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MemberI live in Fresno, California, USA, and am planning my first trip to Costa Rica next July. If I like what I see, as I know I will, I will probably move there when I retire in about 4 years. I will start my exploration of Costa Rica in the Heredia area.
MemberYou guys crack me up!
Terry, I would love to meet you, and your wife, when the time comes. Actually my post was about two different things, making friends online that I would like to eventually meet in person, and the singles group. I knew exactly which “category” you were in. Scott is a troublemaker, I can tell! 😀
Looking forward to next July! I just got my passport yesterday! I’m ready!
MemberJackFresno? My name is John and I’m living in Fresno. Small world! How long have you lived in CR?
MemberAnyone who wants to learn just about everything there is to know about simplifying, letting go of material “stuff” and living a simple, frugal life, I would suggest you check out That’s where I first learned about Costa Rica, as our old buddy Lair Davis was a member there for awhile, and that’s where we met.
And now for some blatant self-promotion. If you would like to know more about my situation, go here:
Edited on Jan 20, 2006 16:34
MemberGo to your local post office to find out about M-Bags (Media Bags). I think the rate is about $1 to $1.50 per pound, each bag can hold up to 50 pounds. But there are strict restrictions on what you can ship that way. It has to be “media”, books, tapes, dvds, magazines, etc. NO personal correspondence or any other kinds of property.
Edited to correct: originally said $1.00 to $1.50 per bag. NO, it’s that amount per pound. Sorry.
Edited on Jan 20, 2006 05:50
MemberI think Jim missed the point. No style change needed. I have totally let go of 95% of my material possessions, and when I move to Costa Rica I will be moving with a duffelbag (ALL of my remaining clothing) and a couple of suitcases full of small personal items, my computer, and a few “valuables.” I’ll use M-bags to ship all of my books and DVDs. The only things I want to hang onto to ship to CR are about 5 relatively bulky items with very high sentimental value and which are irreplaceable (and not available at ANY price in Costa Rica).
MemberSpeaking of furniture, I’m very interested in bamboo furniture. Do a google image search of bamboo furniture, and you’ll see dozens of great pictures. Does anyone know of a place that specializes in making furniture from bamboo?
MemberYeah, that sounds totally ridiculous! The population of Heredia is around 35,000. How the H**L are 90,000 people going to go between Heredia and San José? No way!
MemberHmmm… In Costa Rica, do they refer to themselves as “African Americans?” Or do they refer to themselves as “African Costa Ricans?”
From what I have read in books and other sources, the black people in Costa Rica simply refer to themselves as “negros”. Now, don’t get excited or offended, “negro” is just the Spanish word for “black.”
Just wondering.
Edited on Jan 18, 2006 20:06
Thank you for your reply. I have learned that there are “freight consolidator” companies, that arrange for a shipping container to be shared by several people moving to the same place at the same time with less than a full container of stuff. This sounds like the best option for me.
Thanks again,
I’m excited about it because I have chosen Heredia as my initial “base of operations” for exploring Costa Rica. Having the opportunity to get to the Capital on a train seems like a lot more fun than a bus or a taxi. And, what would the approximate fare be?
MemberWow! What a surprise! At first I wondered if I was in the wrong place. I love it! The color scheme is beautiful. Good job, Scott!