Thanks for the input, the area in Arenal where we are moving to is only at 1860 ft Seems Higher to me, so I am hoping that the humidity is lower than other areas. I will leave the artworks behind! Besides with so much beautiful scenery to look at who needs framed Art?
I have been doing wire transfers monthly and the missing $15.00 is what the banking exchange charges for receiving the transaction. It is just like the fee the bank charges you on the sending end as it passes through the international banking exchange in NYC.
FYI Washington Mutual has a free Gold checking account that does not charge for the transfer on the sending end. A savings of $40 per mnth for me.
Hi Rita
We have also purchased a lot in Lake Arenal area and we are facing this same issue from the farmer we recently purchased our lot from, just curious if it might be the same Farmer? We may be neighbors. Is his name is Don Victor? We are opting for the 2 inch pipe upgrade and the spliting that cost with Don Victor any “new buyers” of the other lots will have to buy into it.
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