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MemberYou can Buy them from MAG
I bought black ones –they produce really well
Some days I get 1 egg per chicken
But you have to feed them both concentrate and hole corn kernals–and its best to let them free range at least part of the daykordan
MemberIts funny how Americans are so accustomed to some beaurocratic office to protect them from every possible issue that arrises.
The mechanic I go to charges something insane like $8 per hourkordan
MemberCoopemex–but not exactly a bank-
[quote=”Scott”]As far as I know not a single Costa Rican bank has failed this year… Costa Rican banks are a ZILLION times more conservative than the vast majority of US banks ….
“U.S. bank failures reached 108 so far in 2010 on Friday as regulators seized five small banks in the Pacific Northwest and the Southeast, none publicly traded.”
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PS. And please don’t speak to me about FDIC – The FDIC is totally bankrupt and it’s only a matter of time before one of these failures is a “real” failure. You kn where people actually do NOT get any money back. The way “capitalism” should work…[/quote]
MemberTaken from the good people at Why is the U.S. government trying to put a choke hold on our food production system? S. 510, The Food Safety Modernization Act, is being called one of the most dangerous bills in American history. This very vague and incredibly broad bill (which you can read here) will give the U.S. government unprecedented control over the growing, storing and sale of food in the United States.
#2 Approximately 14.8 million Americans are unemployed this holiday season. So why in the world is the “greatest economy on earth” not able to provide jobs for all of them?
#3 Why are the U.S. and South Korea insisting on conducting 4 days of naval exercises in the Yellow Sea when tensions in the reason are at an all-time high and when a single mistake could spark an all-out war? Wouldn’t it be better to postpone these naval exercises until things have calmed down a bit?
#4 What prompted Russia and China to suddenly decide to quit using the U.S. dollar and instead start using their own national currencies when trading with each other?
#5 Why does it cost $181,757 per hour for Barack Obama to travel on Air Force One?
#6 Are we still a “great nation” when so many of our citizens are going hungry? According to a recent BBC report, 15% of all U.S. households experienced a shortage of food at some point during 2009. One of our readers named Gary recently left a comment that indicated that he encountered a very big crowd during his recent visit to a local food pantry….
The line at the food pantry was very long. There are a lot of folks who have little food and no money.
#7 If the U.S. economy is recovering, why were new home sales for October down 28.9 percent from a year ago and why were existing home sales for October down 25.9 percent over the previous year?
#8 Why are there so many reports of unprofessional behavior by TSA agents? For example, it is being reported that some TSA agents have specifically targeted attractive young women for “additional screening”.
#9 Why are U.S. home builders only selling one-fifth of the homes that they were selling during the “boom times” five years ago?
#10 How did a man who had been convicted of misdemeanor harassment and stalking get hired to be a TSA agent? Now it turns out he is being accused of abducting and sexually assaulting a woman. These are the people who are supposed to be protecting us?
#11 In the “wealthiest nation on earth”, why are a record number of Americans going to be without heat this winter? According to the National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association, more than 10 million U.S. households will not be able to afford to heat their homes this winter without assistance, which would be a new all-time record. One of our readers named Elaine recently shared that she is one of those Americans that is going to be cold this winter….
It’s starting to get cold here in the mountains. I’m unemployed, no heat, at risk for foreclosure, etc. Everyone is at risk for this, it’s just that many of the muddleclass can’t face it yet. For a lot of us, it’s not cutting back on that bi-weekly latte that’s going to help, it’s cutting back on having electricity. Don’t judge the poor until you’ve been here.
#12 Why are Americans becoming so pessimistic about the future? According to one recent poll, now only 51 percent of Americans believe that today’s young people will have a better life than their parents did.
#13 How did we ever get to the point as a nation where only 39 percent of likely voters believe that the U.S. government is operating within the limits established by the U.S. Constitution?
#14 Why does the mainstream media largely ignore the fact that thousands of people are being slaughtered near the U.S. border with Mexico each year and a city just across the Mexican border is now being dubbed “the most dangerous place on earth”?
#15 What does it say about American politics that the companies that produce the new naked body scanners have more than doubled their spending on political lobbying over the last five years?
#16 Why is the Washington Post working so hard to defend the policies of the Federal Reserve?
#17 Have we now gotten to the point where the financial condition of the U.S. government is so bad that it will be virtually impossible to ever have a balanced federal budget ever again?
#18 Why aren’t more Americans deeply concerned about the dozens of nasty diseases that they could catch from TSA agents if they don’t change gloves between each groping?
#19 Why are there 18 times as many banks on the FDIC “problem list” as there were just four years ago?
#20 What does it say about the United States that now 39 percent of Americans believe that marriage is becoming obsolete?
#21 How can anyone claim that the U.S. economy is turning around as long as the number of Americans on food stamps continues to set a new all-time record month after month?
#22 As thousands of factories and millions of jobs continue to be shipped overseas, why does Barack Obama keep publicly proclaiming that globalism is so good for us?
