Forum Replies Created
MemberScott and Anna,
First Scott you lived in the US, but you are not a citizen of the US. I have used my citizenship and it’s priviledges and protections in many countries. Sure there are difficult times and difficult things but I have the freedom to get as many telephones as I want. If I want to open a business all that is required is for me to pay the fee and make sure that my credentials are in order. Those are freedoms, my complaint is that many coming here have to realize there is a trade off. For me that is a trade off, other things about Costa Rica have to be more meaningful.
I need highsped internet, Cell telephones give off a heat while you are using them and plus they are not secure means of communication. Costa Rica is a wonderful country and yes we are having problems in the US but there are also benefits. The difference is that Costa Ricans are leaving here in larger numbers based on the size of the country then citizens of the US are coming here. They want that freedom that we are easily giving up and they have a hard time understanding why we would give it up.
Not complaining just commenting on what I feel is true for me. Yes a person who in the US is not exactly entitled to full citizenship rights.
There has to be more of a reason to come here other than because you are discussed with your country. Costa Ricans are discussed with their country. It has to be more then looking for cheap medical treatment, and a cheaper way to live.
You have to fall in love with this country and the people in order to survive here. Those who do not end of returning to where ever they come from. What are the statistics, five years.
Remember this is my opinion, it does not have to be anyone elses reality. Lets talk about things that are a fact which we may feel is negative, people reading this bulletin board have a right to hear about our daily challenges. Why are we trying to sugar coat everything. Stating facts does not always mean that you are complaining or being negative.
You better believe by the time I left the ICE office, my blood pressure was a little high. In fact the whole thing made me so upset until all I could do was shed a few tears. It bugged me and while it was happening, my thoughts were not tuned into the great weather, cheap cost of living, nor health care.
My thoughts did turn to the fact that I gave up my freedom to get a telephone when I wanted one and internet service when I want it. That was and is my choice. So you decide to write the bulletin board and let off a little steam.
MemberYesterday, I spent 2 hours in the ICE office trying to upgrad my computer system. We have tried for over 2 years to get a telephone in our name. Not having a telephone in our name was no problem until we tried to get upgrades so we could use a highspeed internet system. It seems that we have to ge the owner of the telephone to sign papers. We have tried to get a telephone line in our name for over 2 years.
If a plane would have stopped by the ICE office yesterday I may have gotten on it. What I went through yesterday reminded me of my freedom as an American. You have to lose some of those freedoms to really understand what you have.
We may get a wire tap in the USA but we can get a telephone. The motive for coming to Costa Rica has to be much more then the fact that it is cheaper, the climate is great, and medical expense are tolerable. You have to develop a love for this country and enjoy what it offers, then it’s shortfalls you will be able to adjust to.
I can act as if my day at ICE did not have an affect on me. It did, I realized that I have given up some freedoms to be here and if I want those freedoms returned all I have to do is go home. The Costa Rican people do not have that choice.
We may have problems in the USA and we may become discussed enough to leave but that is our choice. That is what makes being a citizen of the US so special. That is why the whole world is trying to get there. Sure a few of us are leaving but think of the many who are staying.
If you are retired military or a disabled veteran then there is medical coverage under VA or Tricare in Costa Rica. Here they call it Tricare for life. If this applies to you and you are interested in more information let me know.
MemberThere is a clinic in San Jose near the Hospital De Nino. The name of the clinic is Sante Lucia. My friend is a nurse and she worked for them for 3 years. They are excellent, speak English but are not one of the advertisers in our well known newspaper. Telephone numbers I can not provide at this moment but if you are interested let me know and I will get the information for you.
MemberJust be patient with that one person that speaks English. It takes a lot of patients but once they get to know you as a customer you get better service. We can not compare the banking business in the US with the business here. Living in Costa Rica takes patients and a lot of understanding. I am giving you advice that often times I am guilty of not applying to myself.
Ive learned that many Costa Ricans that work in banks do not feel confident to speak English but they can read it. You almost feel like going in the bank and giving them a statement you have written and ask them to respond in writing. You would be surprised how many can read English and write English but when it comes to having the confidence to speak, that is the problem.
Costa Rican banks are looking for workers that speak english. In fact in most businesses here in Costa Rica they would like to have people that speak english, if they are international businesses.
My statement probably does answer your question or be a solution to the problem, but maybe you will feel a little better.
MemberOwning a B&B, well that part I can share with you, it sounds great but it is not easy nor is it inexpensive. Yes Keith, toilet paper, paper towels, soap and cleaning supplies are expensive. We use air freshner and things to reduce mold. It is also according to the standard you set.
