Forum Replies Created
MemberI’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this discussion … No, it’s not easy to know what another person feels, or to talk about such difficult subjects, but by relating and expressing our experiences and points of view, we gain understanding and how to reach out to each other. Thank you all.
MemberThank you, Maravilla, for your kind intentions in writing your thoughtful and sensitive article … to try to stop this from happening to anyone else … both the suicide and the legal problems of an unregistered gun.
Suicide is a human problem that occurs everywhere, and I am thankful to see the “We Love Costa Rica” forum treat it seriously … and more importantly, as a community. As FreeBird urges, our humanity and compassion are needed to try to understand and prevent it.
Empathy may mean “tough love” to tell a desperate person that they must address their problems, not change their address.
Suicidal depression is usually NOT just a “selfish” action … but more like a horrific nightmare one feels trapped in. If someone suffered from a physical injury that caused unremitting pain, people would be more sympathetic to someone who took such a drastic “solution”. Suicide is usually NOT about indifference to the family and friends left behind, but about pain that someone finally could not endure.
Suicide is a tragedy because there are far better “solutions” but each of those better solutions requires love, compassion and empathetic support. When such support is not enough, we cannot blame ourselves … but we should not blame the victim, either.
Contrary to some popular myths, talk of suicidal thoughts or intentions should always be taken seriously. The vast majority of suicides do not tell others because they know the stigma, the judgment, and the shame attached by our society. Chemical imbalance is usually involved, but even there, kindness and compassion can help. Despair and depression cause a sort of lethargy and the supportive insistence of a friend may be needed to get someone to go to a doctor.
MemberMy husband and I both ended up going to CIMA for emergency situations this year, and we really are 1000% thrilled with the medical care, hospital cleanliness, friendliness and cost. I know folks who come to Costa Rica especially FOR health care, and I can see why.
It’s easy to get a little indignant over Gringo vs Tico pricing, but if you ever try to run a business Tico style, with Tico customers and what they can afford based on their incomes, you can see easily that the dual price schedules are quite fair and we have no complaints. Minimum wage in Costa Rica is several times lower than in the U.S.
All the best, Katalan
MemberDear Stan,
I guess your reply is not oriented to my posting, but no, we cannot even get cell phone reception on our land, which is in the rainforest and VERY rural. I don’t think that Racsa has DSL in the area — we are near Agua Zarcas, which is slightly northeast of Cuidad Quesada.
In rural northern Arizona we have tried piggy-backing off a “standard” wireless internet service and it has worked but with frequent “down” times and is frustrating.
We need reliable internet because I do editorial consulting and my clients need to be able to reach me.
I was mostly wondering if folks had as good experience with Dr Dish as I had “heard” on the forums.
Thanks! katalan
MemberDear David,
Am I correct in gleaning that Dr Dish is a reliable satellite internet installer/service provider?
We are moving to a rural area near Cuidad Quesada, without phone lines or cell reception, and have gotten a quote from Dr Dish for a 3 meter satellite internet service. It’s expensive but we need reliable internet for business.
Also, I assume that Skype would work with Dr Dish?
MemberWow! Do you know if they used a dehumidifier? And do they get salty humidity from the ocean … I think the salt is a factor in accelerating damage to electronics.
MemberThanks, Scott and Imxploring. We’re moving to the Agua Zarcas area, which I’d guess is “pretty humid” although less humid than, say, an ocean-front location. I’m glad to hear there’s hope for a dehumidifier to work — I’d heard horror stories of folks on the Pacific coast whose libraries were consumed by mold and mildew. Thanks!
MemberThank you so much for the information on satellite internet. My husband and I are building an eco-hotel near Agua Zarcas, and the postings on this forum gave us just the information we needed when we needed it — how easy is that? THANKS!
MemberThanks maravilla and soflodoug! Actually, our vet has already checked the import requirements for potbellied pigs and they are basically the same as for dogs — Ludwig needs a vet-certified clean bill of health and proof of all required vaccinations. I am concerned with “glitches” in getting him smoothly out of customs at the San Jose airport since it will be a very long day of travel for him — and we will have 2 more hours’ driving to go from San Jose to Agua Zarcas. We can’t let him out of his transport kennel until we get him home — pigs are a bit like horses in getting panicked and uncooperative when scared, and he is a very strong animal — a “leash” would do nothing to restrain or direct him because he would just “pull” any handler in any direction he goes. Ludwig is about 150 pounds — potbellied pigs are “miniature pigs” only compared to regular farm pigs, which are more like 600+ pounds. We can only let him out of the kennel inside a strong fence and he will not want to urinate inside the kennel. I have found “pet relocator” services willing to move him, but they are mucho expensive, $4,000 not including airfare. I was hoping someone might have moved a potbellied pig and could advise how well they handled the air transport. Many thanks!
MemberDear Deb3 — The wheezing suggests you probably should go to an allergist (M.D.) to be sure it isn’t asthma or another serious problem. They can do allergy tests. Mold causes me to have pinching or tightness in lungs, shortness of breath. Suggest trying to think of environmental differences associated with new symptoms — mold in your house or other daily/frequent activities? Some changes can “sneak up on you” like changes in diet resulting from switching to new foods that are more available/easier to get/cheaper or old foods are difficult to find/expensive. Also, is there a rash or bumps (or anything) associated with skin itching … or does skin just itch? Does it improve when you take antihistamines? Food allergies CAN cause the above and are really hard to pinpoint without doing a proper “elimination diet” — which is also quite a difficult regimen, so it is best to start with a good allergy skin test and physical exam to narrow down the possible causes. Myself, I would go to an M.D. allergist because they know the latest testing methods and broad experience with symptoms and likely causes in the CR environment. Hope this helps!
MemberMore on allergies in CR (and hope comments are stil timely to your posting) — I have severe allergies, to pollens, food, mold, etc. I experience fewer problems in CR, and I think it is because of the higher humidity. Research at the University of Arizona showed that most people reacted less to allergans in high humdity, compared to low humidity — possibly because the higher humidity kept mucous membranes healthier and moist.
By the way, does anyone know a place in CR to get gluten-free flours and similar specialty foods for food intolerances? My husband and I have bought land near Agua Zarcas (near Cuidad Quesada), plan to move there soon. Thanks!
MemberWe were delighted with the 4 x 4 we rented from Dean for a month in Nov, and I plan to rent from him again. I posted a similar reply to another thread on this topic. Every entreprise is capable of making mistakes and glitches. I’d go with the majority of people’s experience as that will represent the norm. Katalan
MemberI’m new on the forum. My husband and I rented a 4 x 4 Tracker from Dean Krieg and were completely happy with the service (delivered the car to our hotel), cost, and performance. No breakdowns, no problems period, and a great price. We’ll rent from him again on our next visit.
We’ve bought land in Agua Zarcas, and may have quite a few questions, although I’ll read all the postings first to be sure they’ve not already been answered. See you around — and thanks for all the practical advice! Katalan