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MemberThanks for missing me GringoTico, both of those ladies had male advisors. You are talking about a few years to straighten up what you guys have taken centuries to create. It is really not a male, female thing even though I believe that God made us better, we are smarter, we live longer, and we are stronger. We survive the complexities of raising children, having babies, running a household and satisfying a husband, we are responsible for heads of states, leaders of corporations, the worlds greatest are nursed and care for by us, we are an encouragement to many of the worlds most successful men, we nurture, train, teach, we conqueror kingdoms , we unseat presidents, we bring strong men to their knees, we get left alone to survive and we out live you guys. Now this does not apply to all of us but most of us (smile) touché
Scott, we were not created to rule over each other but we were created to be responsible for ourselves.
I am considered a Christian, I believe we have a God but I also believe that he designed us to rule animals, fish, birds, trees, and the such but not to rule and dictate to each other. His command is that we love each other. When you love each other you dont try to destroy or be little.
We should love each other and accept the differences and acknowledge that all of us are responsible individually.
Scott, I saw the play you are talking about and I had the same feeling, but if you are ignorant about some things then you just are ignorant. It is because of the lack of understanding about other cultures. Other countries get to know many things about us but we do not have the same opportunity to learn about them. We only seem to be interested in ourselves, we have world news and they talk about Chicago.
Some of my family at home, along with others think that Costa Rica is an extension of Mexico.
It is amazing how many people from the US ask me about how safe it is here. They came from a place where in the last few weeks there were students killed in schools. A family was found slaughtered, and they want to know if Costa Rica is safe.
The world war problems will always be, in the middle east they have been fighting since the beginning of time and they will fight until the end of time. There are some things that can not be changed. Everyone wants power. It so silly because their is a lot of Power in Love. I am not talking about flower child stuff, but real heart felt compassion for each other.
So, please dont hate me because I am a person that is considered a Christian, because I follow the teaching of Jesus. If I am wrong in my belief, love me inspite of it and if you are wrong in your unblief, I will love you ispite of your unbelief. It seems that in the last 45 years we have developed an attitude of watching to see if a person messes up. We look for signs of imperfection. This is not new because their is nothing new under the sun.
Why dont we just make it better, it is an individual thing and worlds have been changed by the actions of one individual.
This may sound crazy because Im falling asleep. Good night
MemberThis is just to funny, we went from the conversation of war, to leaving our country, to CAFTA, to building a bridge, to money corruption, loss of freedom, to war with Iran, to The Irish rebellion, to a topic on abortion, a ban on taxi cabs in Minnesota, to religion bashing, to this about Maravilla’s home. It has to be just to funny.
Just when I was going to add the statement that we should have women running things, Maravilla proved my point. She stopped the war, the problem is men and their desire for power. This forum topic proves it.
The things said about leaving the US, the reality is that we are all part of what we don’t like. It is sort of like a woman leaving her husband and taking her children by him with her. She may have left him but she took part of him with her. The same problems you say our country has, we have those problems, they are part of our lives. The problem is they are broken up in small pieces and we don’t identify with them. Each one of us have a small corner of responsibility for things that are happening in our country.
We have a great country, we are a great people, we are some of the best people that I know. Sure we have differences, sure we have problems, but the world looks to us for help. We put Germany back on its feet, we helped Hungary, Poland, Russia, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, France, Italy, and England and China, just to name a few.
Talk to me about what is wrong with us. We are some of the best people, women like marrying our men more then any men from other countries. We are a giving people, sure we have problems.
Where else are people climbing the walls and floating in canoes on ocean waves to reach the shore of freedom. I know people living in the US who are illegal from almost every country in the world.
If you think Costa Rica does not have major problems, you need to get you a Costa Rican friend. We are not involved because we are outsiders looking in. Things happen here but because this is not my country I am concerned but not really interested in making a change. I am living in someone else country and their problems are not my responsibility unless they effect me directly.
MemberYou will need a lot of money here but less then you need in the US. Some of the things you want to do will cost you more then they do in the US. You need to work? Are you opening a business or are you coming here with a job?
Insurance on two old cars is expensive here. We pay about $800 a year for our 92 Suzuki. We have robbery insurance on it and the robbery part is high. At home we would only carry liability, because no one at home usually steals an old car. Some people I know are paying as much as $3,000 per year for newer cars. If you dont buy it then you have to keep an eye on it all the time. I know some people that do that to.
The packaged foods, you are going to have to learn how to cook or you will pay a lot of money for packaged frozen foods. In fact almost all the US products shipped here will cost you a pretty penny.
The best thing to do is come and research. Most of the young couples we have met that come here either determine to live different then they live at home or they go back.
Resturants, unless you develop a real like for the Costa Rican cuisine you will not be eating out much. The price for two at Denny’s here is about $30.00. We have an OutBack steak house but it is in Escazu.
Living close to the beach will not be close to the International school unless you mean close within an hour or so.
Maid service is not expensive but if you do not pay a good salary you will not get good service. If done legally and the right way it is much cheaper then the USA. In Costa Rica if your maid gets pregnant by law she gets at least 1 year off with pay to see about her baby. The year may be much but it is at least 6 months. So you can be paying for two maids and only have one that is working.
