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  • in reply to: Charlie the angry American #189136

    People like Charlie are what’s wrong with America. Nothing better illustrates that than his opening “Greed has produced rash tax cuts that have given money to the rich and in effect taken it away from the poor….”

    Tax cuts don’t “give” money away, tax cuts allow a person to keep more of their own money. The poor dont have any money, hence the title “poor.” Apparently, Charlie thinks the money belongs to the government first.

    He goes on to whine about people who make more money than him and the non-issue of “outsourcing.” Apparently, outsourcing is a big deal to some in a country with an unemployment rate under 5%. My wife moved to the US from Colombia and found a job as an engineer no problem. She’s not even a citizen and speaks with a heavy accent. She’s just happy to be here in this land of greed Charlie is so angry with.

    The rest of his article goes off on an unhinged, contradictory rant, finished off with some paranoia over “Halliburton detention camps.” Give me a break. Charlie gets to live in Costa Rica and travel back to the United States when he likes. What percentage of the world gets to have such a lifestyle? Maybe 10%? Does that make Charlie greedy and thus part of the problem?

    Life isn’t fair. Life is hard. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it.

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179590

    Bradbard, I think that tropical sun is overheating your tinfoil hat.

    “Oh! Wikipedia, now there’s an in depth authoritative source for you!”

    Most people would say it’s pretty objective, actually. The fact that you object to it is unsurprising, and also a good reason why there’s really no point in fleshing out any arguments with you. Meanwhile, you quote from John Kerry, Maxine Waters, and former Black Panther Barry Seal and you are somehow unable to see what they might have gained by attacking a Republican administration’s war against communism in Central America.

    You’re kind of amusing with your hysterics, Bradbard, but not worth an in depth discussion.

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179588

    “i am thankful to be out of the fourth reich and living in the land of pura vida.”

    We in the “fourth reich” are also thankful as well. Oh, and for the record, according to Wikipedia:

    “In addition to reviews by the CIA, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and the Los Angeles sheriff that found no evidence to support Webb’s conspiracy theory, several investigative articles found his evidence lacking. The Washington Post determined that “available information does not support the conclusion that the CIA-backed contras – or Nicaraguans in general – played a major role in the emergence of crack as a narcotic in widespread use across the United States.” The Los Angeles Times stated flatly that “The crack epidemic in Los Angeles followed no blueprint or master plan. It was not orchestrated by the Contras or the CIA or any single drug ring.” The New York Times found “scant proof” to support the allegations. These and other debunkings did force the Mercury News to backtrack somewhat; the editor insisted that “Dark Alliance” had only stated that individuals associated with the CIA sold cocaine that ended up on the streets of Los Angeles, not that the CIA approved of the sales. In addition, the CIA insignia disappeared from the World Wide Web site.[8]”

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179586

    not interested in engaging you, bradbard. My time is limited and you’re not worth the effort.

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179584


    I don’t think this is really the forum for this discussion but if you send me your email I’ll give you my thoughts.

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179581


    I don’t agree with everything you said, especially in regards to Chavez, but thanks for the thoughtful response. Do you think an Ortega victory will hamper investment in Central America, and Costa Rica in particular?

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179577

    “it is what he says in the ‘Was the 2004 Election Stolen?’article is important. “

    Heh. Nutty, demonstrably false, and like many of your arguments so far, irrelevant to the question I posted. I believe this site is called “We Love Costa Rica,” not “We Hate George Bush and the United States.”

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179574

    Sorry, there’s plenty to dispute in what you wrote but this just isn’t a forum for nutcase political theories.

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179572

    I’m really not interested in fisking your Chomsky-wannabee screed. I have better things to do than correct the information you obtained from a bunch of wacko websites. It was entertaining, however. Also, unfortunately, it wasn’t really what I was looking for as an answer to my question.

    Give Fidel my best!

    in reply to: Nicaraguan Election #179570

    Re American intervention: First, our intervention in Nicaragua in the 1980’s did bring about an end to the wretched Sandinista rule and a birth of democracy, at least until this coming Sunday.
    Second, Hugo Chavez is massively intervening on behalf of Ortega with both funds for the campaign and promises to the Nicaraguan people of discounted oil if they vote Ortega in. I believe the US should be more active(probably covertly) in at least countering Chavez’ interference. If Ortega governs as I believe he will, Nicaraguans will be even poorer for it. That can’t be good for neighboring Costa Rica.

    Re the impact:I would think it depends on how it gets played in the media, at least in the short run. I read the other day that the Sandinistas confiscated over 200,000 properties during their rule. Ortega is now promising the business community he has changed, but I just can’t believe it. I just wonder if investors will hear about Nicaragua and decide Central America in general is just too unstable. But I don’t really know, that’s why I posted the question.

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