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  • in reply to: Socializing with the Gringos in Costa Rica #160854

    [quote=”2bncr”]that was you putting your spin on my reply. I never said any such thing. You putting words in my mouth. typical extremist behavior. paste and copy where I said women are excluded form doing anything else. You attack me personally and put words in my mouth because you know you have a weak position regarding my posts and you want to use it as a vehicle to promote your feminist anti male position.

    “many women think men are useless.” That is as anti male as it gets. You are the mysandrist. It is you who is saying men are useless, I never said anything like that about women. You are projecting your disdain for men on me as if I have the same kind of disdain you have for the opposite sex. read what you write – look in the mirror and tell me who is sexist here.[/quote]I’m with you 2bncr. Maravilla is the type of person you want to stay away from. And with the attitude he has inflicted on his girls — they might be smart professionals in their fields of work but will probably be quite dysfunctional relationship wise.

    in reply to: Time to run! #162670

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage.”
    –Attributed to Scottish History Professor at University of Edinburgh Sir Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813) and others

    in reply to: Living in Costa Rica for the crash.. #198312

    So it is better to be a coward and run than to stay and fight to keep the freedoms, life and liberty that allowed you this opportunity? Remember democracy is not the historical form of government and it would do you good to examine the basis upon which democracy was founded.

    in reply to: Builder looking for info #189632

    I think it would actually be a good idea for you to visit Costa Rica first. By what you are writing it seems like you have not ever been to CR yet. Am I right?

    in reply to: Dentists Replacing Amalgam Fillings/Pacific Coast? #187249

    I just had a few replaced by a dentist in San Ramon. Two other teeth I had were 75% amalgam already and therefore could not withstand being filled again so the dentist put on porcelain crowns. Cost: $23.00 per filling and $125.00 per crown. Everything feels great.

    in reply to: Child Immunization in CR #186178

    A book titled “A Shot in the Dark” is a very informative book. Most research is sponsored by the drug sector so the research will obviously favor their slant. You can find the book at http://www.kidalog.net

    in reply to: Trad’ Concrete vs Synthetic Stucco Plastering #186303

    I don’t know what the price difference is in Costa Rica between the two different stucco applications, but in Canada where I was a builder the acrylic application cost was about 4 times that of the traditional application and for that reason was used mostly on commercial jobs.

    in reply to: Bank Transfer #186009

    The most cost effective way I’ve found to get money to Costa Rica from Canada is to use xetrade.com. They provide a much better exchange rate than the banks and after they do the exchange they wire the money directly to my Scotiabank account in Costa Rica for about $14.00. The cost of the wire is the same regardless of the amount of money you wire. Setting up an account at Scotiabank only took about 30 minutes.

    in reply to: IBAN for Banco Nacional de Costa Rica #181710

    I found out what you are looking for. The IBAN number refers to the ACCOUNT # you are wiring to. So have the bank put in the account number that the money is being wired to where it asks for the IBAN#. I have wired money many times and that is how it works.

    in reply to: IBAN for Banco Nacional de Costa Rica #181704

    It doesn’t matter which bank in Canada it is. They all want both the SWIFT number and an IBAN number. Just go to Banco National and ask for the number.

    in reply to: Why Bash US at every chance #181354

    I agree. I’m so tired of reading about people bashing and complaining about the US government. If you are living in Costa Rica already, then be thankful and get on with your new life. If you are still in the US, then stay there because Costa Rica doesn’t need to filled with whiners and complainers. Bashing and complaining just feeds negativity and who wants to be around those kinds of people.

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