Is a commitment . and consume a great deal of your time for at least a few years before you get it rolling. It cost money, for advertising, web pages, employees and upkeep.My suggestion would be for you to go and visit with a B&B and ask the owners can the give you some ideas on various on going expenses.
If we were in the US we could purchase a lot of items in big bulk at discount prices. We have a place by the name of Pricesmart here in Costa Rica but it is not a discount price store.
This year we are hoping to see a little less red ink but then to we are not using any monies as our income. We have been reinvesting our money, purchasing better supplies and equipment. So, as we earn, we reinvest, that is difficult to do when you are looking for an income. Perhaps someone else has a different experience then we have had and they can share that with you. You may want to look up some of the B&B’s on the web, send them an e-mail asking them questions about operating a business such as a B&B in Costa Rica.
My husband and I were not experienced, we have made many mistakes but then we could afford to, we are on a pension. Our business came by accident not by intention. So our strategy has not been the model business plan.
Do some research, just another little project for you (smile). People in business love to share experiences and they enjoy helping others who want to go into business. Gather some information and make sure to pick the right spot. Location, location that is so very important., find out what tourist planning Costa Rica has, what things they expect to develop in the next 5 to 10 years. If this business was going to be our income we would have done things differently. Charles and I just opened the doors and we used our people skills, along with our travel experiences. This is how we put our business together. If I would have selected a business I would have chosen to open a coffee shop or a BBQ shack
Thanks for writing your comment. My hope was that more people who are living here would share their experiences with people like yourself that want to know how life really is here in Costa Rica.
We have so many differing outlooks, I am a married woman, retired (sort of)my husband and I started a B&B here in Costa Rica on accident. This was not our plan, we have been learning by doing and it has been great. Many people that come to Costa Rica anticipate the same thing we did, cheap things. Well perhaps since we are primarily from the midwest and have spent time on the east coast our thoughts of cheap are very much different then many others. If you talk to a person from North Carolina and then talk to someone from California you hear a totally different version of the prices in Costa Rica.
For example we have 15 acres of prime land in Alabama, we could not sell it for the prices that they are asking for acerage here in Costa Rica. So for many people coming from some locations in the US the property here is not cheap. For a person from the east coast and some parts of the west coast, the property is cheap.
Things made by hand in Costa Rica seem to be cheaper then things that have been prefabricated. I was going to get prefaricated cabinets because I thought they would be cheaper and they are far more expensive. You can get granit for almost the same price as the formica. That is the reverse in the US.
We were surprised by the cost of labor, labor cost are what drives the prices up and then people who work do need to get paid.
I do not think Costa Rica will become an US or Canada but they are going to improve their ecomony and when they do some prices will rise and some will fall. Currently in every town there are people who are craftsmen. That is not so in the US, it is nice being able to get cabinets made.
The part about being able to design things you want, the way you want them. My kitchen has cabinets I designed according to my specifications not according to what someone thought it should be. Those things are nice and you can only experience the feeling for yourself.
Stop reading and come on to Costa Rica, you will love it here.
MemberI dont mean to talk about TICO times but they profit a lot from getting people excited about laws that never come about in Costa Rica. We got caught in that a couple years ago, the scam was a little different but not much different. They had every one running in to get residency papers processed before a deadline for some other reasons. They were getting so many applications until it was hard for them to keep up. Everyone who has called me and told me that they had to hurry so they could get their paper work in, I’v let them know that it was never going to come about. It is a fear tactic that is used to increase revenues and sell papers. I hate to talk about the TICO times but it has happened twice in the four years I have been in Costa Rica.
The fear that many have created business for me. My business was actually rewarded by the fear that was pumped into unsuspecting want to be residents.
The immigration department can not keep up with all the work. There is an administration change and we do not understand that in Costa Rica when they change administrations that changes almost everything.
Most people from other countries outside of Latin America just do not realize a lot of laws are written in pencil and they can be erased.
The Germans and the French who live here may be running around like we North Americans are, but I dont think so. When are we going to wake up to propaganda tatics. They did not stop when you got off the plane.
MemberThanks Maravilla,
That is exactly what I am talking about. We had a guy who came here from TN and he is a good ole southern boy. He loves grits and gravey, cornbread mush and many other dishes he said were a very imporant part of his life and also his wife. I was going to AMercado in Escazu and he asked me to get some corn meal for him. When I told him how much he owed me, I thought the guy was going to have a heart attack. He ans his wife did not last long. They had hoped that in coming here to live they would be able to save on their increasing medical cost. You see most people from the US do not understand social medicine. We do not understand having to wait up to a year for an operation. Medical coverage and medicatl care is cheaper. If you want the best service and on time service you have to pay or have medical insurance.
Maraville, the books they are writing about Costa Rica are hitting on some key points but not in detail.
