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Membermost catastrophic economic period
hmm.. interresting choice of words.. i guess we shall see. But just like in any historic event.. you will have people that will lose money and you will have people that will make money. i guess the real challenge is to make sure you are on the side of making money.
a popular online marketer just had a internet launch which grossed about 4 million dollars. i took out the product name
here is a recent email;
For some strange reason, I watched the news this weekend.All it talked about was how there’s “no money” and how we’re all basically
———————————————————————————–These folks are not entrepreneurs and they are WRONG.
Here’s proof:
Today at 10 AM PST, I launched ??????????
According to “experts”, the odds were against me
because:1. We’re in a recession and nobody’s buying stuff.
2. I launched on a Monday.
3. People are waiting before making any purchasing
decisions because they want to see if/when any
economic stimulus package will be passed.4. I launched on a holiday.
5. Blah blah blah…
Let me tell you something. 99.99% of the people spouting this
junk are barely making enough to live on.Newscasters are NOT entrepreneurs. They are NOT in business
for themselves. They are NOT financial experts.They are nothing but paid employees who are reading a script.
So here’s what I’d say to the “experts” who would tell you that
a blockbuster product launch wouldn’t be possible today:“SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.”
And the reason I’d say that is because 1,914 (and counting)
of your fellow entrepreneurs STEPPED UP AND TOOK
CHARGE of their businesses today when they claimed
their copies of ????????.With that many new customers, this is my personal biggest launch
to date (despite the “odds”.) <— almost $4 million today.So why did these people ignore the wage-slave talking heads
on TV? Why did they decide to step up and put Mass Control
to work in their businesses?Because it works. And because it’s been proven to work
over and over again.Not just for “gurus” but for “regular” people as well.
And because ??????? teaches you how to do the
ONLY thing that’s guaranteed to make money …no matter
what else is happening in the world.…And that one thing is this: MAKE SALES.
At the end of the day, that’s what ??????? does for you. It gets you sales.
And today’s launch results are proof.
So I’d like to invite you to become a ????????? owner
right now and JOIN US.Join the ranks of entrepreneurs who are committed to creating
businesses that CRUSH the odds.Join the ranks of entrepreneurs who REFUSE to listen to negativity
…and who are committed to THRIVING AND CONTRIBUTING
even in these so-called difficult times.Watch this video, see what ?????? can do for you, and
if it “feels right”, then go for it.=====================================================================================
ps: I love Churros LOL
i have interest in a few businesses here in san jose. ex; car wash, 2 laundry dry cleaners and some others thanks for asking. i am researching the idea of of opening up private birthing clinics. people with means find themselves in crazy situations regarding having babies here. cima is packed and there seems to be the need for these types of spa type of clinics.
also walk in full body MRIs look like a good thing.. anyone have any experience with these?
internet related meaning like what you are doing 🙂
you could be sitting stark naked eating churros at your computor screen for all we know.. .. lol thats what makes the internet thing cool.
say that would make a great thread.
instead of regurgitating the negative.. doomsday recession. blah, blah.. how about the types of businesses that may do well under a tough economy.
everyone is entitled to an opinion. and this is scotts board so he can pretty much do what he wants. for the record i did not say fake. If the bank thinks it is a fake they just take it. they dont give it back.. they just take it and say.. hmmm.. this does not look good . i have had this happen numerous occasions as well as small business associates.
you stated then do not accept dollars.. sounds good but if your in places like escazu.. bad strategy.
although i do agree with the opinion with a sign stating does not accept bills over $20 bucks. at least posting the exchange rate for the dollar to be more upfront about it.
david.. by the way.. surcharges are a common thing… just as many times the reverse is true.. “if you pay in cash you get a discount” why should it be any different for accepting dollars which is NOT the country currency here.
merchant fee’s here in costa rica quickly add up… so would it be wrong to offer a discount to someone to avoid credit card fee’s and pass the savings to the client.
doing business back in the U.S is tough.. but doing business here in costa rica.. ( brick and morter businesses not internet) is terrible.
pura vida
ps. internet related businesses are close to a best business models one can adapt here in pura vida land.
