviction rates range down to 3%. [url=] Financial cost of crimes placed at millions of dollars[/url]

    Many of the expats living here are cloistered behind high walls, steel gates and barred windows ignoring the fact that these luxury communities containing either single-family homes, condos or both are in themselves a draw for the professional criminal element simply because of the plethora of electronic and luxury items available in the area.

    There is no doubt that we have an obligation to contribute to the resolution of the problem. What is in question is how we should contribute.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

    in reply to: Where is Costa Rica headed? #170194

    HI Les,
    The question you ask is how?

    Well, you need an honest Government that will pass on the taxes to finance these
    Police, roads, bridges, traffic lights, marked roads, lighted roads, cheaper electric, infrastructure.

    MIND you that C.R. has 13 1/2% tax on about everything you purchase here. Lets not forget the 100% on

    TV,Computers, Washer, Dryers, toasters, Cars, Motorcycles, liquior, beer, mayo, ketchup :).

    C.R. CUSTOMS a huge duty on any itemin a container, shipped or mailed into the country etc, etc.

    Each month I leave the airport now $28.00.
    Lets not forget the Government owns elect, ice, insurance, Companies. Where does all this money go? They charged us $1,800 to move a phone pole and it took them 3 1/2 months after we paid them. Income from many other sources they sell and export of C.R. natural resources.

    Large Corps. that pay to do business here.

    C.R. sells its electric to Panama. Panama pays about 1/2 or what we and the Ticos pay. Why? They sell Electric cheap to Panama and other countries and charge their own people/Ticos double for what they sell it for to other countries. This does not make sense.
    So, I ask you where is the improve infrastructure, new roads, trained police depts, court houses, new computers to
    expedite paper work ie. drivers license, medical exams,car registration etc.
    What IMPROVEMENTS ARE THEY MAKING WITH THE MONEY THEY COLLECT NOW. I am sure if we add up all the taxes. It is
    enough to run this small country. More than enough.
    Airport alone has to be hundreds of thousands a day. Are these taxes going back into the country to improve it? NO, NO, NO.

    Lets also add all the pay offs the officials get to look the other way for the so called Falling new Freeway. What a disaster and many more pay offs.

    IT is so corrupt that the money never gets into the government check books.

    Have you ever asked yourself why are all the car dealerships owned by the same families??? Pay offs.

    Please dont get me wrong I could be speaking about the USA. But my point is when are the Ticos/ and us Americans going to start to march and demand an honest government? We have the same GREED and pay outs in the USA…. at the cost of the tax payer.

    Les, my thought is we do pay and we do contribute…. BUT the real question is WHO disperses it properly
    IF at ALL, so that this country and USA can improve????

    We do pay into the system everyday with each item you purchase and service you receive.

    Just like the USA.


    [quote=”waggoner41″]While we complain about the way taxes are created to finance the Costa Rican government we should be aware of impending peril to all of us.

    While I do not agree with the tax system is set up here I can see that there is a definite need to finance the police authorities and revamp the judicial system and criminal laws. [url=]For Central America’s pura vida state, a drug war test[/url] The drug element now making inroads into the country is contributing to a lawlessness never seen in Costa Rica.

    The question that we all face is how the police and legal system is to be changed and paid for in order to provide a secure environment for all of us. One thing is obvious from the start, the criminal conviction rate in Costa Rica is abysmal. Depending on the type of crime, whether it be murder (61%), rape (90%) or robbery (97%), the non-conviction rates range down to 3%. [url=] Financial cost of crimes placed at millions of dollars[/url]

    Many of the expats living here are cloistered behind high walls, steel gates and barred windows ignoring the fact that these luxury communities containing either single-family homes, condos or both are in themselves a draw for the professional criminal element simply because of the plethora of electronic and luxury items available in the area.

    There is no doubt that we have an obligation to contribute to the resolution of the problem. What is in question is how we should contribute.[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168291

    Your post was well meant and I took it that way. No need to
    apologize. I e-mailed them that day to ask what do they need. I do want to help and hope that all that is reading this will help also.
    WE can help make a small difference. I am not sure what town
    they are in to be able to volunteer some time to help with the children.


    uote=”*Lotus”]I guess a post like this is bound to draw all sorts of attention /responces. But really I was just trying to shine a little light on this effort by a few folks to shelter some children in need. Talk is good but actions speak louder.

