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Membergreat David, I will ask which is simplest and and will do the trick..
will have to ask about furniture etc too aktho not too valuable really. but still, best to cover all bases..kathleen6711
MemberThanks Maravilla π
I will contact my lawyer who has all my corp. papers tomorrow.kathleen6711
MemberThanks for the quick response! I will try that since apparently I bought a GMS phone which is not the type for a cell phone service with ICE (using a corp). Going back to the store where I purchased my phone they said the type I needed runs about $400…
so am determined to go the SIMS route and will persevere until successful π Will let you know. ICE did say there is a waiting list for numbers for this type but that’s fine. Patience is a virtue…and worth learning!
Memberah ha! good advice, it would be a very bad start to be prevented from boarding before I even started my adventure…
I will make a trip back to Boston anyways in June/July so will just book that return. Thanks for quck response π
MemberThanks so much for your quick reply! I think I will see a tax professional just to make sure. The last thing I want is the IRS on my back! I am in the accounting/finance profession but that is not the same as being a tax accountant, I work more for private business and each company I worked for had the auditing agency prepare company taxes as well. People always assume I “do taxes” when there are so many areas or specialties in accounting as there in law and other fields. I could of continued searching through the websites for the IRS but I figured there were some savvy people on Scot’s site π
have a great weekend,
MemberThanks for your reply, (and grb1063 too!) I will probably go back to same company, it wasn’t too unreasonable and I really like the convenience of having a phone with me as I have several people to connect with especially concerning my annual property maintenance.
MemberExcellente! I liked the second link, looks like a 10 day rental will be a lot less that last time. I may have my phone hooked up by the time I get there but it depends how slowly the wheels of the gods turn π
muchas gracias,
Memberso true Scott. Someone brought me a photo from a US paper yesterday afternoon at work and I was frustrated trying to find more info. Having recently purchased a small house in Atenas I knew it was not in my area, however I was worried about Terry and Rigo and Jeff. Having met several wonderful people there in August during the closing process I was concerned. Terry did e-mail me to say although the area is near her home as well as Jeff’s they were fine but did have a friend with 2 daughters and an ex-wife who were missing. Apparently the homes were built in an area considered unsafe but unfortunately those without money are sometimes forced to compromise their safety and health with tragic consequences. I return in November and I am hoping there will be some type of fund I can contribute to, I am sure Terry will let me know. My prayers are with them,
Kathleen in Bostonkathleen6711
MemberYes thanks Steve and Scott, I heard from Jere and he’s in MA at the moment (not too far from me!). He asked me to let him know if I found someone good that he might refer to others so it sounds as if business is good for him! I did find someone who is working to make arrangments with my broker and will let Scott know if I feel I can or should recommend to others.
thanks again, Kathleenkathleen6711
MemberHi there π
all good advice on the legalities of living and working in Costa Rica as well as cultural differences. I recommend “Living Abroad in Costa Rica” by Erin Van Rheenen, it’s a great resource to answer many of your questions…available on
I feel your pain too on missing CR, I was there for two weeks a couple of months ago and then last week to look at properties. Altho I cannot retire or live there in the near future, I plan on visiting 2-3 a year going forward. Been many places in the states and Europe but feel so happy there, so much beauty and kindness…hard to leave…
good luck, keep learning!
MemberThank-you for the info, I have booked a B&B instead. I decided this trip I will be doing too much driving around to take advantage of yoga retreats/spas. Perhaps my next trip π
MemberHello, thanks for your reply! I have bookmarked your site for future but for one person who is going to be doing a lot of driving around it’s too high for me. Also I need to be closer to San Jose itself. However, I have two friends who have expressed strong interest in coming down so with 3-4 people a house makes more sense and we could enjoy the site more. I will hopefully be in touch later when I plan a “true” vacation,
MemberHola Scott,
I liked the video a lot and you covered so many activities available in CR (which I think I did all of them in Feb. except for fishing). The song is great but does get a little tiresome, maybe if you could suegway part-way thru to something a little slower and perhaps with a romantic overtone. I personally don’t agree with showing more of the upscale spots but perhaps that’s because I view Costa Rica as a more relaxing healthier environment and want to stay that way. Do agree with changing first voice to a Tican (perhaps female, more seductive. Overall good job π
MemberThanks Scott! That’s the answer I was hoping for. A friend of mine is going to San Jose next Monday to look for condos and I sent him this website. I did say the developers recommended seemed to be Costa Rican, not American but told him to join the site and read up! I am looking into coming down in a few weeks if possible and hopefully spending some time south of San Jose. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
MemberHola all! I have just recently joined this site and am interested in purchasing something for investment/vacation home that I could also rent out to help support the property. I have heard that if you use American developers you pay much more. Are most of the developers menioned in this site American based or not? I know I should also check out La National paper, I also think a condo might be a better idea as it may be more attactive to renters even tho in my fantasies I see myself cavorting through the mountain forests and streams π …anyone…anyone?
Katalina from Boston