About that couple they stayed here for 3 months went home then loaded up on more things, returned to Costa Rica and stayed for only 2 months. They had to leave, they could not afford to stay here. You see in the US their income level grants them some offset in cost for medical expense and for housing. If you are above that income level, is when the problem starts.
So, you and I discussing some of these things will help. Just like a lot of people do not realize that there is more to Costa Rica then the beach. In fact some of them dont know that same fact about Florida.
Costa Rica is a lovely country, but if you can not afford to pay the expenses you need to pay for living here, it can be difficult, if you do not adjust.
My sister came to visit, and she enjoyed her visit, but said she could not live here. Her comment was that she would have to make to many sacrifices.
I think it is sort of great that when I visit the US and go shopping in the grocery store, most of the aisles in the stores are not necessary.
One thing we can mention is that organic foods are cheap. You can purchase organic meats and vegetables just a little more expensive then the regular meats and vegetables. In the US an organic tomato cost $2.00, that is crazy.
Maravilla, I am 63 and have been collecting my check for 2 years. Coming here and the life syles choices my husband and I have made, we believe will extend our life.
Our primary plan was just to ride around in a motor home until we could not do it anymore. Just one RV park to another. Well, coming here made a change in those decisions. Not only finding things pleasant, we found that we could share our life experiences with people, and in doing so it is helping to change lives, ours and theirs. We are really enjoying our relationships in Costa Rica. My hope is that more people come with the thought of what they can do for people here rather then what can be done for them.
MemberGreat, discussion. Perhaps my age has a lot to do with it. Ive always had lots of hot water, use of an electric dishwasher, washing machine and clothes dryer. My point is that many things are more expensive then they are in the US. Many people are coming here who have never been out of their country. US are available here.
Discussions about the economy and discussions about how we are living will help them see and perhaps get a better understanding. Thanks for sharing with me, of course we have a difference in age of about 20 years and what you are willing to sacrifice is so much different then what I am willing to sacrifice.
The one fact that I know for sure, in Costa Rica I can afford employees to assist me, whether I have a business or not. Without a doubt many very important things are cheap. but many important things are not cheaper. It is just according to life style choices.
Clothing is cheaper in the US and better quality, but you can get clothes made cheaper here,then in the US. Of course here my fashion statement is different.
Scott, your taste in meats is different then mine. In fact since living here, I’ve given up eating beef. If you run into some smoked hamhocks call me. I like smoked turkey wings.
Ive met some people that love certain foods and at home in the US they are cheap but in Costa Rica those foods are expensive. For me making adjustments is not a problem, I’ve lived in many countries. Many people reading this forum have not been outside of Canada or the United States.
Some people have come here and find that they can not make an adjustment. So I think having discussions like this will help open their eyes, so they can understand life is not the same and cheaper it is but there is a difference and cheaper.
If a person can not adjust they need to realize living outside of the US is an adjustment.
Thanks Scott and Marvilla for responding
It is so wonderful to hear from you. You were here for the month of February. Well, the discussion is not about veggies. It is about toilet paper, paper towels, foil, soap, appliances. Now if all a person needs in Costa Rica is vegetables then sure it is cheap. Not ding dongs or chips, I am talking about living here in Costa Rica. Coming here for a few days retreat and living here are two different things.
My hope is that people are realistic about life here. Perhaps my needs are different then yours, junk food is not my need but a good sausage and quality steak are a desire of mine. Someone coming here has that desire. Your list of cheap veggies has nothing to do with that fact that Draino is twice as expensive here as it is in the US. That toilet paper is expensive and wax paper is cheap but the quality is questionable. Not complaining about Costa Rica but having a reality check. Talk to me after you start purchasing things to live here. The subject is that COsta Rica is cheaper but not cheap.
So many books we read said how cheap it was and we were shocked that a good hotel room cost over $85.00 per night. Cheap to me is that everything is cheap. The taxi ride is cheaper, bus fare is cheaper, but gas is not. We just do not travel as far. Sheets for beds are not cheaper, good quality bath soaps and lotions, hair shampoo and deoderant are not cheaper. Let’s compare apples to apples.
Housing is cheaper but most of us from the US would not live in the neighborhoods we live in here. Can you imagine Bill Gates living in a community that is just a few minutes from a local slum. Never would it happen, in making comparisons, I believe those of us who are living here need to be honest.
It is cheaper for me not because of ding dongs, I can make my own. It is cheaper because of the fact, I have a staff, gardner, cook, and maid. In the US it would not be affordable. Many people are not coming over here and hiring a staff.
