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  • in reply to: Paragon Properties. Another two Rip Off Reports #197689

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]If you’re calling Costa Rica from the U.S., you must begin by dialing 011. That gets you into the international calling system. Then you dial 506 (the country code for C.R.) and then the eight-digit C.R. number.

    If you don’t dial the 011 first, you reach some very confused guy in New Brunswick in eastern Canada.[/quote]

    Thank you, David 🙂 LOL, my grandfather is from NB, Canada.

    in reply to: Paragon Properties. Another two Rip Off Reports #197687

    [quote=”Scott”]Pablo’s cel is 506 8865-2025 and his email is

    His father – Orlando Diaz – is an attorney and his telephone number is: 506 8871-5303 and 506 2295-6963

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Scott – May I ask why all these posts in this thread were edited on Nov 2? I cannot find info on Mr. Orlando anywhere. Do you happen to know what firm he works with? Unfortunately when I dial 11 digit phone numbers, my calls cannot be completed from the US. Thanks!


    Read – Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. Are any willing to go beyond and ‘get’ the BIGGER PICTURE? Could this ‘mystery’ have begun when CR agreed to enter into the CAFTA agreement? Could Chavez really be the enemy…OR is it what the US would have you believe? You can also google Zeitgeist Addendum to view a movie explaining the process.
    We need to start thinking for ourselves. It’s time to wake up! Keep asking the why’s and your awareness will expand exponentially.


    It is the time of AWAKENING, folks. Ask yourself the question…If this has nothing to do with a war on drugs, humanitarian efforts or anything close to the benevolence of humanity, what is left? Increase your awareness and what has come up for you.

    Deception seeks to emulate truth as closely as possible while propagating just the opposite.

    It shares the superficial characteristics of a positive source and hopes the target audience does not look past the shallow mimicry. Ultimately, something always tends to feel “off” about these sources despite surface appearances indicating nothing out of the ordinary; once intuition alerts you, it is the job of reason to help you zero in on the problem.

    Tune in and ask. What you seek you shall find.


    Does anyone know what happens to the properties that were paid in full and deeded? Do the property owners have rights to the property, even if Paragon goes belly up? Also, is this a class action brought together by members, or individual attorneys? Thanks!

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