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  • in reply to: Two for the Road #189587

    I have one quick thought: you can certainly live cheaper in CR than most other places that I know of, certainly than of any place in the U.S. So, if you’re trying to get by on $1,300 per month, you’ll be much more likely to do it in CR. I would suggest that there must be a lot of “tourist-related” emlployment for an attractive 25-yr old artsy lady who speaks native English to the tourists. Of course, the question is one of legalities, which you have already addressed. So, your lady can probably supplement your income and you’ll be just fine. I would suggest looking in the area around La Fortuna (not in La Fortuna), as that is a highly visited place by tourists and therefore one that must have tourism-related employment. Perhaps you could start a tourist guide company of the remote areas where you are going to live. An internet- based business could be of help there. Find a place where wildlife and rivers and streams abound, and you’ll find a place where Northamericans want to explore. You could have a ball taking them to the interesting, out-of-the-way places which you and they would enjoy. And, you’d be living in a wonderful paradise, all the while.
    Sounds like a real winner to me. Be brave (not hard for an ex-Maine), embrace CR life, and you’ll be fine.

    in reply to: Building a new house in Costa Rica #181427

    I have been following Kirsten’s project, too. It must be finished by now. Is there any update on the construction? Any pix of the finished home? Kristen, where are you and what is the status of your house?

    in reply to: Us family needs ideas/pointers as what to see etc #182460

    I have travelled extensively throughout CR, but don’t know what your family likes to do. If it is to learn the country and look at lots of scenery, I’d recommend you take the road out of San Jose that goes to San Ramon (past the Juan Santamaria Airport), and from there cut up into the mountains heading towards La Fortuna. That will take you through the Cloud Forest Preserve, where there is an interesting zip line tour up high. Then, you’ll drive by the Arenal Volcan area, where you can check out the Tabacon Hot Springs Resort. The countryside around there is remarkably beautiful, and you can refer to the guidebooks for things to do around there. Maybe taking an ATV tour would be fun for the boys and the family. Then, go up across the dam at Lake Arenal and take the road to Nuevo Arenal. Just after the dam, within the first coupla miles, you’ll probably run across some coatamundi, there is a whole family of them that likes to mooch from the tourists, but they are really cute to watch. Then, you can find lodging at Nuevo Arenal, or I can recommend going on around the lake to Puerto San Luis to the Resort there. The rooms are plain, but clean, but the setting on the lake is really special. Have a look at the development next door called Buena Vista, which has fabulous lake-front and lakeview properties (I know, I just bought one). Then, go on to the little town of Tilaron, then down to Las Canas on the Pan American Highway. Go from there over to the Taiwaan Amistad bridge over to the Guanacaste coast to a place called Playa Carillo. This is one of the most beautiful beach areas in the Nicoya Penninsula, and the little town of Puerto Carillo has nice restaurants and things to do. There is a little hotel just about 1 – 2 miles south of Puerto Carillo, down a dirt road on the left hand side. I can’t remember its name, but it is owned by an American couple and is a very nice place to stay. Places to go hiking, a swimming pool at the hotel, and good food.
    I’d stay away from Jaco because of the gritty people and crime. I just can’t stand that place, although everyone goes there. THere are a lot of neat restaurants there, I admit, but I just won’t spend any time there. Too many other beautiful places to go in the country to waste time there.
    I understand there are some nice white water rafting trips originating out of Manuel Antonio. Also, there are wonderful mangrove tours north of Quepos.
    Past Dominical, the entire coast line is beautiful. I understand there is great deep sea fishing out of Quepos and the area south of Dominical. Check out the beaches and the Marine Natural Whale Park at Uvita. The “Tale of the Whale” at low tide is spectacular and fun to walk out, just watch the tide activity and don’t get caught out there.
    Also, check out the central valleys past Cartago. The Turrialba area is spectacularly beautiful.
    This should give you plenty of ideas for the next 2 or 3 trips to CR. This is a wonderfully diverse and beautiful country, and you could spend a lot of time there and never see the same things twice. I envy you having the “first-timers'” experience in CR. You’ll be amazed and will want to go back over and over. ENJOY!

    in reply to: Update on Costa Esterillos project #181546

    I didn’t know about Ellis Kahn when I started posting about Costa Developers, but I knew I didn’t like or trust their sales program or approach. The rudeness with which I was treated was insulting. However, the “gut feeling” I had left me totally uneasy, and now I hear that one of the principals has a checkered background (to say the least). I guess if it quacks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and smells like a duck, then you can probably count on it being one. A word to the wise, don’t deal with people who are rude and insulting, and especially with people who have a record of cheating others out of their money. Don’t kid yourself that the duck has changed his stripes and won’t cheat you.

    in reply to: Real Estate downturn? #181397

    I think the CR re market will not be very effected by the downturn in the American market. I think boomers (like me) who are ready to retire in the next 5 years are going to be in the market regardless what happens in the US re markets. I’m not worried about my re value because I don’t depend on that for my decisions about CR, and I suspect I’m not alone. If a future retiree has his home about (or fully) paid for, he has the wherewithall to purchase in CR, regardless whether his property is up $50 grand or down $50 g’s. So, I think the push on demand in CR will continue, as David McMurray says, and it will have a push on CR prices. Having said that, it’s just a guess on my part, and my crystal ball is about as effective as anyone else’s. My opinion is worth every penny you paid for it.

    in reply to: Paragon Chmn ‘When Land Scams Become Boom Towns’ #177398

    Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please don’t get so personal. Let’s be big, responsible people and share imnportant information.
    Let me start by saying that Scott has created a wonderful web site and discussion boards that portray CR in such a positive light. I am grateful to “keep up” with things in CR by watching this site and board.
    Second, I’ve had personal dealings with Bill Gale and his sales organization. I’ve been to three of Paragon’s properties. I’ve seen the roads, I’ve seen the lot stakes, and I’ve seen the drawings. I’ve dealt with Paragon in a bad situation (an investment I intended to make with them was invalidated by a business deal gone sour on my end). I ended up giving Paragon a bad check (inadvertently), and when I explained the failure to cover the check because others failed to keep their end of my bargain, Bill was kind enough and a man of his word enough to deal fairly and compassionately with my situation. I can say unequivocably that dealing with Bill and Paragon was a satisfying and pleasing experience. I would invest with him in a minute because I believe he is a man of his word and his company reputable. So, I think Bill is getting a bad rap on this board, based on my own personal experience with him, and I believe his properties will be completed to the complete satisfaction of his buyers.
    That’s one man’s opinion.

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