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  • in reply to: A Question For Luis Fishman – Costa Rica politician #160987

    I don’t know if this helps (I am sure you have thought of this) but Fishman has his own FaceBook Page. See: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fishman-2010/164627315955

    in reply to: Please recommend a dentist in Costa Rica #189341

    I have just come back home after having numerous lower teeth removed, bone graphs, deep cleaning, 6 Implants @ $700 each finishing with an enameled covered titanium bridge. All of this took about a year to complete. I used Dentavac you can look them up on the web at http://www.dentavac.com/ My Dentist is Dr. Luis Alberto Baez Astua a highly skilled professional. I have been in and out of many Clinic’s over the years but I have never found a more up-to-date modern establishment ever. My new teeth fit perfectly, it feels as though they have been with me for ever. There is absolutely no feeling that my previously teeth had been removed.

    in reply to: Airport Parking #189397

    There is an add in the most resent Tico Times for Park & Fly Costa Rica their phone number is 440-3134 fax 442-4647 email info@parkandflycr.com They are 400 metres from Juan Santamaria Airport. Secure 24/7. Transport to and from airport. Covered parking. May be what you are looking for?

    in reply to: Power usage in Costa Rica #186200

    There were a number of reasons we purchased a home in the mountains. No need for air conditioning being one, no Mosquitos, the wonderful cool climate we all come to CR for and stunning beauty, a few reasons (there are many more) we purchased where we did.

    And I agree with Scott, the power hogs should be made to pay extra for their needs.

    in reply to: Costa Rica Dental Implants #186033

    I have been using DentaVac in Escazu http://www.dentavac.com/

    They are a totally professional team, all educated in the U.S., Switzerland and other countries I don’t remember. My Dentists Dr. Baez and Dr. Meza are the best you can find and they all speak perfect English. We have up-to-date facilities here in Bermuda but DentaVac is by far the nicest Dentistry I have ever visited. Here in Bermuda I was quoted $25,000 for the work needed doing, DentaVac is going to charge me $7,500 and they are going to do about 40% more. You can find DentaVac’s rates on the site listed above.

    in reply to: Beware 1-costaricalink.com (notice the dash) #185953

    I was in CR earlier this year and had my credit cards (Visa & Mastercard) stolen. The crooks managed to use them before I could cancel. After filing a Fraud Dispute with my bank, the amounts were credited back to my cards. This is why we pay 18% interest to cover this type of event. I did notice you said that you always pay your cards off, I don’t know (?) maybe this has an effect?

    I don’t know if you have spoken with the “manager” of the Chase Credit Card department, I would not speak with the first person who answered the phone which it sounds like what you have done. I WOULD RAISE HELL all the way to the top. I am surprised at Visa’s response. Good luck.

    in reply to: Costa Rica Attorneys #185889

    They will probably burn Scott because it’s his site?

    in reply to: Moving pet cats to Costa Rica #185868

    One critical fact about flying pets is, the temperature at the airports, especially if a connecting flight is involved. If the ground temperature is 85 degrees or above, or 45 (?) degrees or below, the airlines will not fly your pets! You wont know the ground temperature until you check in and they could refuse to fly your pet. What do you do then? Huge problems! Please check with your airlines and verify this regulation.

    in reply to: Moving pet cats to Costa Rica #185864

    Hi Catty1,

    My wife and I also want to bring our little friends with us. We also have a medical case which we have discussed with Dr. Adrian Molina in Escazu, he will make all arrangements to help you get your little friends into the country and I would suggest that you contact him directly and discuss your concerns. He can be reached at: Phone: (506) 228-1909 / 288-1716 Fax: (506) 289-9989 E-mail:dradrianmolina@hotmail.com

    Edited on Aug 09, 2007 15:21

    in reply to: Stray Dogs And Animal Shelters? #185184

    I am glad your dilemma has been resolved. In the event you find yourself in a similar position again, I came across this shelter in the Tico Times. http://www.animalsheltercostarica.com/

    in reply to: San Jose Hotel #185170

    I have stayed at the Gran Hotel several times and have had no problems at all. The rooms are ample, I would recommend rooms #238, #338 or #438. These rooms are in the front of the hotel overlooking the National Theater, what a spectacular building. You can’t any more central than this. They have an excellent restaurant and the best Beer that I have found in all of CR. Have a look at: http://www.grandhotelcostarica.com/

    in reply to: Costa Rica 4X4 Car Rentals #183997

    We rented from Dean in January. The Tracker had seen better days a long time ago but what are you expecting for $35.00 a day? It got us to where we needed to go and back again. I tried to rent from Dean in May but he didn’t have any vehicles. I am coming back in September and I will try to get one of his Tracker’s for this period. If you are looking for a big American SUV which are spotless, then be prepared to pay premium rates as they are available. If you only want to spend $35.00 a day on a car that will get you around CR, Dean has the car for you.

    in reply to: Robbed in Costa Rica #183764

    Well I am back home and I can look back upon this as an adventure I would not want to repeat.

    As far as I have been told, the licence plates in CR do not identify you as a tourist. A number of you have asked about times of day etc. This happened to me at about 1:30 p.m. height of the afternoon in a very busy area.

    One more tip, which I will adopt for my new Credit Cards is, instead of signing the back as is usual, I will print ” ask for photo ID” in English and Spanish. This way it will be dam near impossible to use the cards, if something like this ever happens again.

    Edited on May 24, 2007 07:29

    in reply to: Robbed in Costa Rica #183751

    I thought it was dejavu all over again. I left my safe haven (B&B) to return the car. Not long after being on the highway, someone came up beside me indicating that something was wrong with the car and disappeared up the road. A Bus came up behind me honking his horn and motioning me to stop. You can imagine what I was thinking!!! I have nothing left to steal and what I do have, including my nice new Passport will not leave without a fight. I managed to stop the car in the middle of the highway and guess what; the tire on the opposite side to the one previously damaged, was all but completely flat. Did I say dejavu all over again? I managed to find a gas station not far up the road, they pumped it up and by the time I returned it to the car rental people, it was still riding high.

    My flight is at 7:35 tomorrow morning, I will be using a Taxi and I can’t wait. It has been quite an adventure these last few days. Some of the innocence I came to Costa Rica with has been lost but it will never deter me from returning. I am just a little smarter and a lot more cautious. I know between my friends and me, when I return home, there will be a lot to chuckle about until I think about the photographic memories which were lost. I will be back in September.

    in reply to: Robbed in Costa Rica #183745

    I am told the Galloper is less noticeable? And to always have the vehicle delivered to your residence because they will follow you from the rental agency or the airport and we know what the result could be.

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