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  • in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162136

    Were does the discrimination stop. Celebrities, poor, old,
    Black, Polish, retired? I think a lot of the Ticos feel the same about us. Wish we would stay in the USA. Take our cars opinions and life style back to the USA. I find it petty and a waste of time. It is not an idea, but I hear disconcert and discrimination.

    I would hate to think that when my family came here in 1975 and bought a lot of land for little money that there were these comments going around from other fellow Americans. We dont feel entitlement, but privileged and hope that those who are born here in C.R feel that way about us. That we are good neighbors and make a difference to them and the area being here AS any Celebrity will.
    To most Ticos we Americans live a Celebrity way of life. Who defines celebrity/entertainer, football
    player and that their careers are any less important than a dishwasher, hairdresser,engineer, teacher or government worker and that their pay is not worthy? Let them all come and live here as we have chosen to do.

    IT is not for me to say where they should live or stay. Perhaps, the Africans should also go back to Africa? Where does it stop this small talk nonscense?
    I will not respond on this silly subject any further, I have spent way to much time already.
    I dont need to have an opinion where an opinion is not needed. “Live and let live. I ask myself, am I a part of the problem or part of the solution?”

    Thank you for your kind compliment. I try to be inside and out 🙂 NO fine and sweet for you to say.




    comments like yours make me reflect and remember that people all come from all walks of life and have all different viewpoints.

    I dunno.. but your comments reflecting how we should all just agree and get along sounds a little like Rodney king..:) ( was it he who said that i dont remember lol)

    i enjoy hearing from intelligent people and always listen to people views because it may shed some light on my own opinions.

    but i just responded to someone who made a post.

    it was not my intention to offend anyone.

    i have to agree with maravilla regarding celebrities coming here.

    i wish they just stayed in Beverly hills.. 🙂

    BTW I happen to like brad pitt.


    pura vida and lets all try to get along shall we??


    ps. Gee gee your a beautiful woman.. can I still say that without getting fined???[/quote]

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162133

    oh my gosh AMERICAN PEOPLE..

    Good, Kind, Respectful, Loving Americans…

    Respect one another as you do this country and its people. Freedom is what we want and a good life, good information, good food and friends… This and every country is for everyone/ yes, even stars/celeb/rich/poor who wants to come and be a asset not a liability to any country and the usa.

    Why these cat fights… Dont you have gardens to plant, waterfalls to see, teach some child or do something constructive to do (ie) like help a tico build a home, milk a cow or give them a ride to a doctors appt???

    Make a difference not wars between one another with these
    silly, meaningless comments. Does this get you pura vida?

    It does not make my day to read these when a notice comes
    in my email. I hurry to look to see good, meaning, productive information. Not this child like nonsense.

    Disappointed in the time and efforts that was put into this simple well meaning tidbit of information.

    Go get some Pura Vida… isnt that what you are here for?

    Respectfully Submitted,


    [quote=”smekuly”][quote=”cler5″]What in the world is the matter with you people? Movie stars, celebs, etc. have every right to visit, buy, etc. in CR. You could only hope (in your dreams) to meet them & know them. How small this makes a lot of you look. Wow![/quote]


    [b]hahahha [/b][size=200][/size] that comment only in my hopes and dreams that i want to meet them

    thank you for that.. that comment alone made my morning 🙂

    I could give a rats ass on meeting them

    in fact

    it’s the sheep like mentality of people like you that actually give these celebrities all the attention and monies that they earn.

    I made a comment on the impact of having celebrities come and buy in costa rica

    this brings more attention to this country and that in my opinion is not needed.

    so I am glad that your dreams and hopes are meeting actors… that make millions of dollars

    maybe you should start a fan club.. and sign up members and talk about what toilet paper brad pitt uses when he is at home.

    happy holidays[/quote]

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162120

    [quote=”Scott”]I believe they’ve made an offer for the entire region of Guanacaste and it’s an all cash offer… Should help with the country’s deficit!

    But seriously I have no idea…


    OH… Then do you think they will have better roads to
    that area??? Cash Money Talks…:)

    in reply to: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica #162118

    [quote=”Scott”]Mel Gibson and now Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Moving to Costa Rica

    [ ]

    It’s all over folks!

    Hee! Hee!


    PS. Now if I can only persuade Eve Mendez and jennifer Anniston to come visit.[/quote]

    Scott do you have any idea what area they are looking at?
    Beach or Mountains East or West?


    in reply to: Cost of Construction #168613

    We have experience with building a 1600sf house in Grecia. The house we find has cheaper labor, although the cost of materials is higher here on many things than in the US, and this offsets the cheaper labor.

    We are just completing are first house, which includes all the the US upgades, including the driveway, permits, design,septic system, hot water, wood ceiling in the salon, upgraded tile, large bodegas, granite counters, security system,metal roof with insulation,and many other upgrades.

