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MemberDear elindermuller- my sentiments exactly-sounds like the male chavenist has a lot in common with myself- and he dissed me about staying with the dogs when he is looking for the same Ha Ha. I am similar with you, I don’t need a man for much- they are not worth the hassle. I am very independant also, have a great profession, ride horses and do martial arts. I am also in your age bracket- so more power to us, sister!
[quote=”elindermuller”]@ jultes : the more I read from 2bncr the more I understand that men have not developed much since they left the cave many thousands of years ago. They do not want modern women, they want a bloody young honey-bunny-dummy thing who acts like a dog, laying to their feet and be at their service 24/7. She has to look like a model, want sex 3 times a day, has to love cooking, house work and motherhood (careful, pregnancy can damage the perfect body), should not act too smart because this would scratch his ego, and hopefully she does NOT speak his language, this way she can not annoy him by talking about things she does not know what she is talking about.
@ 2bncr … sorry for not answering your text with the same amount of text. Useless anyhow, I guess my English is not advanced enough to really say what I would like to say. You had asked where I come from. I am German, have been living fulltime in Costa Rica for 20 years, speak and write decent Spanish, and I am probably THE horror version 😈 of a woman for you. I am Single and free to do whatever I want (and I just love it !!! and I give a crap what men think ). I have a fulltime job and a part time job, and a non-profit job. I am raising 2 teenagers on my own, without the help of anyone. Plus 4 dogs, 2 cats and 6 horses. My original profession is cabinet maker (state certified,Germany) which at that time was considered a man’s profession, but I liked and still like the creative part of it, which I think is pretty female. And the worst part for you probably, I am 50 years old, probably look like 50 and act like 50. I also have 50 years of live experience, which I think is great. I am not looking for a “better half”, because I am not a Half, I am a 100 % already (plus a few pounds more), so no need for another half. I have never in my live been with a man much older than myself (3 years max.)but at a time I had a boyfriend 13 years younger than me (go figure 😯 !!). I have been married and I got divorced. At the end I found out that I am a much happier person when I do NOT have a man in my neck (much less a much older one). Luckily women are not that sex-driven like men are (thought many women act like they were, because men expect it) and when considering a relationship, women also want some brain, not only the toys. Nevertheless, when a young sexy guy walks by, I can very well turn into a cave woman for a moment, and look at his butt, six pack and whatever else he has to show :lol:[/quote]
MemberWow, do I detect an anti-gringa attitude? I am a Griga here in Texas and have found the American men here are much to be desired. Maybe I need to date a Tico man, affairs and all, at least they are honest and up front about it.
I find the American men (all of them that I have dated) in the past 20 years to be selfish, liars, flaky, cheap, arrogant, and very unavailable. I would be delited if a man cherished me because I would give it all back, which is what true love really is. I find that when I am kind to these men they seem to run like they have seen the devil. For example if they treat me to a nice meal I show my appreciation by cooking them a gourmet home cooked meal.. they either don’t even show up, or they need to leave in the middle of it for something unimportant. The only soul mate I have found is my dog Beany, who passed away 2 years ago from old age. Believe me, that was the most painful experience I have ever gone through. That dog gave me more love than anyone or anything ever has (including my own mother which isn’t saying much). She was very loyal and devoted to me, was always very happy to see me all of the time, accompanied me almost everywhere I could take her, and appreciated everything I did for her by bringing me my slippers, bathing my feet, bringing me her toys.
People have really gotten away from what love is really about. We need to take a que from the dogs…..(except for the sexual aspect). Although there are other sexually loyal canines such as the wolf who mate for life).Did you mean the advantage of marrying non-American women?
I wholeheartedly agree.
Generally speaking I have found American women to be the least feminine acting and some of the meanest women I have ever met (not all of course). They are into being “strong like a man” and want to parade around their dominance by making men look foolish and inept, you know bring them down to their level.
They have endless opinions about things of which they know nothing about and are now being brain washed by the media to think men are useless.
A woman was named CEO of Yahoo, and she said she was not a feminist and the “penis envy” crowd jumped all over her because she began talking about interior decorating and motherhood – quite the sin for a woman to commit eh? You won’t find that in CR but the feminist extremist from the US are here spreading their poison veiled as liberation when it’s really anti motherhood, anti family and anti male.
Latin women (for the most part) respect men. They are not mouthy to men and arrogant like their American counterparts who think because a man would not physically strike them in the street for what a man would physically strike another man for saying, that they can say anything, and typically do.
