Mine cost me $30 and only took about two years.
[quote=”costaricafinca”]We live approx a 15 mins drive away from this waterfall, and it is well known by the locals, that care, must be taken, if you choose to go.
There is no handrail and the ‘things to hold onto’ is either a shrub, weed or a rock.
I am not complaining about this lovely spot, only relaying information, that it is [u]not[/u] suitable for everyone.
If you are driving along and trying to find it, look for this sign [i]’Catarata Llanos del Cortés'[/i][/quote]
Saw this lady (probably in her 80’s) going down there one time which prompted me to bring my sister next trip. She had a horrible accident years ago which required 50 surgeries and now has two prosthetic knees.
That being said, there are no hand rails and it is not for everybody.
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