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You mean is down again?
But seriously I have asked a friend of mine in Atenas to look into this for you although you will may find the answer quicker by asking people in town.
You’re so funny, Scott. but we really DO appreciate your help. We know that it won’t be a tree like we had in Canada, it will probably be some sort of cypress….just don’t know where to buy one. Our son is coming & he wants us to have a live “local” tree for Christmas….[/quote]
And Scott…I hope we get to meet you…the “man behind the posts” one day soon…
You mean is down again?
But seriously I have asked a friend of mine in Atenas to look into this for you although you will may find the answer quicker by asking people in town.
You’re so funny, Scott. but we really DO appreciate your help. We know that it won’t be a tree like we had in Canada, it will probably be some sort of cypress….just don’t know where to buy one. Our son is coming & he wants us to have a live “local” tree for Christmas….
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]There should be plenty of furniture stores open on Sunday. If there’s something special you want, we have a line on a couple of custom furniture makers who have treated us well.
Our preferred souvenir store is the one on the outskirts of Sarchi as you’re headed for Naranjo. It’s on the right, past the soccer field and the gas station and has a huge, rotating, oxcart wheel outside.
And if it’s lunchtime, the Finca restaurant is a good choice. Drive right behind that big rotating wheel and down a one-lane drive. It’s good, reasonably priced, has a nice view, and is away from the traffic noise.[/quote]
A good “road trip” today. We took your advice, got excellent deals (including 2 Sarchi rockers) at the souvenir shop you suggested & took your recommendation for lunch @ the Finca. Nice view, reasonable prices, excellent food…huge portions..thank you.:)
Member[quote=”clewis”]Any Garmin unit with the download for CR from this company:
My husband & I are from Canada. We just ordered a micro SD card online of CR maps & popped that into our Garmin & brought it with us. Works like a charm
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]The Grecia Mall is next to the MaxiBodega both of which are on the outskirts of Grecia on the road to Sarchi and Naranjo. If you know where Rojas y Monge, the big ferreteria, is the Mall is half a kilometer past that in the direction of Sarchi.
I’m pretty sure you’ll find many things open in Sarchi on Sundays. Are you looking for something in particular?[/quote]
Thanks, David. We just want to look @ some of the Sarchi furniture & maybe a few souvenir type things for the kids that are coming for Christmas.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]yes, that’s correct — the first one is for two years, after that it’s five years. with other forms of cedulas the time varies from two to three years, although on one renewal i opted for only one year, and i can’t remember why i did that.[/quote]
Good & interesting to follow this discussion. Our first residency applications are at Immigration now. Will be gladwhen we get our first cedulas 😉
Member[quote=”baontheriver”][quote=”PeggyS”]My husband is interested in obtaining a book, with pictures & information on Costa Rican trees & plants so that he will be able to identify the “flora” and learn more about them…suggestions?[/quote]
BIG Question? Are you talking about fruit or all trees? It also depends on what the elevation and/or soil is. Trees that do well on river bottem soil might not do well in the mountains. If you would like fruit trees I can give you Jesse’s number. He has the largest fruit tree collections in the country. If you are looking at all beneficial trees I can give you Derick’s number. One hour with him will blow your mind. So just a book on CR trees is not going to do didly.[/quote]
He was looking at all beneficial trees as well as bananas, plantains, etc.
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Peggy, you’re referring to the PriceSmart next door to CIMA Hospital and the WalMart a little closer to San Jose. All those, and the nearby EPA (think Home Depot) are in Escazu, not in Alajuela.
Juan Santamaria International Airport, where you likely arrived, is in Alajuela. Across the autopista (The InterAmerican Highway/Route 1/the General Canas) from the airport is yet another, even newer WalMart. And Alajuela now also has its very own PriceSmart and AutoMercado, as well. So it’s strictly big-time.
We live in Grecia. For us, the big box stores in Alajuela are more convenient than those in Escazu, so this is good news for us.[/quote]
Thanks, David. We’re still learning & your help is very much appreciated. I think we know where the Alajuela PriceSmart is & hopefully their Walmart is easy to get to as well.
MemberRelatively new to the area & now confused (what a surprise!). I know that there is a PriceSmart just off 27 as we’re coming from Atenas & a Walmart a little further up. Is this the Walmart you’re referring to? there more than one PriceSmart in the area? Thanks
Member[quote=”Harperanne”]I eat a health mixture that contains cottage cheese and flax oil. Does anyone know if those items are available either at a supermercado or a health food store (can’t remember the Spanish name for it)? Would appreciate anyone’s help.[/quote]
What area of Costa Rica will you be visiting? And where are you from ?
Member[quote=”maravilla”]yep, i am in San Ramon and we have several farm-vet stores here. you want me to give an address???? oh hahahaha. The one i use the most is the Semillera next to LaDuchesa on the northbound street just a few meters south of the northwest corner of the park. how’s that for a description? also there is Dr. Quesada who has a big new clinic near the main branch of BCR. that’s as close as i can get on that one. the semillera has been there since 1946! it’s my favorite store in San Ramon. i don’t have a phone number, but neither of the owners speak any english.[/quote]
You have all been very helpful in pointing us in the right direction…I’m confident we’ll be able to find medication for Tonka sometime this week. I’ll keep you posted…Thank you!
Member[quote=”maravilla”]you must have a farm-vet-feed store in your area. they often stock all kinds of things that vets don’t.[/quote]
We’re in Santa Eulalia, between Atenas & Grecia…I’ll check it out
Member[quote=”maravilla”]what about using a human OTC formula that has PPA in it, or have all those drugs been recalled now??
i would try a farm-vet store in your area or start calling around to various vet offices to see if anyone stocks it.[/quote]
Thanks, Maravilla. The vet said that human OTC formulas generally have ingredients that aren’t good for the dog. I’m trying to contact different vets to see if they stock it, but no luck yet.
MemberWow…so many responses & opinions! Very interesting & informative as we are moving from Canada to Costa Rica in late September. It’s costing us about $1100 to ship a very large German Shepherd with the assistance of a pet transport company based in Canada. This inludes everything except the vet costs