Forum Replies Created
MemberSprite: You, of course, are right. I guess what makes me upset is the reason that the money is flowing in….our stupidity and Greed that ends up placing us in the bad postion we are in. Maybe if someone like Ron Paul were to get elected (which is a very long shot) we might have a chance of reversing some of the Huge waste and government pork-belly programs. Plus of course decrease many of the programs that the government should not be ivolved. They say size does make a difference, however Bigger is Definately not better in the subject of Government
MemberThe Great country of the United States will stick it to anyone they can anyway they can. With the passing of CAFTA I’m sure they will find a way to Tax Folks from Costa Rica because of an “affiliation” now legal to the U.S. This government is in such bad shape that they will go to all ends to take until we rebel….as was said before Elephants are rampid in the U.S
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberHi, Terry here…last year when I was there for 3 months Bank of Socia sp? would take a photo copy…this year when I was there for 3 months they would no longer take a copy…so I guess things change on this as every thing…
Memberprokem2…do you know his website? does he do ciudad arenal
terry cookterrycook
MemberScott…I know you will not take my small account or any account for that matter from the U.S citizen cuz of the problems with dealing with the good ol Government but what say you about moving my money to gold…really would like the insite of a person with your knowledge and experience…
Terry Cook now in Queposterrycook
MemberScott….terry cook ….2012 MYAN calander….They have said we will get many signs of the impending doom….each getting more and more serious…I see it every day and more and more posts including yours just scares the daylight out of me….Glad to be here I think we can hold out longer even when the U.S. falls. I´ve always liked eating fresh fruit.
Memberturkish…..the cows win.
terry cookterrycook
Memberbradbard…Terry Cook here….are you not reading the threads on this site…If you can´t tell by mine alone that I am p…se you have certainly over looked tons and tons of others who speak of this anger, frustration and and near hopelessness of the whole U.S diboggle (sp)…NOthing they do is right fair or just mostly out right litterly criminal….PLease take the time to read much more of the letters in this Discussion board and you will learn about the Cows, Bulls and the Mavericks.
Terry CookEdited on Aug 13, 2007 10:54
MemberAlfred….wish you were right about us ALL bailing water…maybe 2%, the rest are cows and just waiting to sink. Wish that were not true but until we have a VOCAL Majority we will definately sink.
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberRipple…could not agree more…no big surprise BUT everyone should read the current issue of ¨Tico Times¨and how the Government here is trying to pull a U.S. government trick by attempting to discuss the CAFTA issues on the floor before the People have spoken as to if the EVEN want it discussed….Scott you are far more intelligent than me will you plese read this Page 3 Tico Times Ausgus 10 and report back…
From the article…Antii-CAFTA activists have long insisted that legislative discussion of the bills should be posponed in cse voters reject CAFTA on Oct 7th. ¨There could be a CAFTA without CAFTA¨ Eugenio Trejos, a spkesman for the anti-Cafta movement told Tico Times …¨That is to say and implementation agenda that is, in essence, the execution of the free trade agreemnent.
God does that sound Like something the U.S would try to pull or What?terrycook
MemberDavidmurry…That is the most stupid thing I think I have read yet from you. I did not say nor implied anything of the sort. MY words were stop wasting OUR money attempting to BUY Democracy and Slay Dragons in the rest of the world…stop Buying the largest Embassys in Stupid places like Bagdad and SPEND IT HERE…yes on police, yes on fire yes on schools yes on medicine and medical studies to protect US Yes on FDIC to protect OUR money in OUR BAnks…
For you DAVID Ie simple concept for you to follow ¨¨Spend our Money on us not everone else¨! Yes our Roads, yes our bridges how many must I list…NOT WASTE money with corrupt government contracts (or private ones for that matter) but Let´s FIX US first
Terry Cook…terrycook
Memberssure…I was here last year for 3 months and here for a month so far on this 6 month trip. I just spent a week in Monteverde jungle Including night walks in the rain/ jungle and 3 weeks at the beach area and only ¨saw¨one misquito….I was born and raised in Miohigan and then Texas and always got eaten alive. I eat mostly junk greasy Tico Cantina Food so should be delicious to these guys but Never a bite yet… answere just input. OH just thought I am Drinking lots more Beer local only brand (and no more Whiskey and coke) maybe they give us with good taste a break
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberGEE, Scott why don´t you tell us how your really feel? Congrats on puting this in such great words…All of us wish we had your tallent for calling a Bush a Bush.
Great STuff and thanksç
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberGO Diego….right on. I never before called myself a libritarian always a Republican butnow finally realize Lib. move here because they have finally realized the Cows will not move so vote either main stream and it is a waste of time…Vote Lib. and you know that will never fly with all the cows still firmly in place. Give me what I have paid for (actually just a few percent of what I have paid for) send it to me here in C.R. It will be far too long before we will ever see the Cows move
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberRoark, I sure hope like H-ll you do not mean me…terry cook. I will vote Libertarian long before I would ever vote for the Disaster Leftist Hillary or Obama.
I don´t really see how it makes a difference who runs or wins until the COWS wake up and have a tea party. Until then nothing will change. Neither the Cows nor certainly the Governmnet will ever correct the direction we are headed.
Terry Cook -