#23 Why aren’t Homeland Security officials willing to consider changes to the new airport security procedures when many women are actually using the term “sexual assault” to describe their experiences with the new “enhanced pat downs”?
#24 The median wealth of a U.S. Senator in 2009 was 2.38 million dollars. So exactly what does that say about the health of our Republic?
#25 Why have our leaders allowed U.S. strategic grain reserves to shrivel away to almost nothing?
#26 In 2009, 54.9 million international tourists visited the United States, and those tourists spent approximately 93 billion dollars. How far will those numbers drop once stories of TSA abuse circulate all over the globe?
#27 If Congress does not authorize another emergency extension of long-term unemployment benefits, then what in the world are the 2 million Americans who are going to suddenly lose their checks going to do?
#28 Are there still any areas left in the United States where liberty and freedom are respected, where taxes are low, where regulations are not suffocating, where the people are friendly and where Americans can be free to live an independent lifestyle?
MemberThat sounds great–lets look at the average test score.
Even better–go online and find an 8th grade test form 1898–how many people could pass it.
There are some very smart people in the state–but I think it is safe to safe that at least 60% of the population function in a kind of haze. Look at the toxic foods, the anti-depressents, the newspapers written to people with a 6th grade education and the crap peddled as êntertainment^. Every time there is an election–the herd lines up to cheer the new moron who promises them something for nothing.
Trust me—the road to recovery will not happen in this generation and probably not the next.[quote=”*Lotus”]Warren,
I would agree with your premise our days as the shinning star are waining.But the USA has a tremendous wealth of intellectual capital as well as natural capital. To those (whom almost seem like they are looking forward to the total collapse) of the United States, I will disagree. I’m diversifying my assets accordingly in preparation for the shift. I am not hoarding gold, firearms or canned foods in my basement preparing for the onslaught of total chaos.
I have no desire to get into a protracted argument, but time will tell. For now I am minding my shop and running a tight ship.[/quote]
MemberYou know a lot of people in this blog ^get it.^ Scott certainly does and he has the courage to actually say it. But, if you look at history–and unfortunately it is our only real clue–the people who ^get it^ end up doing very well–the people who prepare, and make decisions based on likely future events reap their rewards.
The rest of the people who call you a nut job–or dont care–or even better –get uncomfortably nervous when you mention the forbidden topics–trust me-THEY WILL GET WHAT THEY DESERVE.
Because when things break loose, when currencies fail (and MOST of them do) its every man for himself. And the generations of people living on welfare, the beaurocrats and paper pushers, the cancers and the parasites finally kill the host.
But I really dont care to be there, to watch it shake out. Think of it as a Zombie Movie, in painful slow motion.
We have 5 years tops…
China and Russia are dumping the dollar all the nutjobs out there–get ready!!!
Member“Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) — The dollar may fall below 75 yen next year as it becomes the world’s “weakest currency” due to the Federal Reserve’s monetary-easing program, according to JPMorgan & Chase Co.”
Member[quote=”markus”]It seems imminent the dollar will consistently devalue over the next few years. I’ve read about big investors changing a good part of their portfolios to Euros. And American executives insisting in being paid in Euros. Besides the Euro, gold, and a house in CR. What is a good hedge against the dollar? Thank you,[/quote]
Member[quote=”sprite”]Kordan, you understand perfectly what is happening except that our most recent fiat currency system went into effect 80 years ago, not 40. Quantitative Easing is nothing new and has been the process employed by the FED since its inception. It is purposefully done as a way to devalue the currency because inflation is how the banks and the few rich are able to confiscate energy and wealth from the laboring population.
That is not true–up until 1972–There was still a partial gold standard–thats why gold was $35-in 1970
MemberI found this great article from the
National Inflation Association—for the Geniuses in the forum who do get it–maybe this can put things in persepctive….NIA Projects Future U.S. Food Price Increases
The National Inflation Association today announced the release of its report about NIA’s projections of future U.S. food price increases due to the massive monetary inflation being created by the Federal Reserve’s $600 billion quantitative easing. This report was written by NIA’s President Gerard Adams, who believes food inflation will take over in 2011 as America’s greatest crisis. According to Mr. Adams, making mortgage payments will soon be the last thing on the minds of all Americans. We currently have a currency crisis that could soon turn into hyperinflation and a complete societal collapse.
“For every economic problem the U.S. government tries to solve, it always creates two or three much larger catastrophes in the process,” said Adams. “Just like we predicted this past December, the U.S. dollar index bounced in early 2010 and has been in free-fall ever since. Bernanke’s QE2 will likely accelerate this free-fall into a complete U.S. dollar rout,” warned Adams.
NIA projects that at the average U.S. grocery store it will soon cost $11.43 for one ear of corn, $23.05 for a 24 oz loaf of wheat bread, $62.21 for a 32 oz package of Domino Granulated Sugar, $24.31 for a 32 fl oz container of soy milk, $77.71 for a 11.30 oz container of Folgers Classic Roast Coffee, $45.71 for a 64 fl oz container of Minute Maid Orange Juice, and $15.50 for a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate 1.55 oz candy bar. NIA also projects that by the end of this decade, a plain white men’s cotton t-shirt at Wal-Mart will cost $55.57.
