Forum Replies Created
MemberAs a current U.S.federal employee, the one billion for the new U.S. embassy in London, England; is only a drop of water, in the ocean. You would be even more shocked, if you knew how much officially, and, how much in classified “Black” accounts; has been appropriated and spent! I myself am angered as a taxpayer, with inside knowledge. I send the IRS a check every year, attached to my 1040. Sadly, the government has the mentality and ability to just, keep printing more money.
MemberWe recently purchased a beachfront in Playa Hermosa, Guancaste. We retained the legal services of Hernan Cordero, of Cordero & Cordero. San Jose 506-2258-2525, Liberia 506-2667-4242, I highly recommend this attorney and this firm for your consideration. We received excellent, professional and prompt legal services. Amazingly, this attorney responded to all our emails within half an hour, I am in the legal profession, and I find that difficult to achieve. In addition, this attorney opened our bank account, created a corporation, researched property matters and represented us proxy during our closing. He accomplished much of our legal requirements, within three days; while we were on vacation in Costa Rica. The fees for his services were very reasonable.
MemberThanks Scott.
MemberHaving been to Belize several times, I agree, Limon is nothing like Belize. Limon has a more carib. feel and culture, not to mention tourists. I assume this is only your first trip to Costa Rica, most of us over 20 years old try to avoid the tourist scene and the potentially higher petty crime rate of Limon. I would recommend residing in and touring the location you desire, prior to, constructing a home. In my case, I first came to Costa Rica in 1985, and returned every year or year-and-a-half, to tour the whole country. We recently bought a beachfront home in 2009, after years of reading, traveling, internet research, and, research, research, research. There are several publications available for purchase on this website, or, on the internet, I would highly recommend them, for research purposes.
You are a true entertainer, I make it a point to take some time during my busy work schedule to read your sketches; and have a healthy laugh. One of my fellow Feds, could swear, that he arrested you, and you are now in the Witness Protection Program.
MemberI am also researching for the best laptop, for our CR home. I read a Yahoo Tech article, dated November 18, 2009; which stated: The most reliable brands, Toshiba and Asus, with below a 16 percent failure rate. The least reliable, Acer, Gateway and HP, with failure rates at 25 percent. Also, one in three laptops die in the first three years. Hope this helps.
MemberI have not enjoyed so much comedy, since my favorite comedian, George Carlin died! Very intertaining!
February 17, 2010 at 3:05 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200841soldier
Thanks for the insight, and the very informative new article you recently posted. The AK47 is an excellent weapon, carried one as a secondary weapon, it really confused the enemy when they heard the AK47 and a Thompson firing down-range, within the same firing range span.
I first came to Costa Rica in 1985, pursuant to a friend’s invite. During that vacation, my heart told me this is where I wanted to retire and live the rest of my life. I followed my head, and have made a total of eight trips to Costa Rica, scouting out locations, climate, etc. We finally bought a beachfront home in October 2009, during our vacation; the previous owner accepted an offer which we could not resist. In short, without becoming long winded, your heart and head will tell you if Costa Rica is right for you. One of our members previously posted this comment “Costa Rica picks you, you don’t pick Costa Rica,” I found this comment to be very true in many regards.
February 16, 2010 at 5:52 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200833soldier
MemberHello Dan,
Sounds great to me, the range will bring back some great memories! And, only if I can fire my Thompson and both 1911s (smile.)
February 16, 2010 at 5:04 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200831soldier
Thanks for the insight.
February 16, 2010 at 3:14 pm in reply to: Just as a Matter of Curiosity – Speak to me of firearms in Costa Rica. #200829soldier
MemberGreat weapon information and discussion. Does anyone know if Costa Rica has any limitations on the types of ammo that may be used in handguns, I currently have two 1911 45s?
Will do. I can relate to your brother’s ordeal. If I am not mistaken, the VA has made disability regarding Agent Orange, a presumtive disability grant, for certain related illnesses. I believe I read it at the vawatchdog website, or on a VA site; check my accuracy. Guys in the Navy were having problems with Agent Orange, VA was denying their disability because they did not have “boots on the ground.” The VA hospitals have a Agent Orange clinic, you have to sign into at the VA hospital in your area, they have one here in Philadelphia. You guys may want to check into that also. A friend of mine died about three months ago from Agent Orange. I had to watch him fade away and die, weighing only 90 pounds. He was also a true hero, he was a Green Beret, three tours of Nam; won the Silver Star, for taking out a Viet five man patrol with only his bayonet. The way VA denied and delayed his claims, was criminal. I helped my friend with his claim and the legal aspects, he won his claim a year before he died. One thing I found as a gold mine of information, during my claims research, was reading all the Board of Veterans Appeal decisions, on line, for particular disabilities. The Board decisions basically tell you what you need, to win your claim.
Take care.
23 years! I can imagine what you went through, I only had to deal with the two brain cell idiots for five years. Glad you finally received your earned award! I’m a Viet vet and a legal asistant with 21 years of experience. You are right, VA does not adhear to 38 C.F.R., nor any other regulations or laws. Even with my legal experience, the VA disregarded my legal arguments and medical evidence for five years. With VA disability claims at the one million mark, and raising every day, the VA has ordered more denial stamps, or, merely lost or shredded veterans medical evidence. You made a good point, I will file a claim for the additional retro pay, so a VA claim adjudicator will be required to, but will not, review two boxes worth of my medical documentation. What most vets do not know is that the VA adjudicators are required to process 3-4 claims a day; which means, they only have around two hours to review and process each claim.
Take care.
Glad I could help. The VA is anti-veteran, as any veteran knowns. I have been battling the VA for five years, in order to obtain 100%. After five denials, two decision review officer hearings, and numerous appeal and medical document submissions; I finally won my award in 2009. VA still gave me the short end of the stick, they only made my award retro to 2007; instead of 2004, my original filing date. I could continue to battle VA for the additional retro, however, after five years of battling the VA; I am exhausted and drained from the paper fire fight! I read every day, this is a great website by and for veterans. Be prepared for shocking news about our VA!
Take Care.