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MemberMost people are paid for the value they bring to the marketplace. Money could be called certificates of performance. Why are you so envious of the rich? Perhaps the libertarians you refer to want to come to Costa Rica to live because they like the beautiful country and not for the government and free healthcare.
I actually do believe that some people are even worth more than a million dollars a day. Why do you care how much someone earns?
MemberI don’t mean you Terry. My posted comment was in response to Diego’s post. I like what Diego said, and perhaps I am wrong, but based on Diego’s past postings I think he will vote for Hillary or Obama.
Perhaps he will clear this up.
MemberScott, being a voracious reader, pick up a copy of “Exposing the Real Che Guevara” by Humberto Fontova.
MemberAll this, brought to you by someone who will probably vote for Hillary or Obama.
It makes no sense.
MemberSprite, you and many of our countrymen are wrong and morally confused. You also probably think Mugabe is a great man right up there with Stalin, Mao and Fidel.
MemberGuevara was a murderer, coward and deserved assassination.
MemberBeth, 18 million make up the 18-34 crown. According to the Census Bureau.
MemberYour insinuation that I think illegal aliens are subhuman is absurd and is way off point. Who are the 45 million uninsured is the point. 14 million make over 50K a year, 7 million make over 70k a year. 18 million are the 18-35 crowd.
My transmission went out on my car the other day. $1800 it cost to replace it. I don’t have the cash on hand. Can’t get to work with no car. Perhaps there is a government plan that can help me.
The road to serfdom is paved by all these kind of stories.
MemberSprite, I thank God I am in good health. I make enough to pay my bills. I do not “pursue material wealth” especially as a “means to human happiness.”
I will steal from Bob Dylan and say “success is when a man gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in between does whatever he wants.”
In America as in Costa Rica you are free to choose to do that. You just have to use your imagination, and not buy into your “worker bee” mentality. Why do you think you have to?
MemberThe percent drops subtracting 12 million illegal aliens. You can find some interesting statistics in these articles.
MemberIf 15% is a substantial portion, your right I can’t deny. But of that 15% many choose not to buy insurance.
MemberThe people of the United States is one of the most generous and charitable countries in the world and has a very “longstanding tradition of community responsibility that involves people looking out for one another” I think taxing people under the guise of “looking out for one another” is wrong. And for someone to think it is wrong does not mean that person is unenlightened as Sprite commented.
The 45 million people without insurance in the U.S. does not mean they don’t have access to healthcare.
MemberUnenlightened society? Two sides to every story, such as this good doctor from Canada. This article may enlighten you. “Every man for himself” is called responsibility and freedom.
Member30+ years after the Kmer Rouge slaughtered millions.
MemberOmar Fadhil would disagree with you.