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MemberMaravilla…I could not help but agree with you 100%…as I have said on this site “we are the American Government and we are here to help you……RUN RUN as fast as you can. Everyone knows that the current war is all making the U.S run financially. We have no leaders just a huge machine that can not and will not be stopped until we have another Tea Party. The general public is so sold on how great we are that they won’t do anything and the others can’t or won’t muster the troops to stop all this Greater than thou c***. I am on my way to C.R. in July and going to stay until I die. I have had it with the whole Government machine and the cost WE are paying to keep IT alive…and yes it will only get worse and worse
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberRECONLPHA….yes You can bet your last nickle on it…as Have said so many times and Americans are so blind they think they are in heven…. We are in a self-distruct mode it is just a matter of how soon the government is so big it swallows itself and all of us… My passport is on order ( I lost my old one or I would be there now) comming as soon as it arrives.
“I am from the American Government and here to Help You” ….RUN and tell everyone you know and don’t know you are exactly right.
terry from Texasterrycook
MemberHi alfred…I scored libritarian and that is probably right on the nail. and proud of it!
terry from texasterrycook
MemberRoark…if this was tongue in cheek that is fine but I missed it. otherwise the wepons are available all over the place and ONly FOR the BAD guys to kill the good guys. No one needs these wepons. I am not for gun control so don’t get me wrong but these are not things you carry in normal everyday life…only planned to commit mass killings or robb a bank etc.
terry from texasterrycook
Memberpaumatom, Thanks for this excellent site to read. It really does show that there are more sides to every story. I think Aries is probably a good President and hope what ever happens that it proves to be the best for the country. Personally I have seen soooo much b.s. from the U.S. Government and know that almost everything they do is about more money and gaining strength/control over the world so “we” can get a larger basis to realize money to run this huge maching and also help it grow even larger.
terry from texasterrycook
MemberHi, paumatom as usual there are 2 sides to every story. What the artical said (although admittedly political) was that the Government had 38 of 57 votes and “that proves that it will be ratified”. I hope this is not the case but am not really sure/ or missed the other information that challanges this information. Please comment or direct me to a good source of information.
terry from texaaterrycook
Membermissingcr…..I am just finalizing my divorce from my wife (her choice definately not mine!) That is another whole story and it was not from a bad I did. But to the point I spent 3 months in C.R. last year and just fell in love with it too. Obviously I can not speek from a womens point of view but as I found almost all Ticos are extremely friendly and if you locate in a safe place you will find that you will become friends with many and they will watch your back too.
I found by going to the same place to eat and drink most every night I actually became a “regular” and was acepted by all.
I am planning to move to C.R in July or early August. If I can be of
any help I would be most happy to do so.By the way this is definately the very best venue for getting information and questions answered. p.s. I met Scott last year and he is a prince of a man and you can relly trust what ever he says. He shoots as straight as any person I have met. Oh and I just bought
one of the super new maps and I would recommend you do so too so you can look up places you hear about.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberMaravilla, when do you plan your escape from this nut house..I amplanning on July or early August. what part of the country do you live in?
terry from Texasterrycook
MemberHi there paumatom, If you go to Scott’s last “We Love Costa Rica” news letter and look for “weekly summary of news” 16th April 2007 you can read the entire article that states that the President expects radification…..
terry from Texasterrycook
Membermy email….rather not put phone # on the line
but I have a very good reason for askingterrycook
Memberwas this from a U.S. company in the northern part of the country?
MemberNot to mention the Hollywood show that showed kids laying down in the middle of the road at night on the double yellow line stripes to see if they could play chicken and win…..yes our across the street neighbor was crushed to death playing that t.v. game
…can’t wait to get there and only watch “football” and spanish singing dvd’s on the box…at the most.
Terry from Texasterrycook
MemberHi pweisel thanks for the input. I will look with open eyes…. I have followed Scott and this venue for 2 years and spent 3 months there last year and will approach this very slowly and definately not as a gringo. I don’t have gringo money by any way
thanks terryterrycook
MemberThank you very much. I will go this summer and look around. I am now in the position of needing to rent and make a base then find locals where I can find one of those real deals as money will be real tight for me thanks to my soon to be ex-wife. There was a country western song a few years ago that fits perfectly…she got the gold mine and I got the shaft. But really thanks for all the information it really shows how good this site of Scotts is for all of us.
Memberhi dsullivan…Don’t know where yet. Spent 3 months there last year and did some looking. Planning a trip for 3-6 months in July but lost my passport and just applied for a new one and takes up to 12 weeks now. For all you U.S. wanta visit C.R. I talked to a postal worker and last week alone there were over 400,000 new applictions for passports. The number has been very high and will remain so for a good long while with good ol Home Land Security wanting to keep tabs on where we all are.
terry -