They have some workers laws that are better then the laws in the US.
When you come to Costa Rica you are not moving to another large country. You are moving to a third world country. Here in Costa Rica everyone does not have a TV set nor car. Most of them do not have hot water in the house nor do they have a dryer . A dishwasher is unheard of and it is common place in the US.
You can live very comfortable over here but keeping up the lifestyle you are used to in the US is almost if not impossible. My suggestion is, stay home if all those things are important to you and you need a job to fund it. Unless you are coming here with a high paying job or a business that is a success, or money in investments that you recieve an income from. Your lifestyle will be very costly.
Probably less costly then the US but in the US you are making the income. It is a wonderful idea to be able to have a fun filled life, live good, live cheap and it can be done but you will have to make some concessions. What you will have to evaluate, is what are you willing to give up for what you can get in return. Private schools here are much cheaper the the US, but cheaper does not mean they do not have to be funded.
If you are still young with in your budget you are going to have to set up a retirement fund for yourself. So in figuring what you are going to spend make sure you include college education, and retirement.
Nothing is constant but one thing is for sure you are going to grow older if you live. When you grow older you have different desires but they still cost. So if you are planning to cut out on the US make sure you have a plan of stratedgy and it has to be more then what it would cost it has to include what will I be able to save towards my future.
MemberIt has been a long time since I’ve replied. Today I have a couple staying with me that have built a home in Guanacaste and they discovered it is to hot and very difficult to get things you need. So they are trying to sell their home and they are currently looking for property in this area Grecia, Athenas, San Ramon.
My suggestion is this if you like heat them being on the beach or living close to the beach is what you are looking for. If you enjoy the cooler climates then areas away from the beach, in the mountain area is better. You really have to decide what climates you want.
My suggestion is come here spend time living in the area you think you would like, if you like it them purchase your property and build a home if that is your goal.
You would be surprised how many people build a home here then discover they are not in the right location or they really do not like Costa Rica.
You do not have to rush into anything. In fact if you take your time you will find some good deals. In our community alone someone has built a home now they are divorcing. That home will be for sale. That is going on all over Costa Rica.
Taking your time and investigating, getting to know people and talking to people like Dave that have done what your thinking of doing helps.
MemberYou need to talk to a lawyer about that. Never go on hear say when dealing with the laws here. In Costa Rica people do a lot of things, these are things that are practiced but they are not legal.
So just because one person has done it does not make it legal. Some people I know personally have done just that and were successful but whether it is legal is the question.
MemberThe problem with all of it is that the biggest robber is not of possessions it is our health. You can live like you are penniless then be robbed of life.
Fear of things happening does not prevent them from happening it often helps. Having so much faith in being robbed you will be robbed. If not of your possessions but of your life.
living like you are proverty stricken so you will not be robbed is robbery itself. God, it will be great when this is all over. People who think that this is all there is to exsistance and no hope of eternal life. I feel for them.
At home in the US we can not allow our children to play in the neighborhood because of the fear of being molested, robbed of their childhood. We can not throw paper away without shredding it.
We move to Costa Rica and we have to dress and look like we are penniless. Give me some relief, Im locked up in my house, no freedom in one place and can not safely throw my trash away in another place.
Can not trust Doctors they over medicate you and charge you to much. Someone is trying to steal your identy. Where can I go and who can I trust once I get there.
Gringo with your intellectual answers for everything you must have one for me and others like me who moved here hoping for a more peaceful life. Now you tell us we are going to be imprisoned in our homes protecting our stuff, unless we live and look poverty stricken.
If given a choice, I would rather live free and get stolen from then live in prison and keep my possessions secure. Do I have a witness?
Oh, Gringo my dream is to have the command of our language as you do. Wonderful debater, we have to give it to you,your words can build a tower or take it down. Your okay, but not necessarily right (smile).
Where did you say was a good place to live? I must have missed that message.jenny
MemberThanks Maravilla,
You put it so nicely, our attitude about things we have and the way we treat them is an indication that they are not really important and if they are missing so what.
A friend of mind wore a lot of jewelry, she had placed confidence in a Gringo friend. Well her house got broken into and they did not look for things they just went right where they were. The did not even break in her home. Every thing indicated her supposed friend.
All Gringos here are not above reproach. The answer is be careful of your associations. The people you allow in your home should be referred or at least you should know something about them. Seek to get referrences for household help and gardeners.
MemberI think if the person would have stayed in churh long enough to get the full message they would have heard if you do not work then you do not eat.
Helping yourself does not mean that you help yourself to others property. I have not been to a church that promoted stealing.
Petty crime is petty, crime. we do have petty crime in Costa Rica but no way is it on the level of a major or minor city in the USA.
In fact they have a lot of criminals getting off the plane from the US and some other parts of the world.
I have not read where in Costa Rica someone went into a resturant and starting shoting. Boy we purified North Americans. There is no place on the planet where no one steals.
If you live in Italy you have to pay for protection, the safest place we have lived is Germany. If your neighbors see you being robbed they will call the police. They do not think about whether they should get involved.
