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MemberWhile Wal-Mart in the US certainly has issues regarding workers rights – to compare it to slavery is a complete fabrication and shows your ignorance.
Obviously you have bought into the system where corporate profits are a sacrament imposed on every country and every person. Try thinking for a moment outside the box….does Walmart bring anything to Costa Rica with its scorched earth policies? The headline says 800 jobs but it doesn’t say how many jobs will be lost by small retailers being put out of business by the economic bully. If you want to do some speculation try to figuring out the cost of those 800 jobs(usually 1300 job). There is a lot of data available that shows how counter-productive Walmart is for a community and a country. This headline makes it all sound great but it is either naive or just B.S.
MemberOnly true for some domestic products but since oil is the major component in most manufactured products your plan would screw the average Costa Rican to the wall. Sure would be a lot easier to drive the highways (all empty). If Baranke keeps printing money he will collapse the Dollar into oblivion and cause Hyperinflation….fuel has gone up 30% in 5 months and food is about the same. Inflation is tax – somebody has to help the thieves on Wall Street to cover their losses.
[quote=”gzeniou”]In fact it would do the opposite effect, the overall cost of living will decrease, as products would cost less, and trade would be greatly increased bringing in more income, why do you think China owns us and a good part of the rest of the world, and while their people are poor, you have to compare to where they were 20 years ago, their standard of living and wages have increased dramatically.[/quote]
MemberInteresting story some of which I can relate to. Costa Rica is not much like NZ and for that matter most of North America. I think it would be quite an adjustment. As has been suggested, you should come here and hang out for a 3-4 months and figure out if it is for you. If you still need to make a living you could start an internet business which would allow you to work from anywhere and remove all the “stuff” around getting a work permit etc…I am sure there is an Insurance gig that can work on the Internet. On the volunteering front…I can help you with that if you like kids and teaching them what you have learned in the last 30 years. If you can develop alternative fuels…you can do that from anywhere especially if you start a company which employs Costa Ricans….