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That name almost sounds military. Are you military, retired, or vet? If you are there is a lot of information I can give you about our benefits in Costa Rica. You have to be a disabled vet or career retire, military or Reserved retired to benefit.
Now the question you asked has been answered in full. The one thing I would like to add, is that a lot of information given word of mouth within the US is usually way off base. The best thing to do is go to a website search and look up information requarding Pesionado status or residency in Costa Rica. The Embassy post a lot of inforamtion. Look at several post because sometimes they are not updated.
You can locate the Costa Rican Embassy you will need to get your papers certified through. Find out exactly what you need and get all of your papers together, come on over after you have all of your papers together. The Embassy usually sends your paper work to a lawyer so as for some referrals. Contact the lawyer in Costa Rica from the US. You can then ask him his fees and everything. It is even worth your while to make a trip to Costa Rica to contact a lawyer and check on everything but it is not necessary. I suggest that if you have not been to Costa Rica, you need to come here first. The most successful people do just that.
So many people come without all of their information and have to make trips back home. So take all the steps dont cut any corners thinking you are saving money or time,It will be costly.
Mr Murray did one of the best jobs of getting his paper work together, he is an excellent source for information regarding Pensionado. When we did ours the ruling regarding paper submission was much different..
It saves money and time. If you start your paper work as soon as you get here , after they are filed you will be given the letter saying you are filing for pensionado status and that keeps you from having to leave the country every 90 days. Please contact a lawyer who has been referred. Many brag about being able to do the work but then they lose papers and also service their clients poorly. So get referrals.
Rally, one of the things you need to do is just keep asking and keep checking like you are doing and you will not go wrong.
I gave you more information then you requested , one reason is that your question indicated that you really do not know very much about the process.
Your pension certification of funds has to be a letter from the personnel office of the company you retired from or the Social Security Admin. It must be a current date and on their letterhead. You can not use end of the years earning statements or pay slips.
MemberSeeing Europe is a must, it is just wonderful. We lived in Germany for 10 years and I want to return so very bad. Perhaps one day soon. My husband and I were going to purchase proptery in Spain and the year we were thinking about doing that the taxes in Spain jumped almost 40%. So I would say perhaps Taxes in Spain would be one of the driving forces to flee the country.
Spain is beautiful, it is a must see, when we were there the beachs were just beautiful. The mountains are beautiful and they have some of the best shoes in the world. We enjoyed the people. We enjoyed Spain, but that was in 1987 – 1990. Since that time Spain has gotten expensive.
MemberThanks for your input and you are right about dicussing some of the facts about crime and very little police action in Costa Rica. It seems like none in comparison to Spain, my husband and I spent over 10 years in Europe and we traveled all over. Late night driving was not a problem, but is is here. I think they know for sure anyone out that time of morning is a tourist.
The question was why people leave, and we have mostly stated why we like it here. There are many issues but then those of us who are in love with Costa Rica have sort of overlooked all the obstacles.
One – No police protection
two- You can not leave your home unprotected
three- The fear of having some one break in while you are at home.
four- going out late at night can be dangerous
five – car theft is very highWe have not had school shootings nor terrorist bombing yet. So most of us look at those things and consider Costa Rica a pretty safe place to live.
In the USA they have a lot of police and many other security forces, but still criminals go unharnessed it seems.
So most of us that stay look at a lot of comparatives.
Each country has it’s own demon, when we lived in Okinawa, they use to rob houses while you were asleep. They put ether in the A/C system. Entered your house and robbed you while you were asleep. That was very scary.
I’ve visited Spain several times and your country in comparison, does have police protection. Germany, Austria, Sweden, France and the others have some problems but most people can drive late night and even walk on the streets late evenings. You noticed I did not say Italy, crime is very high in Italy. In certain areas of the country it is very safe but in the more popular area it is not safe to park a car, walk the streets late nights and many other things. That does not make the entire country unsafe.
