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July 28, 2010 at 6:49 pm in reply to: Seeking Guidance/Input RE:Possible Costa Rica Retirement #203106
MemberWhile I do agree that the central valley would offer the most services and infrastructure–if you are planning on having a more quiet lifestyle, it might be considerably cheaper and more pleasant to avoid the city bustle and simply hire a private teacher
One could be found for $500-$600 per month–maybe less if there was room and board included.
Anyway, you would be guarateeing that you child grow up in a healthy enviroment free from pollution and most crime.
You children could actually be where they can walk down the street safely and play outside with the other children.
While it all depends on what your interests are–If you dont need to do business in the central valley–there are many
places more suitable to raising a familyAs a disclaimer–I dont have kids, but I do see how happy and secure the children are who live around me.
Sometimes the neighborhood kids go riding down the street–3 of them on a horse.
I cant imagines a better way to do it.July 11, 2010 at 6:23 pm in reply to: 46 US warships & 7,000 US Marines on route to Costa Rica? #171844kordan
MemberI just heard a rumor that all Colonos in the country are to stop selling ammunition–take it off the shelves
Anybody hear anything?July 9, 2010 at 7:03 pm in reply to: 46 US warships & 7,000 US Marines on route to Costa Rica? #171832kordan
MemberNATO Orders 7,000 US Marines To Costa Rica As Gulf Oil Disaster Quake Fears Grow
Apparently–according to this arrticel there are earthquake fears
Member[quote=”natasha”]Is it possible to buy an apartment in Costa Rica for $100,000? Where in Costa Rica is the best place to live for someone who does not have a car?[/quote]
Depending on where you are interested in living, you can find many options–however, you really should spend a few months and see where you like
I live in Arenal–and I havent found anywhere more beautiful, safe, or clean
MemberI heard the best advice from guy who used to work for banks dealing with these issues
If the tenant hasn`t paid in a month–remove the door of the house
2 weeks later, remove the windows, –maybe the toilet
finally remove the roof
Yes, they can stay there for a long time–but its not likelykordan
Memberfrom my understanding, the hitmen are very effective here in costa rica
It seems only fair to treat a vampire like she treat youkordan
MemberAnd According to LA Teja–as of yesterday
She`s directly related to the King of Spain
Propably more companies like RTV (a spanish company) coming to CR methinkskordan
MemberAnd what does homemade ice cream, children playing and humor (unless its tractor humor of course) have to do (per se) with Costa Rica?
I think the message here–lets avoid anything remotely controversial and discuss someone mundane
But then again, I make my own ice cream[quote=”twin200″]As a new member to this site considering the move I would like to say that I joined this site to learn about living in costa rica.Hoping to prepare for challenges I’ll be facing,also learn the do’s and dont’s in cr,and have some interaction with people living there. That is exactly what I gotten.I feel like my questions have recieved honest response.Everybody has the right to voice their opinion here(I guess).The last several days I’ve seen a lot slander and bickering all across the board.versatile innocently stirred up a hornets nest.The next time I get lured into a thread concerning these topics I’ll stop reading long before scott stops me(thats my right,right)I get information on these topics from FOX NEWS and MSNBC,and usually more than I want.As great as this site is, it seems to be missing laughter,humor,children playing,homemade ice know what I’m saying. OK here’s one to close on. TRACTOR FOR SALE Tractor has no seat or steering wheel perfect for a person who has lost their ass and has no where to turn. YEE-HAW yall[/quote]
That the owners of the coutnry–the federal researve wont even tell congress where 2 trillion dollars went
And, while the country is broke, losing tax revenuse and even resorting to giving tickets for anything just to pay the bills--he passes a corrupt trillion dollar health plan
-sends more troops to afghanistan–breaks all his campaign promises (yes all)
and if you dont believe me–just go to YouTube and watch
THE OBAMA DECEPTION–its all the footage of him running for office and the reality afterwardCome On–this ENTIRE question is silly–its like asking would you prefer syphilis or genital warts
v=kyl8c91qPbw[quote=”maravilla”]i just don’t get why people keep skewering obama when he inherited the biggest mess there ever was and it ain’t gonna get fixed in a year, or two, or ten.
MemberI champion the idea that people need to take responsiblity for their own lives and stop making decision for everyone else. I almost never went to the doctor when I was a kid- and I never see one now.
Children arent sick in the US because they have no health car–they are sick because theu eat GMO food, dont excercise, eat processed food, drink poisoned water and live in poluted cities. Not counting vaccinations with mercury
However, based on what I know–I wouldnt put much hope in this guy,
After all–it cost 500 million dollars to put him in office–you didnt pay that and neither did I
So he owes someone at least 500 million favors.[quote=”edlreed”][quote=”kordan”]Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.
Albert EinsteinHow ironic these so called “patriots” are that character assassinate a president that inherited a pile of crap, all in the name of their own agendas (read pocket book). What IS it you want? You have voted in incompetents and folks whose whole agenda is making the rich richer, and talk with pride of the crumbs you have gathered following their lead. YOUR money earned thru YOUR hard work. Total advocation of watching your neighbors children suffer and die because they don’t have health care, yet not one word about the 400+ Billions allocated to the D.O.D. (not counting the currently in vogue Special Appropriations of billions for EACH of OUR wars). Again…what IS it you champion?[/quote]
April 22, 2010 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Arizona Legislature Demands Immigrants and President of the United States Verify Their Status. #160571kordan
MemberI remember a long time ago there was a FRINGE group that believed the world was flat.
