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MemberHi there dsullivan….Terry Cook here. Your question on treating for termites. I live in Texas and plan a perminant move there this summer. Here in Central and south Texas we have a large problem with termites. One thing that can be done is to pre-treat the ground before slab or what ever foundation is used. Also (not meant as an ad but there are many pest control companies here such as ABC pest control who have pre treatment plus programs to prevent termites with existing termites. Have no idea what it is but am sure it is not uncommon practice.. Try ABC Pest control in San Antonio, or Austin Texas…again I am not affiliated with them but know of their reputation and Maybe they could give you ideas of what they do.
MemberHi, Terry Cook here. I had my pocket picked in San Jose but it was really my own falt. I had it in my back pocket which everyone tell you not to do. A money belt of front pocket is the only way to go. Also I never carry much cash or wear flashy jewelery. I stayed in the Coca Cola area which is suppose to be really not good but did not have a problem even weeks at a time. Local bar a block from the hotel and just kept my eyes and head clear.
As for the bus system it is not easy to learn but I finally got the hang of it…although not mastered by any means. It is cheap and easy and if you speak Spanish (which I do not do very well at all) you can get around easily. There are bus maps showing the different routes and the various bus stations. The most confusing thing for me is you have to know which bus station to go to in order to go where you want to go….or know the route and where it will stop.
I am on my way back to stay for good. Hang in there..I too did not really like San jose too much but there is a whole lot of good places out thereterrycook
MemberHi, I actually took a bus from Austin, Texas to San Jose and bought a return bus ticket to the closest city in Nicaragua in case I was asked about a return ticket. TOO the point when I was ready to fly home I ended up buying a round trip ticket as it was cheaper than a one-way. Then just chucked the return ticket out…
terry from Texasterrycook
MemberDear David…just sent an email to Romulo Pacheco….what is ten Colones a nickel? Also am a aquaintence of Scott Oliver and was there for 3 months last year. I also have been in contact with another dave on the site and he has said he would spill his guts to me on how to survive a cheaply as possible. I was a member of Arca but dropped out before my wife laid her surprise divorce on me. Hope to meet you in person when I come to stay this summer any private info you are most welcome to send to
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberJerry, thanks so much for the input. yes I know and believe in kiss. I would love to meet you as I too do not want any grand place just a place to enjoy a few English speaking folks and live among the Ticos. The basics are all I need as I have learned that life is too short to not live for today. I have promised my brother I would house sit while he goes on a trip and plan to leave here if all goes well in mid July.
Please do write me as I can “feel the vibes” your my age and know what that means.
thanks so muchterrycook
MemberJerry, I spent 3 months in Costa Rica last year and just loved it. I had hoped to buy a second home with my wife but she has just surprised me with divorce papers. She is about to receive a huge trust fund and does not want me to be able to share in this huge money. Actually I was so take aback that I attempted suicide but my daughter (age 29) called the house and I lived. I will have $100,000 cash from the sale of our home. I am 58 and have no retirement income and will hopefully get social security if it still exists in 4 or so years (maybe 800=900 $$ I am a simple person and can do with basic needs (and safety) I have read many books and understand the pensionado? sp rules but wonder what I should do . I want to live in Costa Rica for the rest of my life. Where do you live and what advice can you pass to me. you can contact me at my email address for the next month or so. I have been a vip member of We Love Costa Rica for 2 years
or more and had the Tico times sent to my home so I am really very up to speed but really need a new viewpoint with this mess I am going through…thanks so much..
anyone else out there I could use all the imput I can get
thanks terry cookterrycook
MemberHi, I was in Costa Rica for 3 months and lost my glasses…went to an optical chain in San Jose and had good luck…however the place said they do not do tri-phocals (sp?) so I got bi and a seperate pair of mid range. However I then found out another shop near the childerens hospital that does do tri and bi glasses….service good, people (of course) very helpful and nice, and accurate service
good luck
terry cookterrycook
MemberIf this is for Terry Cook who took the bus to Costa Rica from Austin Texas..I made it fine but only got here yesterday so I have no earthly Idea for a good place to stay. I am at Hotel La Pampa about 300 meters from Childerns hospital but not for the faint of heart or one wanting anything more than the very very basics. Room, bed and bath available. clean and friendly you can find on internet at Hotel La Pampa. cheap but you get what you pay for. No closets, no dresser as they say here NADA
terry cook
MemberFirst, to Bavani I am hesitant to tell everyone how it works until I find out IF it works. Should only be a week or two before I can get back on line either this site or what ever Scott O. thinks best for the good of all.
AudEars….Thanks for the support…one clarification is my “trip” is hopefully forever..with the exception of trips to a foreigh country called the United States..which will be at most a second home or a place to visit…
All for now
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberSorry for any repeat on this site but I am Terry Cook, married and moving to C.R. in the next 30 days or so. My wife will remain in Austin, Texas until she retires. I hope to begin the process of re-locating for retirement. Please let me get in contact with you..I will stay in San Juan when I arrive. I have chosen to take a
bus rather than fly first for the adventure and second to obtain a return ticked for proof of exit ticket for now…I am most excited to return to C.R. and begin a new life.
MemberGod…who wants another U.S. attorney to go to Costa Rica…Please no more of that needs to be brought to C.R
MemberJasman….ScottO poked fun at me and said not to let my wife find out about this (he and I are fast becoming good friends from this venue.) you can read my message but bottom line is I would like to make friends with singles or married folks…I am married for 34 years but will be in C.R. prior to my wife retiring. I have no “single” attitudes or intentions but would love to put you on my email list and meet up with others just to be able to share experiences (both good and bad) about our moves,needs,and support.
Terry From Texas
Memberhi, I am 57, married and plan to move to C.R. in the next 30 day or so. I will be looking the country side over before my wife retires in 3-4 years. I will be looking for work of some type and hope to set up ground for our retirement…I will be glad to let you know how it goes…a big move for me but I do love C.R. and greatly appriciate the We Love Costa Rica site for our benifit…
terry Cook
Membermoving soon myself…what is a M-bags…I will bring a large duffel bag type case plus computer but from this info I may be able to have some things sent upon my arrival.. any help
terry from texasterrycook
Membertriple congrats Scott…super good look from my point of view and I can tell from others the time was far more than well spent. Thank you from all of us.
terry from texas -