    Maria has been seriously injured in a car accident, so I think they need a little extra help and support these days.[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168286

    Thank you.
    Yes it is a shame, that this country is getting rated
    high for this kind of behavior, child abuse and sex
    with BABIES/Children. Sorry, for my ignorance on this issue but is prostitution legal here?
    They have a license/health card/and they are organized by the government?
    Does this include the children that are in the these Broths,
    also. Does the C.R. government sanction that is is ok for children also? Like the Phillip’s?


    [quote=”sprite”]It’s best to ignore those two, Geegee. Don’t even respond.

    The prevalence of pedophilia in the general population is estimated to be under 5% and about half of those offenders were victims of molestation as children. If Costa Rica is having a problem with this nasty human behavior, then much of it has to be coming from outside the country.

    Praying to Jesus or whatever other Santa Claus in the clouds you have will do nothing to address this problem. Prosecuting sex tourists, whether they are here for adults or not, would seem a more pragmatic approach. Perhaps legalized prostitution is part of the problem. I am not sure but apparently, something is attracting a lot of perverted behavior to this country.[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168284

    With all the about remarks… Cant you just e mail
    a person ( personally and ask those stupid questions).
    I and others in this form are not interested in what he or you might be OR not be smoking. IF you are really wanting to
    know e mail him personally. I think that would be kinder
    and more American than childish. I will not reply back to
    this is. IT is coming to a point where an outsider can
    not tell WHO is insane in these meaning less discussions.

    With all do respect dont take Offense????


    can I ask you a very personal question?????? 😀 and please don’t take offense.







    can I kn ow what it is that your smoking because i would love to get my hands on some of that 🙂

    happy new year[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168279

    Good for you. Keep up the good work. You cant control
    what the courts did or who they let go… BUT make sure
    others get arrested for their actions and hope the
    courts will get the message and help protect the victums.

    Discrimintory defined:
    Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group/ social society, color, nationality or category.( rich, poor,celebrity) It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are AVAILABLE to another groups or people…..
    NO,in this discussion you are not il·lus·trat·ing, discrimination.

    Merry Xmas,

    [quote=”maravilla”]i do all those things, geegee, and always have, and when a single mother with a child was being hassled by a sexual predator in my neighborhood, i made sure that guy was kicked out of our neighborhood and supported the mother/child when she went after him in court. he is now serving 8 years in the clink in puntarenas. my neighborhood and my little village is something i have worked for to protect and to promote. i know nearly everyone, and even if i don’t know them personally, they know ME! hopefully, they will prosecute this mayor and his chofer, and send a strong message to other pedophiles that they are not welcome here (ooops, i guess i am discriminating again!), but most importantly we have to let children know that they CAN report this kind of abuse and they will be protected, not watching the accused being released from jail with lots of fanfare.[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168277


    There are many things that we just don’t have much control over. But like eating good food, building community is something that you can do, right here, right now, in this place Costa Rica,where you are now — whether or not you have a job, an education, or a car. Be the first one on your block to reach out and touch your neighbor. Find — together in Christ — a new sense of purpose and life on your street. Make your neighborhood your village and find the truth that humans have learned the hard way. United we stand, divided we fall — cooperation is as important as competition. Maybe, at certain times and places, it’s even more important.

    You start building a good neighborhood when you yourself decide that you will be a good neighbor. IT takes a town to
    raise a child. What are you/ we going to do to help? Pointing fingers is not the solution, but protecting the ones NOW that we can save. IF we can protect 1000 children we can save 2000 tomorrow. THAT IS A STRONGER MESSAGE…. WE CARE, WE PROTECT, WE MAKE A STAND, WE VALUE THE CHILDREN.


    [quote=”maravilla”]too bad they let that pervert public official who, along with his chofer, has been preying on children for years using public funds, transportation, etc. and was caught with over 1000 sexually explicit videos involving very young children. letting those guys out of jail gave a very strong message that children, esp disenfranchised children and young women, are not valued in this country. truly a disappoint.[/quote]

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! you may have some interest in this … #168275

    This is something each one of us reading this site, can do to help make this a better/safe place for the children of C.R.
    This is a must for us to get behind this Organization.
    This would be making a positive differenct. They can use
    funds, gifts, donations and volunteers.


    in reply to: Recycle gifts, sale or exchanges #166925


    I replied to you before, that my keyboard on MY computer CAP key sticks. If I use my husbands computer no problem. I did not know that was also a rule for this site on NO CAPS????
    Caps in our family means our elderly might read it better ( poor eyesight) or someone does not type well. Caps only give it the meaning you want to give it. I dont see the importance of it?