It is cheaper to run my business but it is not cheap. My last trip to the US, I purchased over $500.00 for things that if purchased here they would have cost me double the amount and some things are not here, so you do with out. If we want sugar free syrup we have to drive 70 km round trip. Count the cost of gas and that bottle of sugar free syrup is not cheap.
Those sorts of things are important to some people and they may not be important to you.
If you know where we can get quality sheets and towels cheaper, please do not keep it a secret.
MemberYes, you can live on that amount if you first of all moved all of your furnishing to Costa Rica. Perhaps this just applies to someone that has had to purchase sheets, towels, pots and pans. There is no Walmart in Costa Rica. I use air freshners and plastic bags, aluminum foil. Things like that. Walking is cheap but if you have to purchase a car, it is not cheap. If you purchased insurance for your home or car it is not cheap. Fruits and veggies, yes they are cheap and I agree with you about the quality of life.
Someone sent me a box and I paid $100.00 for customs and shipping charges. Not complaining just mentioning that Costa Rica is cheaper on many things but it is not cheap.
Many people get discouraged because Costa Rica is not as cheap as they had imagined.
Scott, I am sure your millionaire friends paid cash for their home and shipped most of their furnishings, such as refrigerators, fancy electric or gas ranges, TV’s, washers and dryers.
If most of us lived in Canada or the US like we live here we would live cheaper. When we are at home most of us join a gym, go to the spa and travel about 500 miles per week. Here in Costa Rica we are walking and the bank is just up the street and around the corner.
Im talking to the person that has a pension, their home is not paid for and they can not afford to fill up a container and send it here. They are unable to shell out $7,000.00 for a 10 year old car.
You are correct it is how you live, if any of us practiced the same things in the US that we practice here we would live a lot cheaper at home.
Turkey is $.69lb at home and here it is about $3.00 per lb, spare ribs are about $6.00 per lb here and $2.00 per lb in the US, a lb of butter is a little higher here, cream cheese is higher, eggs are higher, fish is higher. Ice cream is more expensive, wax paper is more expensive. Lobster and Shrimp are not cheap, good quality cheese is not cheap. Now of course we can do without some of these things.
Get me some good corn on the cob, I mean good quality sweet corn, kale, and blue berries at $5.00 bucks a container. If you need sweet and low, bring it with you. Every once in a while I want some grits, where are they. What about good old cornmeal, it is not in the local store. Good quality chocolate is to the roof, sky is the limit.
Your millionaire friends need to add in the cash payment for the house, and the payment for the container of goodies, and the cash they spend to get that top quality beef they want, that is of course unless they are total vegetarians.
If you have money what a waste to live on $1200.00 per month, you an not take it with you. Warren Buffet is giving his away. Let me know where the begining of the line is.
Talk to me, no arguement please, I am not talking down Costa Rica but let’s get real.
Costa Rica is cheaper not cheap, talk to me. Love you Scott
MemberWe had bars on the windows but we took then off. I did not come to Costa Rica to be put in prison or to imprison myself. Life is good here and we are enjoying it. Crime has been from the very begining. The climate is great in the mountains, no more 90 and 120 degree weather, no more -0 degree temperature. If we get robbed at least the weather is nice.
We should all be concerned about crime. Let me explain something very basic, where employment is low in any country, city, or state the crime rate is higher then it would be if people were eimployed. A sense of hopelessness causes the majority of our crime problems world wide. Costa Rica is not exempt from this difficulty.
We have lived in Costa Rica for 4 years and we own a B&B. None of our guest have been robbed and someone broke into our storage shed one time. The neighbors reported who it was and we got our things back and my husband proceeded with the complaint filed against the young man.
We had food, lawn equipment and some other things in the storage shed. They took only electrical items and lawn equipmnt, no food. We learned that the young man is on drugs. Well, here in Costa Rica we have a drug problems as well as in the US. The problem is on a much smaller scale but it does exsist.
If you know of an area that does not have crime please let me know. I would love to go live in that country, state or city.
There are somethings that happen and the news media sells the stories based on crime far more then the stories based on things good samararitans do. Good news just does not sale. There are far fewer crimals in Costa Rica then there are people who are great people to be around. Come on to Costa Rica.
I can not tell you about the pre construction cost requirements but I can tell you this, you should be in country at every phase of your construction. If you are here it will greatly cut your cost.
Yes, you will probably tell me that you trust your builder, that is what most people say that end up either paying more then was projected or having inferior materials used in the construction.
That happens in the US as well. It is not just something that happens here in Costa Rica. Supervision of your construction is a must. If you want the best job done at the most reasonable cost.
Learning what we have learned in Costa Rica, if we ever build another house in the US we will supervise the construction. Every brick or stick.
The best to you and your new adventure, we love Costa Rica.