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MemberAnd on my “farm”, where I employ workers to raise my crops, and pay them a weekly wage that they are more than willing to accept (If they could make more, surely they’d move on to greener pastures than mine)how is it that I am abusing them for my own personal gain?
MemberIf, as you say,some of us are scurrying for the dark corners, it is because we have been working all our adult lives to get to where we are today, only to be slammed with the bill for the malfeasance of politicians and their evil twins: the bankers.
What in hell is a private citizen’s fair share of the willful destruction of our currency and a future in a socialized society that rewards idolatry and penalizes hard work and risk taking by the small percent of us still willing to undertake them?
If, in your own snarky way, you are suggesting that anyone who has achieved a level of comfort and success in the US is somehow guilty of oppressing the underclass, all I can assume is that you’d be more than happy to surrender your assets to the government in return for the promise of cradle-to-grave nanny care.
MemberThe battle between the rich and the government has already begun. I’m sure you’ve noticed the global crackdown on private, offshore banking in places like Switzerland and Liechtenstein. But you probably don’t know about the Heroes Act of 2008.
On June 17, 2008, then-President Bush signed the bill into law. The main purpose of the bill was to provide benefits and more financial flexibility for military families. But… also stuck in the bill was new legislation requiring full estate taxes to be paid on the worldwide assets of any citizen voluntarily giving up U.S. citizenship.
In other words, you can leave the country if you want, but you can only take about half of your assets with you. (You can read a review of the new law here:
H/T Porter Stansberry
MemberMost insightful; thanks.
MemberAin’t that just precious?
MemberScott, Care to weigh in on the “Building with wood” question, considering your current project?
Member“Socialism is Communism sold by the drink.”– P.J. O’Rourke
MemberCurious myself. Some sort of rotational logic?
MemberThis catastrophe has been in the works since “they” created the Federal Reserve, and every US president since has kow-tow’d to the Fed. Including Obama. The USD fiat money system is coming close to destruction, like all previous historic attempts at spending your way out out of a spending mess.
“We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a
bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” – Winston ChurchillEdited on Feb 09, 2009 15:26
MemberAhhh Sprite… where to begin? Egalitarianism is an ideal to be upheld, but in the US, the big lie that has been spoon-fed to the masses for decades is that they can have it all. The ever-expanding supply of credit has given us bubble after bubble.Wipe-out, again and again… But the fish, with their ever short memories, keep on swimming.
Simply put, our constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal results. Obama and his minions have all but certified that the only thing the masses will experience is equal misery, while he passes out billions of USD to every left-minded outstretched palm as “stimulus”. Meanwhile, the small business guy (yeah, me), the engine of real growth and prosperity in the US, along with the 48% of productive Americans that actually pay income taxes, gets the bill.
And if it’s the “progressives” that are going to save us all, why hasn’t there been a single congressional hearing as to who the real players were that caused this latest debacle, and who were their enablers in congress since the 2006 elections?
And BTW, you’re awfully fond of bashing republicans, but it was none other than the Eeeeeevil GWB who introduced a measure in 2003 to stem the tide of monetary crapola that was being flung about by Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, only to be shouted down by such visionary “progressives” as Barney Frank & Christopher Dodd. “Nothing to see here; just move along!” No one is so blind as those who will not see.
Faith in government is for fools and knaves.
Edited on Feb 09, 2009 14:08
MemberIt’s my understanding that the use of adobe in residential and commercial construction was outlawed in CR after the earthquakes that killed thousands in Managua, Nicaragua in the ’80’s. Cheap, but dumb to use in a seismic region.
MemberWhat I’d like to see is a material/labor cost apples to apples comparison with concrete and rebar filled standard block. Looks like it’s quick to go up though!
MemberPersonally, I like being near the coast. Gets your head out of the clouds…Nicoya!
MemberHere here! We may not agree on some things, but are totally in accord about TV. When we travel to CR, the LAST item on the menu is the infernal boob-tube! I love my books. We always bring some with us, and pass them on to expat locals; always well received. Regardless of the subject matter in a book, the author spends a lot of time deep in thought than most (but not all, obviously) TV writers. They pander to the lowest common denominator, and the result is generally crap.