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April 7, 2010 at 6:38 pm in reply to: If you HAVENT seen it, THIS is why the US. is in serious trouble – #199485
Member[quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”postalx”]shocked to find out that healthcare isn’t free yet.[/quote]
I agree with that. It’s like expecting to start a business without any money and expecting a profit from day one, isn’t it.
The payoff doesn’t really start to show until 10 years down the line.[/quote]
If, by some miraculous occurrence, there is any resulting cost benefit to employers and consumers, I’ll admit my error. More likely, I’ll still be muttering about what a dumb-ass, corrupt, ill-conceived scam that was perpetrated on the productive segment of society for the benefit of few and at a ridiculous cost.
The cheerleaders may counter, “Your already paying for the uninsured by inflated insurance premiums.” True; but add to that the cost thousands of freshly minted government employees, working for inflated salaries and benefits, 16,500 new IRS agents waiting to fine your ass for choosing not to comply, and ‘POOF!’, where did the savings go? Designed to fail from the get-go.
Mark these words: healthcare costs in the US will continue to rise, cost containment measures by the US Government will fail and there will be a lot of unemployed Democrat Congressmen and Senators in November.
April 7, 2010 at 5:05 pm in reply to: If you HAVENT seen it, THIS is why the US. is in serious trouble – #199483postalx
Member[quote=”waggoner41″]Forget that this guy is a Democrat.
He is only an indication of what we are electing to make decisions for our welfare. If examined closely we would find that our Congressmen and women have very little knowledge of historym geography, economics or the effect of their decisons.
[b][size=200]WAKE UP AMERICA.[/size][/b][/quote]It’s sad that the testing & qualifications to become a naturalized citizen of the USA exceeds the job requirements of national elective office. Wake up America? 50% of our population is in Rip Van Winkle mode, and are shocked to find out that healthcare isn’t free yet.
April 7, 2010 at 3:22 pm in reply to: If you HAVENT seen it, THIS is why the US. is in serious trouble – #199479postalx
Member[quote=”maravilla”]first of all, there is absolutely no such thing as absolute paradise. you’ll find that out when you get here.
i still haven’t decided whether guam tipping over was a serious statement or not. the damn island is anchored to the ocean floor, and one explanation for his silly remark was that he is suffering from Hep C and maybe his condition/meds affected his thinking. as for re-education — that’s been going on for decades thanks to institutions like the Tavistock Foundation and the Committee of 300, oh, and Edward Bernays.[/quote]
Why is it, I wonder, that these folks, whether by illness, age or incapacitation (R. Byrd, T. Kennedy etc…)refuse to step aside. This man is utterly incapable of fulfilling his duties, but continues to pontificate like he actually knows something.
Is good help really that hard to find?
Member[quote=”Versatile”][quote=”postalx”][quote=”Versatile”]Rush Linny is a Stain on America. Such a bigot. At least we find out those other bigots when they talk him up.[/quote]
It never ceases to amaze me , how the enlightened ones are the first to come out with ad-hominem attacks against their ideological opponents, in an effort to silence their views. Bigot, stain; is that the best you’ve got? Surely your vocabulary is more expansive than that.
As to Mr. Limbaugh, I rarely listen to his show. But I do admire a man who has been systematically targeted for over 20 years because of his views, and has managed each and every time to expose his detractors, including our President, Mr. Obama, for the petty ideologues that they are.
Truth is, they lack the cerebral horsepower to land a glove on him, so all they are left with is “the smear”, a tool that you choose to employ readily. Come back to the discussion when you’d like to argue facts, not your feelings.[/quote]
When another poster starts attacking the character of another poster then it is a very good indication that the person attacking the character of the original poster is wrong and his argument is flawed. Judges use this idea in court cases many times a day.
Thus Sir! Your personal attacks on my character are unfounded and really not what is the usual flavor of this forum. Are you a old member of the John Birch Society?
Do i really need to give you examples as to how Lush The Pill Head is a BIGOT?
I will not argue with you about my or your character. Should you choose to do so then i will just add you to my ignore list[/quote]“Your Honor, I rest my case.”
Member[quote=”Versatile”]Rush Linny is a Stain on America. Such a bigot. At least we find out those other bigots when they talk him up.[/quote]
It never ceases to amaze me , how the enlightened ones are the first to come out with ad-hominem attacks against their ideological opponents, in an effort to silence their views. Bigot, stain; is that the best you’ve got? Surely your vocabulary is more expansive than that.
As to Mr. Limbaugh, I rarely listen to his show. But I do admire a man who has been systematically targeted for over 20 years because of his views, and has managed each and every time to expose his detractors, including our President, Mr. Obama, for the petty ideologues that they are.
Truth is, they lack the cerebral horsepower to land a glove on him, so all they are left with is “the smear”, a tool that you choose to employ readily. Come back to the discussion when you’d like to argue facts, not your feelings.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]gee, i thought Rush Limbaugh WAS the problem!!!![/quote]
Breaking news, Maravilla darling: Freedom of speech is not a “all for me, but none for thee” proposition.
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Well, postalx, if you don’t like xmamma’s comment you’re gonna hate Rush Limbaugh.[/quote]
David, I must admit I’ve no clue what your comment means.
