john c

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  • in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169910
    john c

    yeah…I’ve seen the latest ‘Mass Fatality’ planning. George Orwell could certainly see the future.

    I highly recommend everyone dump all mainstream media propaganda and start following the top alternative news sites. is my favorite for putting it all together in one place.

    Be sure to check out the articles and videos from George Celente and Peter Schiff.

    I also recommend the Sons of Liberty Academy…

    Chris Duane has spent a good portion of his life putting this information together…and now he’s giving it away for free.

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169907
    john c

    This about sums up why I’m leaving…

    Also, the dept of homeland security just purchased over a BILLION hollow point bullets. This is a DOMESTIC agency. I guess they are expecting the terrorists to do a Normandy style invasion on Ellis Island sometime soon. 🙄

    I know one thing…hollow points aren’t used for target practice and they are illegal to use against our enemies, per the Geneva Convention. I’m sure everyone can figure the rest out.

    If you have money in the US financial markets, I agree with Ann Barnhardt….

    Get out!!!

    Read up on the recent 7th court of appeals decision. Your account funds are being REHYPOTHECATED. They can be stolen from you and you now have no protections.

    in reply to: IRS reporting… #162221
    john c

    Thanks David,

    I haven’t dug into the 5471 form…but it looks ridiculous….

    and more at ..

    In fact, Turbo Tax doesn’t even produce this form.

    I’m a guy who runs a small business and always do my own taxes. Some years my returns produce over 100-200 pages of documents, but this 5471 looks overly complex.

    I think ultimately I’m going to take it out of the corporation and into my own name. Yes, there are transfer taxes when you sell, but I’m paying $200-300 a year now on passive corporation registration fees.

    Using a corporation to hold title was sold to me as a way to have privacy and no transfer fees when selling. But lets face it…in 2012 in the US, there is NO privacy. You can forget about that. Costa Rican government has dropped the transfer fee from 3 to 1.5%…so I’d rather deal with that fee sometime down the road than the threat of filing a late/inaccurate/incomplete 5471 form and hit with a 10,000, up to $50,000 fine.

    The IRS is even hitting people with 10K automatic fines just for filing the 5471 late…

    “The instructions to Form 5471 state that it could take over 32 hours to complete this form”.

    “The form requires that you supply the IRS with the corporation’s income statement, balance sheet, and data on its loans, operations and other shareholders. It also requires information on dividends and managerial payments made to shareholders, officers and directors”.

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