In Costa Rica about the only people that are up late are the crooks or some unsuspecting tourist. One of the things I would advise is that before visiting any country, check with that country and find out what some of the problems are and also when visiting a foreign country you should try to stay close to the customs of the people.
I am very sorry you had that experience but you should not let it determine the fate of others by using your experience as an example of the security in Costa Rica.
All areas are not the same. Escazu is considered city, Escazu has a lot of money, and just as in New York City, Miami, Chicago and other big cities crime is higher. Escazu is not in comparison but then it is, because it is considered as a city of influence. Criminals are drawn to these areas regardless to where you live in the world.
You must have read something good to want to come to Costa Ric and there are so many things nice about this country. The people are some of the most hospitable people we have ever met.
Most Costa Ricans care enough about you to warn you about dangers in their country. When we first came we road a bus to Ezcasu and we were trying to get back to the bus stop in San Jose for our ride back to Grecia. We got off the bus in the wrong, I mean wrong area in San Jose. We saw a policeman and asked him to direct us. Instead he called one of his young trainees and had him to escort us to our bus stop. So, these are the things that made us stay.
Try the Central Valley North of the airport and join us in the small quiet towns. That is where so many of us are living.
You are so correct, and who else could say it any nicer. I accept my error and move on. I never understood that word Domain as much as I understand it today. This is your domain and in your small kingdom you have set up specific rules and guidelines . Whether a person read them or not they are the rules of the domain that you have established. Only those who have become a part of that domain, by pass word and user name are allowed to enter the inner portals of the domain. Prior to being given the permission to enter they agree to abide by certain laws that have been established. Those laws if broken, are reason enough to deny entry into that your domain. Within the domain you have made everything available to those who are allowed. Those who are outside of your domain are not allowed to know the secrets spoken. Everyone is sworn to secrecy, not to divulge the secrets of the inner court.
Such a good lesson for me. Thanks for such a good lesson. You will never know what you have taught me through this incident. Now I understand Domain, God said I give you dominion over all the animals, fish, birds, plants. He gave us dominion in this domain and when we sinned whether we knew it or understood it we were locked out, we lost dominion, we gave up our domain.
Sort of like you Scott, you are ruler of this domain and you set up guidelines, if they are not obeyed you have the authority to dismiss or allow. Well, thank you for not dismissing me, it is appreciated.
Thanks for the lesson, if it would have gone uncorrected that would have been even worse. Not understanding a law or not knowing a law does not justify breaking it. Eve Satan deceived me.
MemberI need to know where you can purchase the Bamboo, prepared to be used for construction. So if anyone personally knows of a source, please let me know.
MemberThanks Lotus,
We are looking at all options. Where we want to build would be ruined by putting a Concrete house up. I want the house to look like a bamboo house. Then when you step inside for it to look like a palace.
MemberThanks for reciting the policy, just like I said you are just great. Who else do I know, that has such a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and supreme understanding of law.
Thank you so very much. It would seem that if I would have known that it would have been sort of stupid for me to let anyone know that I was going to put the information in my news letter. It may occurr to you that perhaps I did not know that. I have not committed these articles of conduct to memory. At least I’ve been honest. No, excuse but the fact.
So cool down Mr Murray and enjoy life. You are to great of a person to let small things rock you.
Now if it will make you feel vindicated if Scott kicks me off then, just to make sure you feel good. Or will it make you feel better if I quit. I want you to be happy.
MemberThanks Sir, but this web did not require a security clearaance. I have plenty of business and this was not used for my business. This was used to inform people like yourself who are ignorant of a lot of things to get valuable information so they will not be ignorant of some very valuable facts. The walls of this forum. It is amazing how people who do not have any control can begin to dictate how the forum should be used.
I could have used the information and not tell Mr Murray. Kick me off the forum, that is one reason our kids are killing in the street we have blood thirsty people that always want to crush something. Kick me off, Mr Johnny come lately.