Member[quote=”xmamma”]One thing I believe about the nations health care is that Rush limbaugh is making us all sick in the head.[/quote]
Thank you for adding absolutely nothing of value to this conversation. Reasonable people may disagree based on their perspectives, but taking cheap shots and pretending it to be humor is not being part of the solution; it’s the core of the problem, IMHO.
Member[quote=”sprite”]Conservatives complain about the cost of national health care while vigorously supporting more tax money for the military industrial complex. Few examples more clearly show where their priorities lie. Does anyone have an idea of the cost of national healthcare compared to the cost of our recent military expenses?[/quote]
Sprite: Once again our paths cross with a difference of opinion. The rascally republicans recognize that national security IS the job of the federal government, and taking over private industry in the name of “improving healthcare” is not.
It seems to be our new national pastime, dreaming up new “rights” for ourselves at the cost of our fellow citizens.
As to the cost of administering healthcare through government mandated programs, we have only begun to spend. Massive tax increases are coming leaving no taxable stone unturned to foot this bill. And just like every other entitlement program the collectivists dream up & put into law, their cost projections will turn out to be woefully low by a factor of 100 or more within the first 20 years of implementation. History repeating itself, not as a farce this time, but a financial disaster.
Member[quote=”enduro”][quote=”Moving Soon”]If the goal of a health care system is to provide health care for the people then it is a great and tragic mistake to have it under the control of a “for profit” insurance industry.
The existence of a conflict can not be disputed. The conflict causes people to die.
Some things should be left out of the “for profit” machine.
4 generations of my family came (and are coming) up in the Canadian system (yes social medicine) but when you hear evidence from a conservative that says the Canadian system is horrible….he/she is motivated to lie to you. Our family (from the 2 year olds to the 91 year olds) have NEVER had a problem with the Canadian system. Everyone has been cared for.I hear the main opposition to a socialized system in the US being “are you crazy,? do you know how much that will cost?”
The cost is worth it.[/quote]
I can definitely agree with this, the Canadian system worked well for me, Aortic valve replacement, ruptured duodenal ulcer repaired and a pacemaker installed, all in 21 days!!! It was supposed to be only about 6, but the latter two issues arose as I was recovering!!! Since then I have had many tests to find the cause of excessive fluid… after searching for cancer, testing for every organ in my body, it was deemed perio-cardionitis caused by a tightening of the perio-cardio sack during recovery…nothing another diarhetic didn’t cure… My cost…$0 Nothing wrong with that system, I would say!!!
The down side is tax dollars HAVE to pay for it…currently about 45c of each dollar in tax revenue…[/quote]
You know what they say; “If you think medical care in the US is expensive, just wait until it’s free!” Truth be told, there is nothing I’ve read about in this Healthcare bill that will reduce the cost of care, the main driver of our expensive system. And our much vilified “for profit” health insurance system is a very low-profit (percentage-wise) operation, already regulated to the teeth. Their bean counters have a very firm grasp on healthcare costs, know the cost of administering insurance benefits, and generally run efficient, lean operations. When they request a rate increase, they can document to the penny why it is required. All of this means nothing to the magical thinkers in our country, who believe it is their “right” to lead horribly unhealthy lifestyles and have their fellow citizens pick up the tab for their care.
The concept of personal responsibility is all but vanished from our society.
MemberYou’re not alone, brother.
MemberMr. Ed… The brain trust at the New York Times, that bastion of America hatred (as long as there’s a Republican in charge, that is) finally woke up to realize that their idol REALLY meant he was going to hose them and their rich friends to pay for their unconscionable spending spree. To wit:
“This idea that everything new that government provides ought to be paid for by the top 5 percent, that’s a basically unstable way of governing.”…”There is no way we can pay for health care and the rest of the Obama agenda, plus get our long-term deficits under control, simply by raising taxes on the wealthy…The middle class is going to have to contribute as well.”
The pigs are flying high today!
MemberAnd why is it that liberals insist upon experimenting in unknown areas way beyond their expertise, causing mayhem in markets and lives, all for the sake of some unobtainable social utopia. The law of unintended consequences always rears up and bites you libs in the a** whenever you try this crap. But do you learn? Hell no! You just ask for more funding and try it again! Dopes!
Socialism / Marxism / Communism has been tried repeatedly in various forms and venues for over a century, and all that has resulted is pervasive misery and the deaths of over 100 million people that didn’t want to adhere to the doctrine. No one is less tolerant than a liberal spurned!
Yeah, I know. THIS time, you’ll get it right! After all you’re so much smarter than those others. NOT!
Edited on Jul 31, 2009 08:01
Member“If you accept that some people can take more than others from the common pool of resources, then you accept the inevitable class struggle and you are siding with the oppressors.”
I posit that the resources are there to be utilized by those willing to take the initiative. Those who cannot be bothered because it’s “too hard” have little say in how the cookie crumbles. Using your talents in this world should not automatically get you blacklisted as an “oppressor”.
There is a parable about the sheep, the wolves and the sheepdogs that you might find illuminating once you dry your tears and can see clearly.
Edited on Jul 30, 2009 11:24
MemberThe proof that your statements are correct is that in this HealthCare reform bill, the original thread from which we have seriously digressed, there is nothing in over 1,000 sections of the bill; not even a mention, of controlling costs though tort reform. Law by lawyers, for lawyers.
Paint ’em red! I like it!