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MemberI have to say when I picked Bob up hitch hiking in the rain a few years ago as his car broke down and he told me he was building a surfer community and would I like to buy a lot I was skeptical. To my surprise the next time I was in Bejuco he was cutting roads and building and had half the thing was sold out! We almost bought in Esterillo as well but really wanted a little more land and privacy and found that somewhere else. Bobs rep is solid around Playa Hermosa and if it wasn’t I would know so would everyone else in town. He’s also a damn good surfer for a Texas boy…lol…
MemberCheck with advantage but my guess is the additional fee for the minimum insurance required is probaly $35 dollars per day. Your visa platinum will provide CDW but check the fine print as there are exclusions such as no coverage on dirt or gravel roads(lots of these in C.R.). Also if you should need the CDW coverage Visa will reimburse you but advantage will charge the damages not covered to your card. Bottom line it is downright expensive and confusing to rent a car in this country. A small Yaris with “full coverage” will run you about $400-500 a week. We always struggle with this insurance issue last time we passed on full coverage and rolled the dice with dollar, no problems or extra charges. The cost of renting a car can make an in expensive trip expensive!! Perhaps David will have some other insights into this?
MemberJohn, You will probaly hear this repeated by most of the members of this board: Don’t even consider doing anything untill you come down and see the property you are considering. Then when you find what you are looking for have an attorney review all the documents. This should be the very least that you should do.
MemberEditer: I like that and agree 100%!!! There was a time when I liked to “stir the pot”, even on this board. I have given all that up and am a happier and more peaceful person. I am in the now and following the path of least resistance. Pura Vida!
Memberwe considered buying there but decided against it when we found something in the area with more land and let us build and design our own home. Just wondering what the bad vibe was?
MemberYou can also try
MemberThats fine with me…not looking to start another “Paragon” Lol.
MemberI have to second that…at the very least you have to go down and look at the site first.
MemberWe feel the same way about Jaco, it is convenient to have it there but we only visit for groceries, medical pizza etc..It is nice to be close to. We took a gamble on Columbus Heights as we love the area and could not find land for that price(we paid $6 M2 for 5000M2) anywhere else in Playa Hermosa. Of course I read the info on this site but went ahead anyway after some investigation etc..I did just receive a letter from there attorneys(Facio) that we will be closing on our lot in September. A long detailed letter explaining exactly where they were regarding infrastructure etc…It seems they have broken ground on the gated entry and may have started the roads etc by now. We wanted to be in a gated community because this will be a vacation home for us. I like Bob but just felt his projects didn’t offer enough land for our needs. Someday we do hope to live there, for now we will spend about 2-3 months there. Scott if you would like I can e mail you a copy of the letter from Facio, it is pretty detailed and explains the progress to date and what has been accomplished.
Edited on Jul 23, 2006 13:03
Memberdkt2u, I believe you are in Esterillo? How are things looking down there with all the development happening. We won’t be down again until December, just curious if all the building in Jaco, Esterillo and Playa Hermosa is changing the landscape so to speak.
MemberHere’s one to check out;
MemberWow…I never suggested anywhere in my short comments any one “world view”, simply presented my own experience there and with Germans. My experience is no more or less valid than yours…just different. You seem to imply though that your opinions are absolute, perhaps that’s from your military education? Racism (the word) is not really used correctly anyway; although when we use it to imply that one hates another “race” most people understand what we are talking about. It seems racist would really imply we are for “our” race. Also for the record race, religion, and nationality are all un important classifications to me, God bless the world so to speak…not just America.. I will agree that generalizing can in some instances be useful, but to use an example about the cleanliness of the streets of Cairo to say all Ticos are lazy, all Jews are cheap all whites are the devil lol!, then it becomes stereotyping….And anyway an individuals particular ideas of someone’s general traits are only consistent with there point of view and experience, quite flawed. You seem annoyed that someone has a different point of view than yours; I only read your post for the first time today and decided to respond. If you prefer to only express your point of view perhaps you should write books?
“They treat each other coldly and treat outsiders (all non-Germans) even worse. Remember the 5,000,000? Not very Christian behavior, I think?
This statement is downright offensive, and somewhere in your post you say you want to focus on the positive traits in people? Lol!!!Another big flaw with most generalizing is that it is relative to the persons point of view and cultural experience. If you were to write “The roads in Costa Rica are terrible”, that statement will mean one thing to someone in California and another to someone in Bangledesh. You suppose that all people share your Americentric perspective, and that simply is not the case. If you were having a private discussion with a friend with a similar experience as you, perhaps it is useful. But in a global chatroom it is a bit ignorant to speak in general terms and consider this reasonabble. If anything this type of thinking is a bit old fashioned.
Edited on Jul 20, 2006 10:47
MemberPerezm: Your comments about Germans are very narrow and what some might consider racist. If similar remarks were made against Jews or African Americans/Blacks they would certainly put you in a lot of hot water. I have spent many years traveling in Germany and have many friends there, they are warm people with a great sense of humor. I remember my first time at Disney world and at the German exhibit in Epcot there were a group of Germans all singing and dancing with with the Um-pah band, another time on a Luftansa flight I was up the whole time as the “cold”lol..Germans all sang and drank as we crossed the Atlantic. We can all agree that the Holocaust that occurred during the 3rd Reich was horrible, inhuman etc…but we must not forget our(U.S.) sordid past that as Americans we like to ignore: How many Africans were killed during our years of Slavery, 10,000,000 perhaps? We live in a country that slaughtered an entire indigenous population, again millions of men, women and children while calling ourselves Christians. The sad part about all this is we hardly recognize our Holocausts, and when these subjects are brought up we are called unAmerican, it happened a long time ago, it was our right? I don’t know where in Germany you were living but it appears you did not enjoy it, I love Costa Rica, but have friends who have been there and couldn’t wait to get home…to each his own said the farmer who kissed the cow. So whether you are calling all Germans cold and unchristian(what ever that means) or Ticos lazy and ignorant generalising is always in bad taste and serves no real usefulness. I have never needed a sociology course to prepare me to go anywhere, I simply behave as a guest when I’m not in my home and keep my eyes and ears open and try and learn.
MemberWhy do you have to wait two years? Is it there time frame or yours?
MemberHere are three books you all may find “enlightening”; ‘The Power Of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle, ‘The Secret Gospels Of St. Thomas” by ? Pagels and ‘Guns,Germs And Steel’ by ? Jared Diamond. Authors names may be off a bit.