NIA’s special U.S. food price projection report is now available to download for free by clicking here.
The report highlights how despite cotton rising by 54%, corn rising by 29%, soybeans rising by 22%, orange juice rising by 17%, and sugar rising by 51% during the months of September and October alone, these huge commodity price increases have yet to make their way into America’s grocery stores because corporations have been reluctant to pass these price increases along to the consumer. In today’s dismal economy, no retailer wants to be the first to dramatically raise food prices. However, NIA expects all retailers to soon substantially raise food prices at the same time, which will ensure that this Holiday shopping season will be the worst in recorded American history.
If you are an NIA member and have a question about the U.S. economy or inflation, please browse through our ‘NIAnswers’ database and if your question hasn’t already been answered there, you can either submit it on ‘NIAnswers’ or email it to us at:
If you are a member of the media and would like to schedule an interview with NIA’s President Gerard Adams about inflation, please send an email to or if it is urgent you can call us directly at 1-888-99-NIA US (1-888-996-4287).
MemberMy Friends–no fiat money system as ever lasted more than 40 years. That is why the Federal reserve is already the 3rd central bank in the USA. Since no one here-gets any information that doest come from the television–its no wonder that we get such silly and moronoic responses.
Dont you get it? Bank Bailouts, massive corruption, derivitives–these are all signs that the system is breaking down.
If you dont believe me–look at the gold prices—and wait and see.
It will get much much worse before it gets better. And Gold was money for THOUSANDS of years–and every time weak and ignornat politicians try to do otherwise–you have a few people very rich and the rest of the people are screwed–sound familiar?kordan
Member[quote=”gzeniou”]In fact it would do the opposite effect, the overall cost of living will decrease, as products would cost less, and trade would be greatly increased bringing in more income, why do you think China owns us and a good part of the rest of the world, and while their people are poor, you have to compare to where they were 20 years ago, their standard of living and wages have increased dramatically.[/quote]
Wow–another product of the modern education system
When the USA was on a gold standard
from 1813-1913 there were at least 3 booms and 3 busts–but the price of tomatoes cost the same for over a hundred years. Costs go down due to new technologies and more efficient techniques. Not by manipulating the currency–that only favors those who own tangible assets–such as factories, bridges, farms etc.
How can things cost less by manipulating the value of a currency–value does not change–only how many pieces of ^money^are needed to buy it. An ounce of gold is still an ounce of gold–the value hasnt gone up, only the number of little pieces of paper needed to aquire it have
China OWNS the USA because the government lives beyond its means and needs to use debt to finance its operations. And the reason for this was because greedy or intelligent business interests decided to open a factory in China to take advantage of $30 per month labor and sell an I-pod to dumb american teenagers for $300 that cost $15.
And besides, have you ever seen what things cost in 1970? or 1950? in the USA—the reason they are more expensive now is because of inflation
WOW —-I cant believe there are actually people who think like you–economics is not hard–but apparently aquiring a understanding of it is.kordan
Member[quote=”gzeniou”]Actually, I wouldn’t believe much in what your friend told you, if it was true then is shouldn’t be at 510 today, actually I have seen many articles out there that state the colon is significantly over valued compared to the dollar. Yes the dollar has taken a hit but look at the size of costa rica and its economy. If the dollar sinks to far in CR, CR will suffer greatly with its exports and tourists markets which make up the greatest part of its economy. If CR has any sense, it would undervalue its currently against the dollar as China has done, many, many benefits for CR to do this.[/quote]
That sounds like a GREAT IDEA–if we rob all the citizens of their purchasing power—then they will eat less–be thinner and more attractive and more foreigners will come here to marry the locals which will bring more money into the economy. And since destroying the currency will make things more expensive–everyone will feel like they are getting rich–Which would explain all those billionaires in Zimbabwe.
Im glad you use communist china as the model–if everyone works for $30 a month–imagine what a booming economy you could have—-
Already Costa Rica is adopting changes through Cafta
Every new business has to be wheelchair accessible—including old 2 story+ buildings—NO ELEVATOR= BIG PROBLEMS
and people who have farms here (for decades) are now being asked for enviromental impact studies for their cattle farms
There are thorough airport checks–because terrorism is such a major threat in Costa Rica
And because CR was labeled a ^potential money laundering destination^, every deposit now has to be tracked, explained, accounted for etc.kordan
MemberDoes anyone else feel this way? He dont seem to bash any other country. Although he used the establishment on Wallstreet for many years for his gain. The U.S. did not force him to come to America for his monetary gain.[/quote]
Are you kidding
Lets see–US firms brought on this global depression–and got away nice taxpayer funded bonus to boot
Legislation to control what people eat and what people say-there is a now law proposed in illinois making it illegal to roll your eyes
Illegal–immoral wars
Even the soldiers are coming forward to state the truth
And there are these still high and mighty people –like you who get upset because the guy speaking the truth happens to be born in brittain? -