Forum Replies Created
MemberSoldier: Just how do you think a long haired, double coated Pomeranian dog would feel on the Costa Rican coast in 95 degree heat and 95% humidity. Do us all a favor and leave the Vet in Philly, or better yet bring him with two coats and put him on the beach and let the air flow thru!!!!!
MemberI just finished watching the Hugo Chavez (show) I mean speach on CNN en Español about his take on the situation in Honduras. To say the least it was long and rambling as he had to include everyone; Obama (el negrito), Hillary Clinton, el Gorillete, CNN, even pobre Oscar Arias and many more. Hugo really is a loose cannon and dangerous and even though I am really not in favor of “golpes de estado” there is no way the Honduran Congress and Supreme Court could allow Sr. Zelaya to remain in the country to carry out ALBA’s Petro-Terrorism as was done in Ecuador and Bolivaia. Nicaragua and the Ortega-Murillo criminals are a different story. How would he run the country with the congress and the courts against him. Why do you think that Venezuela provided the election materials for the survey to determine if a plebicite was wanted and later air transport and diplomatic consultation, friendship? It appears that the Hondureños as opposed to many others have the “huevos” to take a stand against strongarm rule.
MemberSprite, you will see no offical news of Venezuelan involvement in Honduras on C Chavez
N News
N Network
Keep tuned in to TeleSur which feeds CNN it’s Markist drivel.Edited on Jul 06, 2009 16:18
MemberYes there is. About a kilometer from the turnoff to Turrucares on the road to Atenas, right hand side. They have a vinyard but don’t know if they make their wine from these grapes. Scott is correct; the wine is horrible but they have a very decent restaurant and offer other nice wines.
MemberPassed by today and no sign of activity. Looks like the first tower is at about 50%.
Edited on Jun 18, 2009 20:58
MemberTo be more precise I would say it is.. Hispanoamericano to not confuse it with someone who is “Español”
MemberScott: Where’s the German Deli located in Santa Ana and what’s the name?? Thanx
MemberI wonder how access is provided to your hectare of teak in the middle of 250/300 hectares? Are there are acccess (servidumbres) to all of the plots? Might be a nightmare. Marketing might also be a problem because I think only a sawn product can be exported. No whole logs.
Member2BNCR… No prize or gold star yet. Finally found “Ley Forestal 7575, articulo #70” which reads “Artículo 70: Inversión en plantaciones forestales
El Poder Ejecutivo, con fundamento en las facultades que le confieren la Ley General
de Migración y Extranjería y su reglamento, otorgará la categoría de inversionista
residente a quien invierta en plantaciones forestales. La inversión en las actividades
descritas no podrá ser inferior a los cien mil dólares de Estados Unidos de América
(US$ 100.000,00).” I keep looking for where it says “sin condicion” for the cedúla. One of promoters of this program makes this statment…”For an example a number of real estate sales people have obtained their non-restrictive investor status and then work in their chosen field. The investor has the same rights as a natural born Costa Rican.” I would be curious to see what the actual “cedúla” says. Most of the promoters for these investments make these claims. ¿Que pasa?orcas06
Member2BNCR… I don’t think Scott would mind if you supplied us with a CR government link that gives information about this program. I would like to see it in writing.
MemberScurrie: You should be a little skeptical about the reforestation program. This program allows you to become an “INVERSIONISTA” and allows you to live legally in Costa Rica and manage your trees. Nowhere does it say that you can work legally in the country at whatever job you please. Also as an investment maybe you should check out previous programs such as macadamia, teak, jojoba or black pepper to determine if this is really a financially sound program. The track record is not all that great. Don’t become one of those who are born every day.
MemberDrop them off across the street from the Parque Morazan and see how much money they can raise.
MemberDavid: The Banco Anglo Costarricense was the oldest state owned bank in Costa Rica, est. in 1863 and shut down in 1994 by José Figueres Olsen. The Chilean bros. Lopez Gomez, who now live happily after in Chile, managed to break the bank via a bond scam. (they had a lot of help from some corrupt Ticos) some of whom are still in “La Reforma” and maybe others are selling condos on The Gold Coast. Here’s a link to a site in Spanish with some more info Pura Vida and life in the tropics.orcas06
MemberDavid Have you forgotten about the Banco Anglo, the oldest Costa Rican bank, during the Figueres Olsen presidency. They just closed the doors. I think everyone got paid but maybe in devalued colones. Maybe Pepito will be back from Europe when his situation prescribes (another situation) so be carefull. Pura Vida y life in the tropics.
Membersueandchris. There are at least 2 used book stores in Alajuela that have a large selection of English books, some very nice books, at very reasonable prices. Neither one is mine but I want to respect the rules of this discussion board so will not give any names. When in Costa Rica, you will find that most ex-pats can send you in the right direction.