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If you can not get to Jaco, maybe she can recommend someone as well.
MemberDon’t know if this will help, but in Jaco there is a a woman whose first name is Mihal. I have used her and her knowledge and training are extensive. I don’t have her number but you may be able to track her down. She is Israeli and operated out of a small wellness center in Jaco.
Memberworse yet it’s a film!…Lol. Just stick to fresh produce and fruits and some fish…keep it simple. I wonder if the small farmers are useing a large amount of pesticides? Ignorantly I thought the cost would be prohibitive to them?
MemberFor all the radicals on the board(lol) you may want to see if you can get a copy of “future Food”, I have not seen it yet but have read and heard many good things about it.
MemberDavid, I think there was a vet mentioned on this website that is approved so to speak by Scott. You may want to search and ask his/her opinion on this.
MemberI would be curious how many armed robberies take plac in Chicago every month? Why not ask the local police precincts. Everything is relative…
Memberwondering what infrastructure you are talking about? The streets turn into rivers in a heavy rain and the potholes are like craters, although it is quite satisfying when you navigate the main street with out blowing a shock! Lol…
MemberI think everyone is caught up in the “fever” right now, hopefully everyone or at least some will consider the environmental impact all this development will have. When I hear “Las Vegas” style condo when describing a structure in Jaco it does cause me to recoil a bit. We originally came here for the sun,clean quiet beaches and wildlife in the abundance of parks….not gambling, hookers and nightclubs!!Lol. I keep thinking of these places like Paradise island, hideous architectural monstrosities that dominate once pristine shores of the Caribbean. I know everyone has different tastes but there needs to be some restraint exersized here before all this beauty is ruined for everyone.
MemberBoy I didn’t think Jaco could change or at the very least it would take 10 years! With The building of Jaco Place and the Concasa property this is going to be a much different town 1-2 years out and 5-10 you probably won’t recognize it. I have mixed emotions on all this, from Jaco to Bejuco there is so much development going on those quiet beaches may not be so quiet anymore. I really hope the government limits hi rise construction to Jaco, or else this beautiful strip of coast will be dotted with “Jaco Place” like developments and it will resemble Cancun or the Bahamas, two places that have been ruined in my opinion. The next web site to start may have to be if this keeps up!
MemberSome of the best care I have ever received was at CIMA in San Jose, I would pay more to see the doctors there. However it is about a 1/4 the cost of hospitals in my area (NYC).
MemberMaybe this site can lead you to builders:
This looks interesting
Heres the one!!!
Edited on May 07, 2006 16:11
Edited on May 07, 2006 16:14
Edited on May 07, 2006 16:15
MemberI think it was me….I like the “central”lol location so to speak. Very close to San Jose, great facilities in Jaco when needed, Manuel Antonio, the mountains etc…and drive a few kilometers here or there and you can have miles of unoccupied beaches. Even in Playa Hermos you can walk a 1/2 a km south and surf by yourself.
MemberThere is a builder in Playa Hermosa/Jaco that builds with Bamboo, I do not have there number or other contact info. They are located just off Calle Hermosa in Playa Hermosa and have a big sign and a house they have built. Maybe through a google search, if I get the info I’ll post it.
MemberI’m currently in NYC but have just happened to spend a considerable amount of time in the places you are interested in(really I’m no expert on Costa Rica). It would be really easy if you could fly into Liberia…but either way your plan is doable. Talk to some locals about driving down the coast from Nosara to Mal Pais it really was a lot easier than some of the guide books made it out to be I think you can do it in around 3 hours(can’t remember how long it took us, but it was shorter than we expected), you will have to cross a few rivers but it’s pretty easy and fun! We stayed at the Blue Jay lodge in Mal Pais, owned by a very nice Tico family and set back in the jungle, you get a little cabina that is screened in on three sides..we liked it and it was around $50 a night. The only thing I would ad is that if you thought Mal Pais was expensive, Nosara is no less expensive. I think it is actually considerably more pricey than Mal Pais. Check that site Linda one of the women that runs it has been there over ten years and may be a good place to start for some real estate info. This is definetly one of those places you want to see at different times of the year. Unlike the Jaco area where we have found the weather to be pretty consistent year round, except during say October/early November where you can get some pretty heavy rains. Nosara really drys out in the dry season!!
Edited on May 07, 2006 06:22
MemberYes David that was extremely helpful, Thank you!