For the most part, Latin women enjoy being women, and feel no need to act as men and compete with men. That is nice.
Now if you are claiming those advantages to marrying a Tica I agree.
However, Costa Ricans are much less sophisticated than let’s say south American Latinas – so the desirable ones to me are those that are architects and other professionals. However, there are some wonderfully kind and soft women that are working in factories and schools that make great wives, as long as you understand their social mores (customary behaviors).
Let me give you some examples
American men have been indoctrinated to worship their women. It’s all about pleasing them in bed, with gifts and remembering this and that, it’s a trite game of “gotcha” designed to make men effeminate and controllable.
If you start acting like that, most Ticas get bored with you quickly. They have been raised to earn your affection. If you just give it to them, there is no chase and they get confused. Seriously. I have been here quite a while and that is the truth.
American women hate this about Ticas. They feel threatened by Ticas. Have you ever seen an American woman friends with a Tica (I am not talking old women), but I have never seen an American woman that lives here hanging out with a Tica? They are intimidated by them and for good reason. Ticas know how to seduce men with femininity and kindness. Example: a Tica can go to a Ropa Americana store (used clothing) and walk out looking sexy by combining used clothes! American women walk around in baggy pants looking like they just finished a trek in the mountains. Basically they dress like men. Nothing feminine there.
With a sincere voice, you say to a Tica 20 years younger, “wow, you are so beautiful!” And she shyly says “thank you.” In the US, you would be scorned. Vilified. Made out to be a pervert for a compliment. Ticas exude their femininity by being gracious in acknowledging the compliment. That is kindness. A kind thank you for a kind compliment. American women are so full of themselves that the art of being kind to men has long been lost. They are basically mean and the word “bitch” has become a proud title to many women. They even affectionately refer to each other as that.
Another thing: Ticas and Ticos do not have a reputation for fidelity (generally speaking again). Married women have affairs here. Oh yeah. Men are legendary for having affairs and women assume this. So if you are a faithful man – you will not be treated like one. Ticas, for the most part do not think, but believe that all men in their prime cheat. Many don’t care really, as long as their husband does not leave them. This is what I meant by some of the nuts and bolts traits of a relationship. They want the man at home on Saturdays and Sundays, the paycheck coming in etc etc. So if their 38 year old husband is “conquering” an 18 to 25 year old on the side it’s to be expected. They call it street competition.
This is a very sensual and sexy society. Sex matters here. So if it takes husbands and wives (though not as much) having affairs to keep the sex fresh within the couples, then so be it. However, this is all done discreetly. American women hate this about the Tica culture; that they accept their men having affairs. American women also hate that prostitution is legal here. American women want a monopoly on sex, and prostitution breaks that monopoly, that manipulation tool they wield so unnaturally and harshly.
“Arrangements” here are common with foreigners and upper middle class Ticos. These are sometimes affectionate relationships (and sometimes purely sexual) where men and women meet for a couple of hours for pay. I have known men to have these arrangements with a set of women (usually two or three) that have lasted years. I have seen these women clean their houses and shop for them as well. Even take care of them in their old age. These women have their boyfriends but I have seen the arrangements relationships outlast the relationships they have with the Tico fathers of their children.
So the arrangement spouse is helping to support the family, as much or even more at times than the biological father of the child.
This drives American women nuts. How could these Tica do this when they could be fleecing them through divorce and live in the old codgers house with their new boyfriend! Don’t they know their street value?
American men love these relationships. Often times they are their primary relationships. Other times they may have an older Tica they date and maybe live with while they keep their playmates. There is a myriad of colors in that rainbow.
So these are an example of only some of the customary behaviors here that you will find once you penetrate the surface of society here. It takes a longtime to understand what goes on here, and if you do not live here and do not speak Spanish, you may never understand customary social behaviors here.
If you do not believe me, then cruise through the Motel Eden. The busiest time is during the day when spouses are apart from each other! These are very discrete hotels in which you drive into a garage, the door closes, you enter a luxuary room with spa and steam showers, king bed, etc, and open a dumb waiter and deposit your money. The dumb waiter comes back with towels and condoms. You never see another person. When you leave the room after an hour or so, you cannot reenter. It is then cleaned for the next client. It’s designed for mostly people having affairs. I have never counted the small townhouse style rooms but I bet there is about 100 of them. Let’s say they turn over 12 times a day on average. Do the math. So you see that sex is very important here.