There was also a Fringe group that believed the Earth rotated around the sun
Or the fringe group who believed women should have an education and vote–real Fringy–luckily they manage to keep those fringers out of Iran–
Darn—It sucks to be fringe
By the way, Maravela–you never answered any of the points I raised.
But its OK–this horse is definitely dead lets leave it bequote=”maravilla”]The Arizona Republic reported earlier that the legislation originated from a [b]”fringe group that believes President Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore ineligible to be president.”[/b]
The so-called “birther movement,” questioning Mr. Obama’s origins, began during his presidential campaign. It has steadily persisted through Mr. Obama’s presidency, in spite of overwhelming evidence he was born in the United States — including his 1961 birth announcement, printed in two Hawaii newspapers.
i suppose you also believe what glenn beck is saying about the marxist conspiracy. that sounds very much like what happened in 1954 when the spin docs claimed Arbenz had commie pinkos in his cabinet and therefore he should be removed from office. golly, guys, don’t believe everything you think. so let’s see, obama is a gay, crackhead, manchurian candidate born in one of them countries over “there” — you know the country with all the dark skinned people, and the soviets, knowing that they would eventually use obama planted his birth announcement in the honolulu papers just to cover their tracks way back in 1961. come on…….[/quote]
MemberThe answer to your question is political
In order to understand why your dollars buy less, its probably important to understand what the Dollar actually is–a promise–thats it
Costa Rica doesnt ^decide^ on the value of the dollar–in fact the Costa Rica government has taken unprecdented steps to devalue their money–they lowered interest rates and now BCR is offering 100% financing. Remember how well that turned out in the states.
Nearly every country in the world is printing money like mad in an attempt to devalue their money–thats why gold is going so high–not just in dollars buy euros, pounds, yen etc
Or in other words–thats why you need more dollars to buy the same amount of gold. The gold has not changed–but there are more dollars chasing less goldIts still really cheap to live here though–$1000 a month gets you by nicely. And the governemnt has made it a priority to cater to the boomers
[u]One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
Plato [/u]
[quote=”bbrunsca”]Really do not want to make this a political discussion. Getting pretty tired of all the stuff that flies around this site anymore. Understand the mechanisms of the US government, etc. but just wondering about the future of the dollar here since many retirees like myself are on a fixed social security income. Is the goal here to devalue the dollar as much as possible and make it difficult on Americans. But I am not sure why Costa Rica would want to do this since I hope we are somewhat contributing to this country in a monetary way. I know I am. The baby boomers are just starting to retire and one would expect with the right posturing Costa Rica would look like a good choice for these people to spend their dollars.[/quote]kordan
MemberThe dollar only went up during the crash because people were buying US dollars as a crisis investment
Its not that Costa Rica is getting more expensive–its that the US is running trillion of dollars in deficits and inflating the hell out of the dollar
If you`d like to know how this works and why–watch this
April 22, 2010 at 8:58 pm in reply to: Arizona Legislature Demands Immigrants and President of the United States Verify Their Status. #160568kordan
MemberAnd so I wont be accused of reading ^faux new^
Here is the same article listed in the NY times
Apparently the state legislator doesnt think its too stupid to even contemplateDamn Right Wingers…Public ridicule apparently isnt as effective as it used to be
April 22, 2010 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Arizona Legislature Demands Immigrants and President of the United States Verify Their Status. #160566kordan
MemberIts so funny to be labeled. You attack faux news, but don`t believe the corporate media. You attack the ^mindless public^ but admit that ^it was almost too stupid to even contemplate^
But since you have obviously researched the topic ad naseum as you claim. Can you answer any of these* Did you know his childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin.
* Did you know his academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school.
* Did you know he traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use?
And finally–Saul Aliinsky was one of his mentors—you can look that up
and in his book Rules For Radicals
Rules for Radicals opens with a quote about Lucifer, written by Saul Alinsky: “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky says: “Here I propose to present an arrangement of certain facts and general concepts of change, a step toward a science of revolution.” He builds on the tactical principles of Machiavelli: “The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-nots on how to take it away.”
So–he may be the greastest guy in the world–but he sure keeps interesting company
[quote=”maravilla”]i don’t believe one single word that corporate media spews to the mindless public that swallows its rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. i did all this research waaaay back when when it first became a popular topic, and decided that it was almost too stupid to even contemplate. so if he wasn’t born in hawaii, he was born WHERE???? i have a dozen or so alternative news outlets that i listen to/read, and all of them have debunked this silly notion long ago. i can’t believe it’s reared its ugly head yet again. it’s pure propaganda delivered as news, written by some corporate drone whose employer has an agenda. but you made my day just thinking about all the right wingers who are frothing at the mouth now and claiming he was born in, oh yeah, some african country where they don’t keep birth certificates.[/quote]