    We have watched our costs very closely, and with a good engineer and a great builder we have had no problems and our cost is $70/sf, I have kept very good records of my cost, as I am going to build another house starting in December.

    I am an engineer also, so tracking cost is very important to me.


    in reply to: Where to get grass seed and what kind? #201894

    Thank you so much. I was begining to think I just was not
    looking in the right place. What area do you live in?
    Would that Tico grass come into the already acre of sod we
    have put down and take over it?

    I have another question. Vetiver….( I think it is or the same family) I have seen beautiful curly green Vetiver and I have seen straight ragged Vetiver.
    ARE THERE TWO KINDS? The land scaper says no only one kind.

    I have 3 terrices I need to plant to hold the ground.



    [quote=”baontheriver”][quote=”GEEGEE”]We just cleared 2 acres of land and building on half of it.
    We have been looking for grass seed to do the other acre.
    Like Bahia or simular. We are in Grecia. Does anyone have any
    knowledge where to get the seed and what kind it best.

    Thank You,
    GeeGee (Fla)[/quote]

    Good Luck,

    I have only been able to find a kilo at a time and it is very expensive. The Tico’s and my Gringo friends tell me that it is darn near impossible to grow from seed since the ants and other insects take it all away. I can believe this since I have seen it first hand and wasted some good seed. The best thing is to get “Americano” sod and tear it into chunks and spread it throughout the yard and step it in. It grows very quickly and then you can cut up chunks of that and continue the process. We sodded the area outside our door 100% for our dogs paws but the yard is around 20%. It has doubled in size in about a month. The sod costs about $20 US for 12 square meters.

    Your other choice is to go with Tico grass which is a weed that spreads very quickly and can be pulled from one area and thrown down in another. It literally grows like a weed and we covered our cabina yard in less than a month. The Tico’s know how to do do this so it is worth paying them for this work. I have been in landscaping for 35 years so can understand your frustration.[/quote]

    in reply to: Where to buy dogs in Costa Rica? #162187

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]It is not up to us to tell you that many dogs are put out on the street, and you may have a particular breed in mind. Maybe you could tell us what exactly you are looking for?[/quote]

    GEEGEE wrote:

    RE: Where to buy nice puppy dogs.[b] dobermans,shepards, rock wielder

    Posted Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 7:00 PM

    GEEGEE wrote:

    This is what I would be looking for.
    When we move in about 3-4 months.

    in reply to: Laura and new taxes #202777

    [quote=”rosiemaji”]I thought there was already some sort of tax on interest and dividends. Whenever we have gotten any kind of CD whether it be in dollars or colones, the tax was taken out before the principle and interest were credited to our account at the end of the CD period. It seemed like this tax was something like 13% of the interest earned. Another 15% would mean that the interest would be taxed at something like 28%. That surely would be a deterent to tying up otherwise liquid money especially with the CD rates being so low right now. If others think likewise, that would mean less money available for banks to lend out.[/quote]

    ( My parents came in 1940 and bought land up till the last 10 years)
    C.Rica is getting more and more American and is not the haven it was even 15 years ago. Cars, gas are double the price. The car insurace for little to NO coverage is $1400 a year for a Kia and in Fla. we pay $900.00 for good coverage that the insurance company pays for a SUV 2009 Lexus. We dont have to hold up traffic for 4 hours and wait
    for some ins. guy make his way thru 4 hours of traffic to get to you.
    I really dont know what is inexpensive here other than some
    foods and labor and home taxes. Land is more here in C.R. than Fla. on the intercoastal right now. YOU can get a $500,000 new condo on the intercoastal in WPB for $136,000 3/2 1800sq ft. Taxes yes are more for a home. BUT do the math… YOU can not live cheaper here and have the same quality,car, and tech,phones,and ease of getting a paper notorized for $3.00 verses $20.00 and on and on with the C.R. fees and lets not forget
    the $500 ticket for no seat bill. Fla. is $80.00. Lets not forget the CRAP for roads and damage and cost to your car per year, tires, air filters,oil cost, and brakes.
    Costa Rica is losing it touch and other S.A. countries are looking better if USA is not to your liking with the government and its taxes. There is corruption in both and a whole lot of waste,greed,and these taxes are not going to
    the people ( ticos), roads or health care. Maybe the C.Ricans need to stand up to their government and protest the high cost of electric,insurance and imports.
    There would be less theif, more jobs and a better standard
    of living for all here in C.R.
    My two cents on the taxes.

    in reply to: Termites #199934

    [quote=”tomstew1″]I had both dry wood and subT termites and got them treated from a guy in Quepos. He comes back each year to treat again so that they do not return using similar methods used in the states. I’ll get his number if you are interested, but I don’t know if he would come to Grecia or Atenas…


    Wonderful that would be great. If you can find his number.



