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MemberDiego Thanks…I certainly am not a cow at age 60 did lots of BULL stuff and now duiverced and da.n well going to do Maverick from here out. I hope here in C.R.
I have found you can buy for $15,000 to $35,000 a reasonably good Tico home with view. I missed one last week ON the Beach 2/1 with rental unit…large fruit covered lot for $21,000. Unfortunately in Puntarenas where I do not wish to stay. But have seen and hve contacts that show it cn be done all over the place with local Ticos help. I will remain off the target of any more $ spent on the U.S government except that which they TAKE from my S.S. check when and if I get one. ..My grandparents used theirs for Bingo money it was so small but here in C.R. will actully buy some real living with the modest savings I have.
As for inheritace tax…when my X-wifes folks died I settled the estate and wrote a check to Uncle Sam for over a $100,000 …..a Tax Penalty for having earned too much money over their lives…yea Right on. G
Going Mavericking for 5 more months and hope to land on both feet and on an ïsland¨where UI am free of the Cows of the U.S.
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberAlfred…you are correct Socialism is live and ¨well?¨in the U.S.A. But I do not consider paying taxes and then getting it back in the form of backed programs WE hae Paid for Socialism I consider it like a bank account we pay into and then get paid for the investments we have made. The untold Billions of Wasted dollars by the U.S. government is unsurpassed by any government in history. If someone could figure out how to reinvest the monies we pay to the government (eliminate the huge waste) and invest the rest in US not a huge garbage disposal ie the largest U.S. Embassy and most costly ever in Bagdad at A Billion Dollars a year plus give away programs of 10 or even 100´ of billions of dollars a year to try to buy Democracy in the rest of the world. Yes a flat tax or something similar to that is one move in the right direction. But C.R. did not come up wih the idea of Taxing the rich WE have taught them that idea as a part of how Democracy works??? did I just say that?….It is US who will lead them down the primrose path of charge the big guy to pay for the rest.
Costa Rica is doing just fine with out such programs as CAFTA. They are the winners with no Military, No huge Government and everyone lives (yes with socialism) but not the government forcing them how to live but the people voting with results to control how they will live. I certainly do not have the answere to this puzzle but with the few years I have left I am going to do all I can to not pay the U.S. government my few dollars left to throw them away and then let me live in poverty U.S form….just got told to stop email as time to rant and rave is up so so long for now…
Terry Cookterrycook
MemberHi there….Terry Cook….nothing like Socialism…take from the rich and give to the poor….Sure meets my idea of Democracy. Soon the no tax on inheridece taxes will expire and then go back to some small sum and then the Share the Wealth program will be in full swing and Hillary (left that she is) will gladly lead the way. Of course those on the very top will find ways to get around these things but for the rest it will be full blown Socialism. If the U.S would get rid of all the Huge government (us vote to reduce size of government by 50% and stop all this foolish waste of give-away programs to the world and keep our money at home and spend it on the infrostructure/medical and all other things the Government would not have to figure out how to take from the rich or for that matter anyone as there would be enough money for all. That too is included in the elimination of the current Rip off to maintain the government (income tax) program. Self-funding to continue more waste not FOR the people but BUY the people…and of course that is not a mis-spell although my spelling has little to be desired.
I for one want to end forever the horrible term Silent Majority and get everyone to change this to Vocal Majority and lets have a TEA PARTY that will finally bring an end to all this nonsence for once…Enough is enough…..and to tie to Costa Rica Discussion Why not GIG the rich Americans and other foreigners after all they are only one of the largest income and business Costa Rica has….makes sense to me ??Terry Cook
MemberGitchesum / Scott et al. thanks I will read until tonight and leave tomorrow. I really thank you for the information and certainly look up Selva Tura Sounds like a hoot.
Terry From Costa Rica..for now and maybe for ever!terrycook
Memberdavid,, yea righ! although I do like the pun of tightfisted and barehanded. soy Gringo no para soy tonto….but thanks for the tip….tongue in cheek I presume.
Memberdiego, I am sure Scott will answer this one but I am most sure it is because the of the requirements of the U.S. (big brother once again) and government guidelines and regulations on the reporting of the accounts, names and details the the off shore folks do not and will not share with the gov. That is what they are about anniminity.
And of course the U.S. wants us (US) to have nothing to do with anniminity (sp?) As I am quite sure I have heard Scott say right here, the offshore accounts do not want to mess with anything that has to do with the U.S.
I would like to know from Scott if we can ¨find¨a corporation in C.R. and invest in them as layer away from us and then let the corporatin do the investing in off shore accounts. I personally will seek citizenship here as fast as possible after rentista and pension program. But I am sure by then most if all the small amount of mone I have in the U.S. bank will be frozen or taken by the government because they will be in default around the world. Yes I do believe even more after reading the last few articles of the U.S. forming alliance with Canada and Mexico et al that the U.S is destined for implosion. I have been saying this to my family and friends for years and Now I am afraid I got here too late to get my money out. Of course the real scary thing is I too was planning on useing my S.S. for retirement here in C.R. and It certainly appears that they will not be able to make that happen. And surly ¨they¨will move dates for availability back and back so we (of course) the citizens of the Great Democratic highest and best order of the world U:S. will be screwed and have nothing we can do about it.
