Forum Replies Created
MemberThanks for reply on the “kit” pizza ovens. I have looked at several of those, but think that it would be very difficult to get/find one in Costa Rica. That is why I am hoping to find a great brick craftsman there. I am going to try to scare up some plans for an oven before I leave for CR in July.
BTW: On the debate about radon, I have been reading recently about the over-testing, over-worrying that Americans do about possible health risks. Oddly, our life expectancy in relation to other similar countries is still lower. Here is what I know as an absolute, FOR SURE fact – I am going to die. I am headed that direction right now and so are we all.
Too much worry and too little pleasure will shorten my life and decrease my daily enjoyment. Is there a slight chance that an occasional charred, rare cut of tenderloin might give me cancer? Possibly and….oh well!
MemberI am just wondering if anyone has built (or had built) a true outdoor, wood-burning pizza and bread oven. I would lo-o-o-o-ove to have one!!! I have seen them at a couple of restaurants (one near Atenas) and would love to have one at our new house. Thx!
MemberAlong this line….how many of you have suffered “significant” robberies? By that I mean actual break-ins where significant theft occurred? (I know that is a relative question.) We have heard stories of tools being stolen from sheds, and the proverbial small appliance theft. But I guess I wonder if any Forum members have had “whole house cleanouts”….thanks!
MemberScott: That is a really, really lovely fixture!
MemberI would also like to have further factual discussion regarding transferring funds back and forth. Also, the 30% that might be withheld if one transfers funds FROM Costa Rica BACK to the US are fairly close to the “middle” tax percentage for “regular” folks. My question would be, is that 30% held until one’s next tax filing and the difference refunded – or owed?
It would be helpful if someone with specific expertise could take a stab at an intelligent answer. I think it would be helpful to remember that there are probably hundreds of people who only follow this forum for practical advice on moving to and living in Costa Rica. Thanks in advance.
MemberGreat input, jdocop….I will share with my husband!
MemberDavid: Thanks for the info. But I do have another question regarding prescriptions. My husband’s prescriptions are written through his cardiologist in the States. Is your doctor (in the States) continuing to write your prescriptions so that you can order? If so, is that because you actually GO back to the U.S. for a checkup with your doc? Most docs want to see you at least yearly to renew your meds….can you advise? THX!
I have been building/remodeling real estate over the years in the U.S. and have always been happy to pay my taxes on these transactions. As my accountant once wisely stated “You wouldn’t be paying taxes if you weren’t turning a profit”. I always considered the taxes, even when I was paying short-term rates as a simple cost of doing business. If I build a house in Costa Rica and sell it later AND pay taxes, I will have made a profit and yay for me.
Further, the exemption on income made in foreign countries is still in place….but that is on wage income, not on capitol gains. I am not sure if the tax exemption for the sale of a primary residence after two years holds for a residence out of the country, but I am guessing it does.
We are not moving to Costa Rica to avoid being a U.S. citizen and will continue to support our country with our voting and our tax contributions.
I am not moving to Costa Rica to “get away” from the U.S.
MemberMaravilla: We have already reported our foreign corporation via the form that was helpfully discussed this month on this forum. We report our income from all sources now and will do so in the future. So if, in fact, we are complying with the laws as we always have…how exactly do you see us as “going to the slammer”?
The U.S. didn’t drive up to this financial meltdown because of people like us…..we are in the toilet because so many of our large financial institutions acted with reckless greed in an almost completed deregulated market.
Most of the wealth in the United States now resides in the top 1.5% of the population. I think that some legislative attention is finally being directed at these issues.
Membertwinzor: Thanks for the fact-based response. I am still waiting for a fact-based answer as to what this will mean to the expat who is using their Costa Rican bank account to build a home and may (briefly) have more than the $50K limit flowing through. And later, same account is used only for paying bills, etc., and routinely falls below the $50k limit. Does the 30% withholding occur ONLY when transferring money BACK to the U.S.? What if this is a one-time transfer if we are returning home and have sold a home? Thanks to anyone who can respond with the sort of reasoned reply of “twinzor”.
MemberOh for God’s sakes! Scott, how about throwing a bone to all of us out here who are now under the impression that this new bill means we won’t A: be able to open a Costa Rican checking account or B: are now about to lose them. I am guessing that this is not the case. I’ll bet a lot of other people who follow this forum now have their hair on fire.
Am I to understand that this bill makes it much more difficult to have funds/accounts/investments offshore where the IRS cannot “see” into those accounts? Since I am not someone who needs now, or in the future, to hide my assets from the IRS, I would appreciate your clarification (as you currently understand it) of this new law. My current understanding is that the Costa Rican government ALREADY allows that kind of transparency with the U.S.
Please advise…your input is very trusted. Thx!
MemberHey Rfalves:
I actually still LIVE in Arizona and Joe Arpaio is a jackass who is currently under investigation by the FBI. His idea of “law enforcement” has made our state a target of national ridicule. After terrorizing Hispanic residents here, he and his moronic attorney general sidekick began arresting and prosecuting state officials who disagreed with their egregious tactics. He has cost our state millions and millions of dollars (which we don’t have) and has set back law enforcement a decade.
You might want to find another law enforcement official to offer up as a shining example!
March 22, 2010 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Costa Rica Health Care – Affordable quality private care. #168981sueandchris
MemberMaybe someone can comment on this: I remember from an earlier thread that someone had joined CAJA before they received their actual residency. I can’t remember now if this was AFTER they had their residency “number” (that denotes one is actually “in” the pipeline for approval) or not. Can someone comment on this? THX.
MemberI have lived in Arizona (generally) since I was a child. Our friend’s home was one of the first built in the desert near the Superstition Mountains to the far east of Phoenix. I remember vividly that it was not uncommon for them to discover rattlesnakes, large and small, on the patio of their home. I have had two or three rattlesnake “encounters” as an adult.
The home we sold last summer had a herd of about 14 javelina that trekked, twice a day, through my property. Also, we are very familiar with assorted scorpions, centipedes, tarantulas, some as big as my palm and my personal favorite…black widows. I learned very long ago to take a good hard look before I stuck my hands in dark or obscure places and to always keep the doors closed when I go out.
All-in-all, sounds like excellent training for my new home in Costa Rica! I was really glad to see the pictures posted for the fer de lance!
MemberDavid: Well that is a real disappointment! Are there Nokia cellphones available that DO have the 3G capability? Thx!