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Membercan you please send me some details?
MemberI do have a self direct IRA where I do buy and sell real estate here in US and I have checked out that you can do that too in Costa Rica.Just be careful of “Prohibited Transection” as described in your articles.Good Luck to you smart lady.That is the way to go.Still better is that you find someone like you and each buy a property for other to live and then IRS does not come after you. You can pay same “rent” to each other.
MemberIn Alajuela,buy with more power please. Just came back from CR yesterday and had a great ride on ATV in Arenal.
MemberHello Vernon and Laurie and Olivia,
We met you in the pool at Parador Hotel in Mannuel Antonio. We found a great investment prconstruction condo site in Hermosa just before reaching Jaco. I can give you all the details as we are buying two hopefully.rahulthack
I have checked it out.I have self direct IRA and you can invest through it but make sure you follow the guide lines like,not for self use, not for children and not for verticle line of relationship.Yes, 1031 exchangecan also be done.
PS I just came back from CR yesterday after 14 days trip, talked to Scott while I was there too.rahulthack
MemberOk I will prepare and write a precise article about this ASAP: “How to Creat a Self-Direct IRA” to invest in real estate
MemberAnyone wants to do Self-Direct IRA, ask me if you want.I just did mine. Takes about 4-6 weeks.Very smooth.
My attorney is looking into all facts. The one you mentioned could be a trust similar to mrtgage company in USA. That is why you must know the relationship between all these players and that is why I hired an attorney .I will keep you posted.
I would not buy with creek inside,Wyman was suggesting me those lots but unless I see the possition of creek. I am sure you have an attorney!!!!banco cascutlan de Costa Rica has a lean on this property,but that does not mean anything bad, just you got to know the details.Good Luck!
MemberName is Rahul no offense my dear!
1.never buy any lot without having an attorney handling for you.
2.Mine is in San Jose, Carlos Arrea His e-mailCarrea @Racsa.Co.Cr., a fine gentleman.
3.Do not send any money until he cheks this out for you.
4.To me this one looks realy good and clean from what I have seen so far but attorney is must.
6.Must read Scott’s book.
If you can read and understand Spanish then you can go to the Nationa Registry site and check it out yourself……naehhhhh, get attorney.
MemberI tank you so much fro the book which I received day before from Amazon. It is just wonderful, powerful and yet so easy to follow with wealth of informations.
Pura Vida
MemberGovind Acharya M.D.
MemberHello Jill,
I am in process of inquiring into Estrellio Estate by Costa Developers. I have hired an attorney to look into this property.The title report seems in their name.
MemberHello linisd1,
Make sure that you know that bank owns the lot and not the developers!!!!! This could be ok too.RTrahulthack
MemberI check the deed and the FINCA 6134523 and 6140437 is in name of “Banco Cuscatlan De Costa Rica”
I am planning to buy there too with the help of my Costa Rican attorney, M.Carlos Arrea.
RT -