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MemberNot sure about your budget, but you could also look at La Artistica.
We’ve bought a bed through Sarchi and one thing you have to be wary of are what appear to be different standards for beds (Queen, King, double etc). We had a bed made for ‘Queen’ and when we tried to place the true Queen mattress in it, the bed was too short. They had to create longer rails to fit the bed, which was a bit of a pain.
Member[quote=”jdocop”]jneiman, why ever would you need a citation for this statement? All you have to do is take a bus ride, or go for a drive in a car………you’ll see for yourself that the “vast, vast majority of people” do not, in fact, live in gated communities, nor do they, in fact, have walls all around their modest homes.[/quote]
Please re-read the quote. Most houses here are behind their own walls, gates, barbed wire and razor wire. If you live in the country, it is less so, however those do not make up the “vast, vast majority of people”.
Member[quote=”sprite”]All I know for sure is that the vast, vast majority of people do not find it necessary or perhaps even desirable to live behind walls in this country.[/quote]
Sprite, citation needed for your factoid.
MemberI live in a gated community and it has been very safe. Not all gated communities are equal. We don’t have bars nor barbed/razor wire. We do have armed guards.
Many gated communities / townhouse communities only have a single guard which can be easily overcome. Also our access is limited via a 400 meter road which increases the risk to fleeing would-be robbers as they only have one means of escape. It’s not an attractive target in comparision to others.
Like a number of my neighbors we also have security systems.
I know most people here knock the gated community, but it works great for my lifestyle and my piece of mind. Not everyone can live on a remote mountaintop or finca.
MemberJust to answer my own question about filing, I found this at: the tax table it states:
NOTA: Los propietarios de bienes de uso habitacional cuyo valor sea igual o menor al monto de ¢100.000.000, no están obligados a presentar la declaración. Estos montos se actualizarán todos los años en el mes de diciembre, con base en la variación del índice de precios al consumidor final.Which translates to:
NOTE: Owners of residential use property whose value is equal to or less than the amount of ¢ 100,000,000, are not required to file a return. These amounts will be updated every year in December, based on the index of prices to final consumers.So, if you aren’t over the threshold, then you don’t have to file anything.
MemberI used the software and figured my house is VC07 and included a concrete pad, fencing and grass area. It came in at 93,635,425 colones. The whole classification is so subjective. It probably represents about 55% of market value.
I read another site and it stated that filing is mandatory even if your assessment is under the 100,000,000 colones mark.
Is the filing a requirement for any homeowner?
MemberGet a Tica Bus ticket to Managua. The one I have in my passport folder has no date but covered me when I was a perpetual tourist. Back then, I believe the ticket was only $5 USD. That’s cheap!
MemberThere is value to the new comer in this forum. But isn’t much of that advice provided through the existing members who have already been through the experience? The long time residents of CR are providing their advice for free, and likely for the pure satisfaction of helping someone else following in their same footsteps.
Would I be here if I had to pay? Probably not.
Just my 2 cents.
MemberIf your time is valuable and you still want the good deal with full guarantees and delivery, then contact David at 8361-0408. I’ve purchased major appliances, TV’s for my house and office with no complaints.
MemberGoing back to the original content of the thread – if the guy has skill and is good with customer service then he can probably make a living here – just do it legally.
To those of you offended that someone making minimum wage is likely inept or uneducated, tell me what you find so offensive? I pay my maid more money than the minimum. I pay my employees far more money than the minimum? Why you ask? Because I know that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. I always look for the employee that wants more out of life, works hard, is honest and is good at what they do. That places them above the rest and they deserve more.
If you are on the bottom rungs and your next wage increase is based soley upon a government mandate for a revised minimum salary schedule, then who is to blame? Socialists would probably disagree, and that’s your right, but don’t condem me for my opinion either.
MemberAre you awaiting your next salary increase from the revised schedule? If so you are probably grossly inept or uneducated.
MemberThe minimum salary schedule rarely applies in the real world except to those who are grossly inept or uneducated.
There continues to be a lack of truly qualified workers in a number of fields. If you are good at what you do, and actually care about the service you provide to your customers you can be succcesful here. I’m not saying it will be easy, but you probably can carve out a nice niche.
But as Scott says, do ensure you are legal, because if you are viewed as competition by the locals, people will go out of their way to try to bring you down. I have more than a few stories on that topic.
Edited on Jun 13, 2009 07:21
MemberI have the hardwood pieces glued down onto the concrete and been in my house three years with no problem. Go figure.
MemberIn the 8 years I’ve been here, I’ve witnessed crime first hand. Every single one of my employees have been a victim of crime over the past couple of years. Just yesterday, the mother and sister of one of my employees was held up at gunpoint just as they walked outside their house in San Pedro. My wife’s doctor and her family were held hostage inside their house by gun toting bandits earlier this year.
I’m not selling real estate, nor security products. But I think people need to have a valid concern for their safety when either they come to visit CR or to live in CR.
The criminal here is becoming more organized and more brazen. The police are struggling. Witnesses get threatened or worse. Drugs are more in the open, and those addicted tend to steal anything they can get their hands on.
You can compare CR to other places and say its worse elsewhere. The problem is the helplessness and frustration even if the criminal were actually caught. The shootout in La Uruca was dramatic. Maybe that will send a message to some criminals. Unfortunately, the shooters have been threatened by the family of the deceased career criminals — instead they should be protected and heralded as heroes.
MemberApparently the entire stadium will be constructed of melted down “White Rabbit” and substandard steel!