In Costa Rica a lot of times when a person robs he is the son or the brother of your neighbor. They see him but do not report him because he is family. They dont like what he is doing but he is family. They dont even report him when he steals from them. That is the problem in my community, most people say why report it, the police will not help. So a lot of things go unreported and many think that there are no deterents to keep people from stealing.
You can use a computer in Costa Rica, they have not started stripping your bank account nor do you have to worry about what you toss in the trash.
Talking about robbery, so you get a TV lifted or some electric appliances. The dude is not trying to steal you identy? You do not have to keep checking your credit report to see who is using your name.
Just like at home move to a town that has a lower crime rate. If you live in a town that has money, then you have more crime. If you live in a town that is very poor and a few rich people, and no jobs, you have crime. That is a world problem.
If anyone finds the perfect place, where no crime exsist let me know. Other then heaven, cause I am not ready to go yet.
I was not suggesting you not get a contract and a lawyer. That is what my husband and I have done for our business. At first when responding to your questions, my answer and response was about 2 pages long. So that is why I said if you want more detain from someone WHO is actually contracting workers then contact me.
We have several full time workers and our contractacts have been inspected by Securo social.
They did that when we applied for our business license. So, I have a working knowledge of how it should be done to benefit you and your contractors.
MemberPlease let me attempt to answer your question. As Scott has said having employees is a problem in Costa Rica. You will have to pay a full social security benefit whether the person works for you 1 hr or 40 and that benefit is based on a salary of 70,000 colones whether you are paying them that or not.
You are in Atenas and we are in Grecia, if you want more information on what we are doing send me an e-mail and maybe we can get together.
MemberSo you all are having a party, no just kidding. Me to on the change of conversations, my hope is that someone starts writing in about lively things. That one guy Gringo did have some great information on the last couple of subjects. Sure hope he writes more, it seems he is living here in Costa Rica or has lived here.
I’d like to say we have a ladies group in Alajuela, we meet the last tuesday of every month, and always at a different house. There are about 40 ladies in the group and all of us come from different backgrounds and we have a variety of experiences. Some of us are doing business in Costa Rica and some are retired both professional workers and professional house wives. Some speak Spanish fluently and some like me just speak. We have no governing body, we meet share experiences and help with information regarding a lot of subjects.
Thanks for changing the subject. If you are interested in finding out about the guy who came to my house Friday on a motor cycle and handed me a bill for 2,000,000.00 colones just ask and maybe I’ll have an answer by the time you ask.
Yes, I do have a lawyer, when you speak and read as much Spanish as my husband and I, you need a lawyer.
MemberHey Lady,
Come on to Costa Rica, you only have a couple years before you husband can qualify for retirement and over here it will seem as if you got a raise when he does get it. Come on down and check it out, based on what you are saying you will enjoy Costa Rica. They have several policies to cover medical care. Plus your life style will change you will be more relaxed and less stressed economically. It looks like gas prices are going to go to the roof.
Gas is expensive here in Costa Rica but you do not have to drive far to get to the bank or grocery store. Come on and check it out, I would suggest coming for a few weeks or even a month or more. Giving it a trial run, see if you like it.
Working to age 72 is not the answer. Perfect weather here in Grecia. No A/C and No furnaces.
MemberMake sure when you go that you are able to visit one of the Friday or Saturday markets. The food in Limon is different then in other parts of Costa Rica.
In fact the culture is very interesting. Most of us go place looking for fun and that is good but remembering some things about the people and the culture is even better.
If you meet someone from that area who can share information with you about the people and the culture. In the Province of Limon there is a greater cross sections of culture then in any other area in Costa Rica.
You see the Chinese, African, Spanish, Indian, and many other cultures that have been a great influence.
Have a good trip, in August the have a Festivity that celebrates their African Heritage. The parade is very interesting because you see faces of many colors.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss another subject other than security, safety and medical coverage (smile). That is why young blood is needed. We enjoy talking to some of the young people that live around us, they stimulate you and get you excited about life. Most of the older ones (not all) are just concerned about what if I get sick.
MemberThat was great where have you been. Gringo that is one of the reason it does not upset me anymore that my journey to the US was because of slavery. I believe that their was and is a plan for the USA, because we all have come from one struggle or another in getting there.
One day while praying, within my spirit I heard these words, you were enslaved to be set free. Not that the Germans and English are better people it is just that God uses who he wants to use. He does as he pleases and blesses who he blesses. We may call it unfair but then what is fair.
That is why for me being in Costa Rica is so important. It just feels right, my motive for coming and my motive for staying is far different then what we are actually doing here.
My husband and I are trying to be a part of the changing times in Costa Rica. Building a vision for the future, we see a people that have everything that is needed to be successful failing because of the lack of vision. More lives can be touched by coming here rather than them going to the USA, more can be accomplised.
Thank you for your writing, it may not be the only truth but it is true. I enjoyed reading it and I am sure others did.
Okay, no tell me how can I get a telephone through ICE? We need it for our business. We want broadband, we have a line but it is in someone elses name and locating him is very difficult.
Does anyone know the secret, please share it with me. We are only a few km from the center of the city.