    in reply to: How safe is it to leave your home for 2-3 months? #201802

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]We did have three dogs poisoned, during a robbery, but now all dogs…except one who resists .. are inside at night. Anyone entering during the day, seeing all of these dogs running towards them will rethink about attempting to enter at night…and two are young German shepherds who are wimps!
    Totally agree on the cameras…[/quote]

    Thanks for the great imput. It seems like a lost cause. I also have friends that were are a luxury comm. in Los Suenos and they house was wiped out by the gaurds. Management told them they knew it was the gaurds but could do nothing about it.
    I THOUGHT cameras would at least let me know WHO TOOK MY STUFF AND HAVE A PHOTO OF THEM AND OFFER A REWARD. Isnt it shamful to be a theif in C.R. and the family. Posting
    their photos and a reward would hopful deter others.
    We need to organize a street watch like in the states.

    PS. My brother raises Dobie for the police dept in USA. They dont eat from just anyone… they are trained not
    to eat only from 3 people till they are given to a new
    police then they have a way of re training them to eat
    from the new police.

    Many thanks you have been helpful

    in reply to: How safe is it to leave your home for 2-3 months? #201798

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Unfortunately, you cannot assure that any caretaker will be honest until you have established a working relationship with him. And others will know if the house is occupied or not.
    If you provide a home on-site, you will also have to pay for the utilities, CAJA, INS and his salary which will depend on what you expect him to do. Realize, that he cannot be there 24/7. One of the slide-together houses would fit your purpose. Or if you decide to build a guest house, he can reside there when you are gone, if hired for only a specific time period when you are absent.
    It will depend on the area you are in, if other routinely pass by, if other live in the immediate area.
    But install noisy alarms as the chance of anyone from the alarm company responding to the call, or the police is very small. You can also install the window covering which makes it harder to break the window glass. Another way in that thieves like, is through the roof….
    We have been robbed (once while we were in the house), and after we had installed the alarm there was another attempt and the noise scared them off and we were nearby. Although, both our house and the workers house have alarms and they go off for no reason….
    Now we have 11 dogs of all shapes and sizes…:twisted:[/quote]

    May I ask what area do you live in? Is Grecia suppose to be a safer area? Also, We were thinking of bring a few RockWellers here or can we get Dobies, and other gaurd dogs here in C.Rica. And what is the proceedure for bringing Dogs to C.Rica?

    We were also going to install cameras on the property that
    is recorded and we can look on the property from our computer at any time. Is there companies that do this here?

    in reply to: small safe #173776

    [quote=”Scott”]You’re looking for “caja fuerte” a strong box…

    [ ]


    Price Smart also has them.


    in reply to: Best to build a 2/2 or 3/2 for re sale? #172217

    [quote=”lceide”]What is wrong with you guys? Just answer the question!!!!

    In my humble opinion, I think a 3/2 is better for resale. Most people have a need for a bedroom for themselves, a home office/computer/hobby room/work out room, and a guest room for all the people who will want to visit them now that they have moved to Costa Rica.[/quote]



    in reply to: Termites #199932

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Yes, that is what I mean. Cabinet makers here, or units that have been imported and are geared for the more modern homes, I have noticed that they make sure all the edges are sealed with the ‘iron on stuff’ to keep any moisture out… but if you are in a rainy/humid area it is an ongoing battle with corrosion, termites and mold. This is why many [i]Tico[/i] homes have cupboards made of cement and often have no doors. They same goes for ‘closets’ especially in a bathroom.
    I don’t know if there is anything done to treat the termites in the soil.
    A friend has just had cabinets made totally from teak and hopefully this will work out for them.
    Again, if you stick to cement, steel and glass it should improve your chances of keeping them out.[/quote]

    :Yes that is true on the Melamine in Florida or the moisture
    gets in it, BUT we have a/c and it does well in Fla.
    I wonder, many of these old, old tico homes are made of
    wood and still standing. What kind of wood did they use?
    I went on to the Costa Rica woods and they are mostly
    for bowles and nic nacks not homes, cabinets and floors.
    It seems most of these woods are not easy to get.

    I would like to hear from some of these Realators, Scott and many that have build homes.
    Scott built a log cabin..,. that was all wood? So I am a bit
    confused on NO Wood and that know no seems to know about
    the subterrainal termites and so many on this site have
    build and own homes?

    I would love to get to the bottem of this and some of
    Scots expert advice and knowledge.

    Thanks for those that have replied.


    in reply to: Termites #199929

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Don’t know exactly which type they were, but these are usually seen on structures made with wood here…and I have seen quite a lot of damage. The info leads to not building a house made of wooden 2×4’s and stick to cement, steel and glass.
    We have had termites completely destroy boxes of books and sometimes they only eat the center of a hard back. They also consume anything constructed of pressed board, such as stand alone cabinets or shelves.[/quote]

    When you say press board is that the Melamine you are speaking of like what some furniture is made of?


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