There is also an interesting side to legal prostitution in that just knowing that sex is available, when you want it, makes men less needy and therefore not as easy to manipulate by their wives. It keeps the wives honest by breaking their sexual monopoly. But it also decreases men’s preoccupation for sex – as in wanting what you can’t have.
Men know they can have sex here easily so they don’t want it as much as a man dependent solely on his wife or girlfriend for sex. American women hate that variable. Ticas factor that into the equation and withholding sex from their man is a great way to get him to go get it somewhere else. Quite the boomerang effect from what American women are used to…. (this is where the smiley face goes!).
American women prefer to make their men weak and needy by withholding sex (not all of them but I would venture to say that most do). They do it to get what they want (I call it veiled prostitution). They can actually be prostitutes within their marriage – and have a monopoly on their men! Convenient no? Then their men get it somewhere else and the wife divorces him for cheating (gee I wonder why he was cheating?). What a racket.
That does not fly here. Sorry Gringas. That is why you see very few Gringas married to Ticos and if you do, you see that the Gringa understands the rules of the game and that requires using respect, sweetness and sex to keep her man happy. To me when it comes to partners, “Gringas need not apply.”
For beauty and kindness there is nothing like Latians (Colombianas and Brazilenas being at the top of the list (mate wise I would prefer a Brazilena – but if you are looking for pure beauty and passion – nothing like a Colombiana (ars gratis artis!)… However, you have to be able to understand the explosiveness because they are very passionate and extremely feminine. They like to vent. And they like to see you get passionate as well – far more than any other Latinas I have met). So if you cannot handle venting especially from the younger ones, then you might want an Asian woman. After all you gotta have fuel if you want fire….
So like my Tico buddy says, “You can’t taste the soup when it’s hot! You gotta let it cool down.” If you are mature about it and do not engage (a must), then when it cools down it is usually followed with an apology and great times… if you know what I mean. It can be great foreplay but it takes getting used to. It’s too crazy for most Gringos especially if they do not speak Spanish and do not understand the culture… Even the upper middle class Latinas that appear cultured vent, less when they are older… so be aware of that. It can be a deal breaker for some guys. I have gotten so used to it and am so apart from it that I find it amusing. Almost cute, but you have to keep a straight face… (hahahaha to them it serious (in the moment at least).
Again all of this is according to my experience and could be considered a generalization. Good luck! You are going to need it!
And watch out what you wish for!
As you might get it!
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Which category of residency will you be applying for?
Probably the rentista- not really sure I may deposit 1500000 in the bank because I do not have a guaranteed income.jultes
MemberYes, I just enquired about applying for residency and they said it takes approx 8 months to process it. It has thrown my plans off a bit so now I have to decide to wait or just come for 90 days and be prepared to maybe or maynot get back in to the country after renewing the visa. I was going to move around May of this year so it is good I am flexible and roll with the punches. it pays to keep up on the websites to find everchanging rules on immigration.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]without that outward bound tickt on plane, train, or bus you may not get a 90 day stamp in the passport.[/quote]
I would like to live in CR permanently. I have been reading that immigration may not always let you back in. Is this common? It kinda worries me as I have pets I need to leave
in he country when I leave after a 90 day period.jultes
MemberHow about Atenas, is that a drug haven? Can you suggest a reliable banc to use there? Thanks for your opinion.
[quote=”maravilla”]what kind of trouble are y[b][/b]ou talking about? there have been HUGE seizures — several tons at a time — of cocaine bound for the US in coastal waters on both sides of the country. there have been some gang shootings in various places here, but nothing like Juarez or Sinaloa. there are cities here that are drug havens, and there seems to be no end in sight to cocaine use here either. it’s very upsetting. i used to spend a lot of time in Jamaica when i lived in the bahamas — both places were pretty peaceful when they were just smoking the ganga, but when crack hit the streets violence soon followed.[/quote]February 13, 2012 at 9:27 pm in reply to: mystery disease kills thousands in Central America #168539jultes
Member[quote=”kellied”]Is it possible to get Organic fruits & veggies – or is there not too much monitoring on pesticide use?
On a side note – having had 2 brain surgeries – MRI’s are safe, but CAT scans are not. Always request MRIs[/quote]
You can’t just request an MRI unless you are private pay, your insurance may require you to get a CT first since they dictate what we providers order (I am a nurse practitioner who has had that experience trying to get orders for my patients) Julie NP -