Membercash is King!!!
all my properties and houses i own have no debt.. and I would rather have my money in homes and properties instead of banks and securities….
Memberhi guys
i know of 2 people personally that were not let back into this country for coming in and out of the country.. these 2 have been here for a few years and was actually snagged while leaving on one of the trips going back to the U.S.
although one of the guys that this happened to had overstayed his visa 6 months and while he was leaving they stamped his passport something that does not allow him to come back for 6 years..
China is paying for the stadium .. i guess you did not know this otherwise you would not have made that statement.. as far as bringing in the hired help.. excellent move on chinas part otherwise it would take twice as long and double the amount of money to build this. meaning with the corruption.. employment laws and basically the overall “manana” disease that runs amok here lol
i almost forgot Aguinaldos lol
Edited on Oct 22, 2008 09:30
i am interested in that safe.. i am also in heredia.. please email me if you can at
Edited on Oct 14, 2008 06:33
Memberi ended up buying the Grossan Hydro Pulse® Pulsatile Nasal & Sinus Irrigation System.. incredibly superior to the nettie pots.. although i am not sure about the squeezable ketchup bottles lol
your right about that… my friend did jailtime for a suspended license.. 3 months… going to jail in the US for stupid things is a popular pastime.. but prison in the US is very profitable for many companies.. i did a little jailtime myself twice.. back home.. 6 months..
your right on brotha…. there are always people that magnify things more than they are. and you have a small %% of people like you and I that can see things the way they are and make choices to act accordingly.
for the moment I love costa rica… i love the weather… the women… low taxes etc.. and if and when the times comes that I fall out of love.. then i will pick up and move to another location. maybe.. panama.. or even guatemala..
where is this ??? I wish to move there myself.. i have yet to really find areas without these prison like enclosures.. any other people care to comment on areas .. i would like to at least visit them.
scott.. like yourself I personally have not had anything happen to me.. living here also about 9 years or so..and i have various business here.. non internet.. but I also have never been in a car accident. does this mean that i deny the fact that costa rica is also increasing in car accidents?? or maybe its just in my imagination lol
and maybe its also just my imagination that crime is indeed on the increase here.. which is the topic.
you know.. people for some strange reason and i see it more here in the tico culture.. that if something does not specifically happen to them.. then it does not seem to be a problem… and only when they experience something first hand then all of a sudden its a problem.
all this does is prolong a situation that could have been possibly been solved earlier if there had been more awareness.
ps. we really should be talking about more important stuff.. like if a United States Army Ranger can kick the a** of a royal marines commando LOL 🙂 relax maravilla.. I was only kidding..
just so we are clear… because you personally did not experience any problems on your mini excursion here downtown.. then all is well and there is nothing to worry about??? crime is not on the rise here… on the other hand if you were raped by a beautiful young tica.. then its a war zone here LOL
seriously… as a whole.. where in this country do you NOT see barbed wired fenced in homes.. i have traveled many parts of this country and i see some basic patterns.. usually the towns have big church, soccer fields and fenced prison like homes.. is it the same in the U.S. maybe in isolated parts.. but overall.. no way.. here people live in compounds.. hows your new compound coming along 🙂
Edited on Sep 25, 2008 03:59
Edited on Sep 25, 2008 04:01
Memberguys the big question is weather or not the TT sunk to a new low with this as.. but as to the growing need for services of this nature.. just this weeks TT you have 4 ads that appear catering to protection, guns,, etc..
what else does one do when they have been violated??? wait around and hope someone comes to the rescue??
file a report and just let it go as one of lifes experiences here in costa rica??
ps. scott.. thanks for the reply.. just thought it was funny to recommend something that whose services you have yet to recieve.
you mentioned you are very happy with his services but all you did was purchase the insurance.. how would you know if he is any good until something happens to you??? i guess when that time comes we shall see.