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  • in reply to: HIDDEN GUANACASTE PROPERTY #175613

    FIRST, I am not a realtor or any other version of someone selling, referring or in any other way profiting from property in Costa Rica.

    SECOND, I believe that IF you’ve found a spot that “floats your boat” after 10 days of searching, than by all means check out all the things these other people are telling you. But mostly…

    BUYER BEWARE is still the best thing to say and that says it all, all the way down the line. From property registration, to water, to permits, etc.

    BUT MAINLY I wanted to say: Don’t be discouraged by all the things these people are telling you. THERE ARE still great deals on great properties here. Where IS the property you’re talking about? Maybe I could at least give you a personal perspective. I’ve been “getting to know” Guanacaste for a few years now, seeing prices that range from outrageous (like Nosara) to downright bargains (heard of “Venado”?) Personally I enjoy “searching” around Guanacaste for properties. It’s just another way for me to get to know my “neigborhood” better.

    in reply to: Driving to Costa Rica #175849

    I drove here in May of 2004 with a friend that speaks better Spanish than me. It took us 12 days which was neither intense, long days of driving nor was it a siteseeing tour. The borders are a hassle yes. And yes, you can “avoid the taxes” on your vehicle for 6 months. If you want to know more, just ask. Kevin in San Juanillo

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