    ON with the suggestion…..
    Perhaps with the times and cost of things here in C.R. added with the great audience you have now it would go take off now.

    REspectfully Submitted,




    We did have a Classified section on this site a few years back but hardly anyone used it so it was removed…


    in reply to: Recycle gifts, sale or exchanges #166924

    Yes, I did Craigs list but not the other one. I just thought
    for this special group on this site to share items, furniture, lawn items,would be a nice touch.
    Scott said, he tried it and it did not go a few years ago, but
    maybe now with the cost of items going up so high that more people would buy good second hand items.

    I have an extra like new.. GE white burner stove and over stove Microwave, Quality Rugs, Brand new desk, entry rod iron/glass table and mirror,moving comfortors in great condition that I used to move my things here from the USA.
    If any interest e mail me private for photos and prices.


    [quote=”smekuly”][quote=”agarcia”]Have you tried[/quote]

    gee gee[/quote]

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162150

    I repeat!. Where do you stop the discrimination and
    characterizing of WHO and WHO should, can, would , make the best neightbor here or ANYWHERE? That is insane thinking in my up bringing. That is Not NONE emotional thinking.

    Family, was here since 1975 on pennys or millions, what does it matter. Does that make us less desirables? Everyone of us has made a foot print, who is to judge positive or negativly?

    PAREMOS esta conversación. Gracias por su opinión.
    PURA VIDA,:)

    [quote=”smekuly”]Gee Gee


    why would you say insanity??? maravilla is in my opinion n making a very valid and non emotion observational point of view.

    she is NOT one of the people you describing. in fact it is my understanding that she lives a very humble simple life by her own choosing on $1000 per month..

    Gee gee.. tell me

    do you think someone who comes to this country and learns the culture and blends as much as they can into the culture. and tries to live on or close to the common tico lifestyle here different that

    brad pitt coming here to live???

    gee gee.. ok let me ask you differently

    who do you think would make a lesser of an actual footprint here ins costa rica of the 2???

    I can generally place americans into 2 catagories

    ones who actually comes here and learns the culture and tries to adapt to this country, like learning the language, cultures, manners, etc

    and then there are those that come here and say

    hey… how come you dont speak english???:)[/quote]

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162147





    [quote=”maravilla”]my husband and i made a list last night of every place we could think of that was destroyed by the cult of celebrity, going back to the 60’s when out of the way, hard to get to places got discovered by the rich and the famous. soon the locals had to move out because they couldn’t afford to live there anymore, and then they became the slaves of the rich because those were the only jobs available. Think Porto Cervo, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, Todos Santos, Ibiza, Mykonos, etc etc. initially all those little places were happy about being discovered until the herd moved in and changed their lives forever.[/quote]

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162143

    Well said, that is also the point I was trying to portray. Lets all move on to a more positive


    [quote=”sueandchris”][quote=”maravilla”]it’s kind of the NIMBY syndrome. yes, they have done lots of good with all that money, but when celebrities move into your hood, it all changes. . . and not necessarily for the better. it’s happened over and over again where i have a house in colorado — when the billionaires started moving in the police presence increased, more cameras went up, old-time locals were hassled by the cops for being in the neighbohood of the billionaires, and there was more traffic on my two-lane country road with the sight-seers and lookie-lou’s. i’m grateful that they won’t be moving to my neighborhood here.[/quote]

    It is absolutely a NIMBY syndrome. So why perpetuate it if we know better? The gringos who have moved here in the last 20 years have brought immense changes to Costa Rica. Massive houses, developments, high-rise towers on sensitive beaches…and on and on. Every single one of us who has moved here has been a pebble in a still pond…no matter how much we believe that “we” haven’t changed our neighborhoods.

    So why are we taking shots at these particular newcomers?

    P.S. The American Indians didn’t think much of the “newcomers” who settled Colorado. Immigration is ancient and eternal.[/quote]

    in reply to: heating up tamales #164007

    Whenever I’ve re-heated tamales I’ve always steamed them and they come out lovely, not soggy at all.
    I put them in the steamer still wrapped as I bought them (or as I wrapped them, if homemade) generally this means in either a banana leaf or a corn husk, which is then tightly wrapped in plastic. 20 minutes in the steamer and they are hot and moist.
    They take about as long to cook as they do to reheat.

    [quote=”PeggyS”]Might seem like a silly question, but I’m still relatively new at this. We bought tamales @ local feria today…wanted to see if we liked the idea before diving in & making a whole bunch. How & how long do I reheat them for? Thanks[/quote]

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