Since posting this message, I have been contacted by four other “victims” who have not received their requested refunds and who have expressed interest in joining me in the Class Action suit I plan to file at the end of this month. In a letter I wrote to Bill Gale on September 13th, I gave him until October 31 to respond before filing the action. If there are any others out there that would like to join us, please contact me directly at and I’ll add you to the list. At least we can keep in contact with each other and keep track of all the lies they are telling us!
Jon Michael
Someone suggested that I post the comment I made on the infocostarica forum here, but I see someone else has already copied and pasted it here for me. So the same offer goes here … let me know if you have failed to receive your deposit back, or feel you have been misled or defrauded by Paragon and I’ll pass your name and information to my attorney to add to the class action suit we are currently putting together. So I don’t get slammed with emails, please post your email address to me at my snail mail address and I’ll contact you:
Jon Michael
2888 Rush Branch Road
Bradfordsville, KY 40009 USA
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