Forum Replies Created
MemberWe have met a terrific young architect in the San Ramon area. He offers a “menu” of services, as do architects in the U.S. We were able to tour one of his recently finished homes and he welcomed us to do so. We also had access to the owners who expressed their happiness with his work. For these clients, he provided on-site supervision which far exceeded the once-per-week visit and his fees were 10.5% for the whole project.
After WA-A-AY more years than I wish to admit spent in the construction trades, I was very impressed with him and his expertise. We will use him if we build and were very happy to find him.
MemberDavid: What has been your (and your friends) experience with theft in the Grecia area? How have you dealt – or not dealt- with this concern?
MemberDavid: Thanks! May I also ask WHERE the security deposit would be made, can that be done in cash and if I have cleverly already purchased the Nokia 5800 NAV previously….am I then only purchasing an actual SIM card from ICE?? Would I also have to pay my monthly bills in person (assuming I haven’t arrived and may not have been able to navigate getting a Costa Rican bank account by this time)?
If I use an Ltda., can I do without a utility bill to open my bank account? I am guessing this is where everything gets sticky!
MemberWe also have a Ltda. How long does it take (with the proper paperwork from our attorney) to actually obtain cellphone service under the name of the Ltda.? Also, do you have to have a utility bill to do so? The reason I ask is I wonder if I should try to get this done next month on our final short trip before our move in July?
MemberOh man! The wind can just drive you crazy!!! Remember the story about the poor woman in the 1800’s who was found in front of her sod cabin – rocking in her rocking chair and holding a bloody knife??? Turns out she had murdered her entire family and when asked why, said ” I jes couldn’t stand that wind no more”. So there you go…
MemberDavid: Great strategy….we have been using it for the last two or three “real estate perusal” trips. It also REALLY helps to determine the “noise level” of the property!
I don’t think that we want to have to sit still in front of fans every afternoon! Thanks.
MemberDavid: Your altitude is of great interest. Do you find that your altitude has increased your exposure to humidity/damp as opposed to say neighbors who live at 3200′? I know that in the San Ramon area, a few hundred feet makes an enormous difference in damp/mold issues. Of course, your micro-climate is probably entirely different, but your thoughts would be welcome.
I know that in the Grecia area, houses at 3200′ also rarely need A/C to be comfortable. Since we CAN choose where to live, these factors that really impact monthly budget are a big deal (at least for us)!
Memberjdocop: I have NO idea how the electric rate works in California as we don’t live there.
But this has been a great thread and can be mined for lots of detailed information regarding electric bills and usage. A friend living in San Ramon tells me that they try to dry their clothes as often as possible on their outside line to cut down on the electric bill. Also, it would appear that living where A/C is necessary really drives up the monthly bill. So as we zero in on a final choice of town, this fact will figure heavily in our decision. Terrific input from all! Thanks!
MemberEcellent comments by 2BNCR. This is the philosophy that has worked gangbusters for me for three decades. All of these points are spot on!
The excellent opportunities now offered in Costa Rica are enhanced by the pleasure of living in and experiencing the culture of this remarkable little country!
The Nokia 5800 sounds great! So how did your friend activate his phone? Did he just take it into the ICE(?) office and order monthly service with NO contract?
Will this phone allow access to the internet as described earlier in this thread?
I am so often confused about “all that technical jazz”!
Member[quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”philharmonic”]Yes I do advocate a 10% accross the board tax for individuals and Business.[/quote]
A drop in the bucket!!!!
Watching this discussion play out I can see that neither side will convince the other.
What I do know is that left to voluntarily helping those who truly need help will never work. Those who have enough, however you define enough, there is always something else that is more important. I am an example of this myself.
Unlike those who are younger, who can be categorized in several ways from just getting by to those who play one-ups-man-ship to those who are keeping up with the Jones’s to those who are outright greedy, we who are retired live in a different situation. Our work lives are done and our income is what it is.
We, my wife and I, are in Costa Rica because we know that we have a guaranteed income, small as it is, but we also have a need to pay back to society for a decent life. We have never been rich, never owned a new car or anything near it. What we can do in Costa Rica we could never do in the States.
There are those who think that, no matter what they have, more is better and there are those who think I have a little extra that I can give to help.
The current situation in the States is what I consider dire. In my lifetime (post depression) things have never been worse. Eight years of GWB comes about as close as anything can to destroying the U.S. as an economic and military power. The Congress is perpetuating programs that outlived their usefulness long ago. They are wasting taxpayer money every time they turn around and catering to the lobby industry against the best interests of the public. David has argues against term limits but the longer our elected officials are in office the less they head the wishes of the public they represent.
My view is, leaving God and church out of the argument, we have a responsibility to those who cannot do for themselves.
With that said, I know that there are going to be some who take unfair advantage. There are those who are capable of earning a living but are too lazy to do so and there are those who own a Cadillac but cannot afford to feed their family.
It is the responsibility of every one of us to do everything possible to weed these people out of any welfare programs.[/quote]
This is a good and well-reasoned comment. We share your giving back philosophy. Thanks.
Member[quote=”maravilla”]i got a kick out of this article. i’ve already implemented some of these suggestions on my own, but it is certainly food for thought. jejejej
Great site! Thanks Maravilla!sueandchris
Member[quote=”jdocop”]Keeping in mind that the electric bill we will pay at the end of December will actually be for the month of November, here is what we are experiencing: We have a new, cement block home, approximately 1500 sq. ft. We have an electric water heater (40 gallon), gas stove, washer, electric dryer, large fridge, five ceiling fans, two tv’s, stereo on all day, and a hefty window unit air conditioner (220 volt). When we paid our last bill, the end of November (in other words, actually for the electric used in October) we paid nearly $200.00 (about $196). This month, we are deliberately not using the air conditioner (which I feel is essential to help maintain lower humidity in the bedroom/closet), to see if this makes a significant difference. We won’t know if it does, though, until the end of January. So, I guess, if this thread is still going, I’ll update, if/when.
Oops…….we also have one large dusk to dawn street light, and two security, motion sensor light fixtures outside, and of course, the computer/printer is on a good part of the day, but not as long as it would be if I had a real internet connection.[/quote]
John Dugan: Do you live near the ocean? Just wondering about the air conditioners! Thanks, Sue
MemberScott: Is the Gines available and serviced locally? Do you have the 12 gpm unit or the smaller unit? And lastly, is your propane tank actually in your apartment? Thanks!
MemberOh, forgot to ask if those of you who have the “on demand” hot water systems have been happy with their performance?