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MemberI have been to Sonesta and it was completed with people living there. That said it appears the developer and bank are fighting it out regarding the loan arrangement between them. Seems the services in the condo are also suffering. When I was there last December they also sponsored a surf event I believe and held a party at the resort?
MemberI think a lot of people on this board are probably buying part time homes. Condos and gated communities are a good option for this lifestyle. If I were living there year round I would prefer to live outside of such a community. Also for those who are buying with an eye on resale and/or, an investment in a community with a certain amount of security and amenities “could” offer the potential for greater return as well as resale.
MemberIn a free society there is room for everyone,including those who want to live in a gated community or a tree house community.I won’t be so elitist to judge you by your accommodations, whether a Tico style home or a grand penthouse in Escazu. Living on the top of a hill in a $500,000 dollar home without a “gate” definitely makes a statement about your financial position, perhaps even more so than living behind a gate in a community like “The Hills of Esterillos” in a 900F2 casa. I think for those that own a vacation home a gated community can afford a certain level of security, not foolproof…but something.
MemberI have also driven by it for years and have stopped in and drove around. It seems they were marketing this to people who would not want to leave their safe compound. The marketing literature promises a sort of small town to be built up with doctors, pharmacy and stores. They seemed to be proceeding slowly but surely up until about a year ago. I wonder if the Golf is built if they will now be open to the public? I wonder how much Dowds beach side development and golf is siphoning off from Del Pacifico. It is certainly a very ambitious plan.
MemberPlease accept my prayers and love to your family.
MemberWe were also looking into at least a partial solar set up. One of my concerns was the possible theft of the panels or other equipment. We are at the beach and gated, which means we just have a guy with a shot gun at the entrance. The entire development is quite large, semi protected as well by natural boundaries.
Anyway this was a concern since the equipment is quite expensive.*Lotus
MemberWhat annoys me more than articles about things I don’t agree with, those folks that feel they need to police the internet against what is in their opinion “the tinfoil hat brigade” etc… Instead of getting your knickers in a knot, just don’t bother reading the offending material and simply click on the stories you are interested in. This way you won’t waste hours of your time, I agree life is just too short. I personally have better things to do than argue with people who disagree with me, or have different interpretations of events. If you begin to read something you find offensive or silly STOP READING.
Now if you are the type that wants to engage in an editorial debate, by all means do so. But if you have “better things to do with your time” please don’t rebuff said material and then whine about all the time you have wasted…the choice is yours. It really is that simple, like turning off the telly when not interested.
I would say I read about a 1/3 of the articles on the site, the others I simply pass on by, no wasted time or unneeded aggravation. I did just spend 4 minutes typing this though 😉 But an old saying comes to mind; “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”*Lotus
Member[quote=”Scott”]I had an ultrasound done last week at Hospital CIMA – 43,000 colones which is about US$83 and a rather delicious lady “ultrasonidista” ??
Scott Oliver – Founder
WeLoveCostaERica.comPS. I am not pregnant![/quote]
I had an ultrasound done at CIMA as well…I think we had the same doctor 😀
Memberthere are a few courses in the central valley that are reasonable. The Iguana course also has special programs for local kids.
Member“Certainly in Lotus’s case it’s more important that he win the argument or prove that I’m wrong at whatever the cost is to this mans conviction to try to do something.”
No where in my post do I try and prove you wrong nor do I care to. I am expressing an opinion that differs from yours, you apparently can’t handle that. No one should follow any advice given on a public forum, none of us here are experts….including you. People need to make up their own minds on how to proceed, not based on your ranting or anyone else’s on an anonymous web forum.
And please show me where I call you a fool for buying gold? I have been accumulating gold over the last 6 months.
MemberSimon doesn’t like any one to express an opinion other than his own. I am skeptical of your solution to the “Paragon” problem and as others have pointed out your defense of them on many other threads. I think they stink. Based on what I know about Costa Rica( I am a property owner there) and 20+ years in Real Estate, I am doubtful anyone can clean up the Paragon mess and make it whole. That’s just my opinion and last time I checked I’m entitled to one. Time will tell…
Sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on. Life is short, consider it a lesson learned. You will have to assess the situation yourself and decide if it is worth your time and money to pursue this. Either way I would not decide my position based on information provided on a public web forum.
Scott thank you, the expression of course is sincere.
finca: I thought via a Google search more buyers would have discovered this site as there has been so much Paragon stuff posted here.
MemberI’m a fairly optimistic person, but simon you give a whole new meaning to the word. I guess it’s my 21 years working in real estate in Manhattan that causes me to scratch my head….
Organizing hundreds of people through out the world to come together and complete these projects is in my opinion very unrealistic. I know developers in Costa Rica, just managing a small project and getting through the bureaucratic web of permitting is a nightmare when you are on the up and up and well funded.
I could see a new entity stepping in, either any lenders involved or if via bankruptcy an experienced group of investors/developers buying whats left through a “fire sale” and start things up again. Again the main problem will be navigating the CR bureaucratic system and most likely by the time they get this all figured out you’ll long be retired.:(
Considering that according to Paragon they have sold hundreds of parcels of land, it’s strange we only see a handful of people on here complaining? My guess is that these were not very sophisticated well funded buyers.They scraped together the initial $5000 to put down and believed the pitch it would be worth twice what they paid in 5 years and they could subdivide their lot, sell half and pay off their total note. They were scammed. I had seen these Paragon pitches for years but felt pretty certain this was a questionable operation. Just a quick look at all their silly animated presentations, maps and gates that lead no where was enough to keep me away. That said at one point when Gale was coming on here all the time, I thought why wouldn’t they build out, they had millions of dollars from sales and labor is the cheapest part of the equation down there.
“Get the lawyers in Miami to make a deal to take control of everything – I am not saying drop the case against them simply force this issue first. If they dont respond surely any court would rule agaisnt them in their abscence. Thereafter claimaints prove their payments made to date and land is assigned. Unless they have sold more land than there is available (this would be blatant fraud and I doubt they made this mistake, although it could be) this should go smoothly.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if things worked so “smoothly” in Costa Rica…
Best of luck to all of you either way you proceed!
MemberI think we can all agree that when ever the idea of an”international airport” is raised for the Southern zone, the implication is handling flights with Jets from many international destinations.
MemberI sincerely wish all the owners of paragon lots the best of luck.
MemberIf you search this site you will find many posters who stated infrastructure would be completed 18 months from contract date. This is one reason they built out two model homes two years ago, they planned to complete the infrastructure. I occasionally looked at their website which bragged about the progress of said infrastructure. Of course it was also pointed out this was just silly, 18 months from which contract? the first, 5oth?
Whether you believe, as Simon does that you (possibly) got what you signed up for(buyer beware) or like many others, you got taken; you are screwed. Class action is probably a waste of time I agree. Taking over the projects with a bunch of folks who bought via a lot of bs promises and a high pressure sales force working out of Florida and completing these train wrecks, doubtful. A rock and a hard place sounds just about right.