Terry From Costa Rica…terrycook
MemberGod Scott, where have I been. as before about the announcement of the largest most expensive U.S. embassy in the world…Bagdad…you said was old news…I read it here and shared with my freinds in the U.S and NONE of them had heard about that. I can not believe how much cover-up there is in the U.S. None of these ¨new to me¨topics have I ever heard about in the States and I am enough of a neg. on U.S government and undercover activities that I would normall know about this. Obviously old news to some but I can not believe they can do such a darn good job to keep something like this quiet. Maybe many have heard of such but the general American public is so stupit that they just blow all this off as NOT POSSBLE- Just a joke. With Ford, G..M. and Chrysler all in Jund Bond status along with so many other huge companies I (not all that smart) have been talking about the colapse of the U.S funds. I read this and go ¨Holy -rap. am I really that far out of the loop?
Terry From Costa Ricaterrycook
MemberFred, I am from Texas and spent 3 monts here last year and on a 6 month trip this time. I would never suggest you carry much cash Ever- No point in casting frightening thughts but small thefts on individuls is not uncomon. I carry a few dollrs max 50. in us usually much less and only small one, 5´s for cab fair tipping etc. I brought lots of American Express Travelers checks in $100 size and cash them at any bank. They pay me more than $100 because of the difference of value…not much but a few bucks.
I stopped carrying my visa when my wallet was stolen in San Jose….my carelessness….carry in front pocket and watch everyone. Yes your visa will work in most places. The problem with Travelers checks is I understand can take months for the hotel to get their cash back. Simply cash at bank and give Colones to hotel $1,000 is 2 bucks 10,000 20 bucks plus a little.
Good luck.
OH stick to this site for really good information from people who know and not just talk about it….Scott Oliver the King dog is tops in my book
Terry from Texas )now Costa Ricaterrycook
MemberRipple33…..What a great and informative article. I for one thank you very much for clearing up this topic. As a Realtor in Texas for 30 years I always thought the insurance tied to the mortgage company demand a unnessary huge expense that could be made cheap if it only charged for Up-dates to old policy. Title insurance is Very expensive and when considering it covers most sales in some fashion and Huge profit margin business.
Again this is a great article and an example of why (in my opionion) this site is so valuable. Thanks Thanks Thanks
Terry From Texas (for now Costa Rica)terrycook
MemberRef. Title co. information.
Tomasino, the question I have with your responce is this… you begin the paragraph Ïf an attorney……
and ¨I have heard……First I have been a Realtor for 30 plus years in the U.S. and in Texas one almost always get a title policy, infact you can not get a new loan unless you get one covering the mortgage company and yourself. Having said that I think when a property is traded again and again and a title policy must be bought, that, is stupid. They could charge a much smaller fee than the sliding scale that costs $1000 up for updating the policys. But of course they are in the business of making big bucks so that will never fly. Unless the current owner/seller has messed up the title Or if someone has unknowing put a lein on the property you should be good to go. However I have seen countless times when the Seller had no idea there had been a lien placed on the property and the title company saved the day.
NOW the question really is in Costa Rica if there is a goof of ANY kind including fraud is not the purpose of the title insurance to pay off the person whom they have charged a fee for a Guarenteed title. They are HUGE companies making big bucks and you do not have to mess with if an Attorney overlooked something…something was or was not filed just before closing etc.
Somewhere it was suggested on this site that someone Maybe Scott THE MAN could contact Stewart title or whom ever and get real quotes as to what they do and what it means to us, the buyers. That would answer this line for good.
Terry From Costa Ricaterrycook
MemberScott, My inlaway paid $250,000 for a retirement duplex )got one half….in a military type project. They paid something like $1,500 to $2000.00 monthly maintance fee and did not Own the half of the building they ¨bought¨actually right_
to live there until death.. Depending on How much you put down, you got back either one half or three quarters of your payment when you moved out or died. Yeaa for the U.S Government and its´helping the U.S. Retired Military Community. And this did not include Any medical help. For that you went to a military facility. The duplexes were Very low end but new. Cheapest appliances, bathrooms of plastic and cheap cheap cheap. UGH…
Terry From Texas….but Now here in Costa Rica-.terrycook
MemberGreciaBound….thanks so much for the lead…unfortunately it is WAY above my budget. If you see my link you will know that I have been able to find almost every place for $5-15.00 per night. Not real great places but I do not want great I want simple local flavor with safe and clean as the only real factors. BUT thanks for the lead
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberSwampbugs…thanks for the leads (sorta) I guess I will have to do my normal “wing it”// I agree that there must be something out there maybe spend one night in the more pricey places then go from there…Well here goes nothing.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberPweisel…Hi there, I am a single male 59 and am going to C.R. for 1/2 year. I have been able to book CHEAP rooms for all of my vacation but the area of Quepos to Plya Uvita. Do you or anyone else have suggestions. private room shared bath ok hostel or budget budget hotel cabinas etc
thanks…leaving this Thursday the 12th so please reply soon or I will also be able to check my posts on the trip. I will be in that area August 16th through Sept 7th
thanks one and all for the help
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberrfwcr…just look down on this site… go back to main page on main page scroll down and you will see the info. you wanted about half way down the first full page.
Terry From TexasEdited on Jul 08, 2007 10:00