Well, start first with storming the doors of and perhaps picketting the forum to remove Jenny. Bless your heart, thanks for liking me so much.
Until Scott writes this phrase, information you read on this forum can not be disclosed to others who are not members of the forum.
That is how people join the forum, they hear that valuable information can be had by joining in. I never knew the forum was a secret society membership.
Let’s hang Jenny, if that makes you feel better. Stimulates your heart, makes your blood pump. Anything to keep you going , brother.
Potatoes are here and good ones. I eat a lot of them lately because I am just tired of rice. Never ate so much in my life. I wear my jewelry but they think that I am a black Costa Rican from Limon. Since Limon people are assumed not to have much the look at it probably and think it is fake.
That is just a supposition, not reality (smile). I wear jewelry but I do not travel at night nor do I live in San Jose area. My girlfriend Shirley wore it and she was loaded down. Shirley is white, blond and about 6ft tall. She looked like a North American. Her house got robbed but she thought it was someone she knew. It bothered her so much until she went out and purchased some more.
Bus transportation is very good. You can drive if you want but,you can get along with out driving. Taxi’s are cheap enough. We used to ride a bus to the store and take a taxi home.
MemberSorry, Sir but if you write good quality information as you did, there is no way it should not be shared. Why would you want to with hold information from so many people. Is it just because you are angry with me or is it that you felt the information really belonged to the inform belonged to you personally. It did until you published it.
No, dear you wrote quality information and everyone is deserving of getting good information. If you were someone else a person that I did not know, your comment would mean something but you are a person who shares and cares. You are just angry with me. Sorry, about that, regardless, if you write good quality information and I know people that it will help. I am going to let them know about it. I do that with things Gringo Tico write, Scott, Maravilla,and everyone.
So, forgive me for thinking your publication was worth broadcasting. I respected you enough to leave your name on it. Your good guy, peace out.
MemberThanks, I went on a Yahoo and found a web page with a lot of information. You can actually order the design and Bambo from the USA. Well I will keep looking around. Gringo seems to think it is just interior that is used then covered with concrete. I saw pictures that showed some beautiful bamboo structures. Total package plus construction for over 2,400 square feet for about 178,000. That is in the USA, of course the labor is higher.
I will keep researching. The thing is to get bamboo that is properly cured and prepared for building. In Japan they use bamboo in a lot of the construction.
MemberYou really will not have a lot of problems. If you dont drive, but the law is that you can only be a tourist for 90 days. So, just apply for your status and forget about the 90 day limitation. It cost about $200.00 or more every time you go out. Plus it is rough going through those borders unless you speak Spanish.
MemberIf you are 62 Marcia, unless there are two Marcia’s how can your son be 55. Just thought I would ask.
Come on down, and join in. You will only be required to leave every 90 days until your application is submitted for pensionada status. After your lawyer has submitted your paper work he will write a letter that can be used to support your staying past the 90 days. We even used that letter when going to different tourist attractions that charge a higher fee for tourist then they do for Tico’s or legal residents.
So, get all of your paper together and come down, apply for your pesionada status right away. That will save you from having to exit the country.
MemberWe are located in San Roque de Grecia just about 35 km north east of the airport.
Yes, we purchased and existing building and we have made a lot of changes
Yes, we provide internet, highspeed, and wireless. Internet in each room. We just added that feature, after seeing the clientel that we have. Most of them do a lot of business on line.
When we first came here getting anything done was very difficult, because we did not speak Spanish. We had a tica working for us that helped us a lot. I totally recommend having someone to work for you.
You can write me privately and I will answer more question. There are so many things that I could tell you about our business experiences here in Costa Rica.
Take a look at us one and by the way if you are in Costa Rica stop in, we dont bite (smile)/
I would say more but unlike Gringo Tico and Scott, I can not say it in 20 words or less. They are excellent writers.