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Memberxmattkx..hi, I have been a Realtor for 30+ years, and yes owner carry notes are done all the time. Obviously there are risks but there are pluses. 1. you can often get more for your house as you do not have to worry about an appraisal and you will attract many buyers (ie)U.S. who may not be able to get a loan there. 2 you are likely to get a better interest rate than the bank because buyers understand the risks you are taking. Yes, do have an Real Estate Attorney draw up contracts AND notes to protect your interests. Here in Texas My Attorney did not put in a late payment provision and when the buyer was late I was MAD but I called my attorney and he said you have to understand that it is a “late payment priviledge” not is ok to be late just pay more..with NO late payment it was Due and forcloseable on the 2nd….I told my buyers this and they were never late again…..Get all the financial background, credit reports,job info, income etc…and GET AN Attorney.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberHi chariotdriver, while I am absolutely no expert in any why on this subject I do know that C.R. does have provisions for you to bring a business to C.R. if it includes employment of local residents. Also there is something about you having a some form of a limited liability corp..and then the company pays you corp and your corp pays you. So long as your intent is to do things the right way, legally you should get local legal advice and tax advice on how to do this. But I do believe you can put this together
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberava. You keep mentioning musquitos…while I know for sure they are there, I spent 3 months in C.R. including walks throught the jungle and varios parts of C.R., Never used insect repellent and never got one bite or saw one. If you look at the stats available on this site in Search you will find it is really not that big of a deal. As to expensive to go to C.R. I have stayed in many areas and have booked this 5 month trip with all “green hotels” ie. I will stay in Puntarenas on the beach clean and nice hotel $175 Month..Dominical by the beach $100.00 week or $350.00 mo., Cahuita on the caribbean side on the beach private cabin with living room,kitch.bath and bedroom very nice and clean with restaurant facility and all $175.00 Month…Yes it can be done
There are wonderful little places to stay…Last year I stayed in Coco for $10.00 night and at Volcano Arenal for $6.00 night..clean, nice private bath and view of the volcano. You Can stay at the Hilton or do some searching and do it very very reasonable. I went to a place in San Jose at night called Pacos Bill Bar and had dinner like ribs,salad,rice..$1.65 plus of course the manditory beer.
Yes it can be done real reasonable…bus across the country maybe 5 bucks or less.Terry From Texas
Memberava…..Amen to David. You really need to visit C.R. and take a good long look. As David said it is not the U.S. or Hawaii. Not that it is bad but very different. I was there for 3 months last year from Texas and going for 5-6 months this year to really be sure this is what I want to do. I love it there but while it is much smaller it is like trying to decide if you want to live in Michigan, New York, Texas or California. Not only that but even in local areas the weather and temps can really vary. You really do need to see and feel it for yourself. Indeed you need to experience areas by Rainy seasons, dry seasons and again the difference in various parts of the country. May I ask, what is the rush?
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberdeb. Just call, write or email ARCR I am sure they can help you easily with this quetion as they must do it all the time.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberI just read today that as of July 15th Air Canada will no longer allow pets on passenger planes. However you can still ship on cargo planes. This may become more common as they state that the requrements for “air space” around these cages takes up to much valuable space for regular baggage. Also last fall they stopped allowing any pets on board (in the cabin) as they had a Dr. die from pet allery attack.
Terry From Texas
MemberWelcome raynesmommy…I can tell you that the medical hospitals, and doctors are every bit as good at the U.S and many many graduated from U.S. schools…obviously as in the U.S there will be some not so good but as far as I have been able to tell most are excellent and far cheaper than U.S
My recomendation would be to take some time and work your way all through this forum….you will be able to see from the topics which one you are interested in. This has more information than any book you could possibly read. Best is that it comes from people who are truly interested in learning more about C.R.
As for raising kids…I think they will have more fun and better experiences as they will be more “real life” activities and not T.V. and Chuck E Chees..Trips to the beach, jungles, volcano’s, monkeys, beautiful birds and all kinds of wonderful adventurs.
p.s. Scott who runs this site is a Prince and extremely knowledgeable and will help you personally if you need it!
Best of luck
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberI could not agree with you more. I will be in C.R. for an extended stay..5+ months and have booked only small “green” places to stay all over the country. Much cheaper, much better to get the real feel of the country and the people, and not impose any more U.S Junk than we have to. I know I will be a Gringo, but I sure as heck will not act or speak like one (except of course my very poor Spanish) Never was the old saying “When in Rome do as the Romans do) We are guests in Their country and they do not Owe us anything.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberMy vote is for the Pub, especially on Friday for the best fish and chips you could ask for. I am planning my trip to be sure to be in San Jose to be sure I can go to Escazu for this. The folks that run the place are really nice.
have fun
Terry From Texasterrycook
Membercapnsaltine…I too played there…the slot machines…I only got $20.00 of quarter tokens but played all $20.oo and won not one single pull of the levers. Odds are never good at casino but that is in my mind not possible if all is fair and square.
..but that is why they call it gambling maybe it was just bad luck?
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberTrue Scott. but can they not put their paycheck in their bank and then let their bank send the money in a guarentee funds…so long as they have proof of the income and their bank will send the money either monthly or quarterly or what ever to the bank in C.R. for the process.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberYou can bet it was not meant as nice…but I congratulate you hoping they are representing better attorneys than those who give that great profession a bad name.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberSorry…Looks like it might only need 30 days but please please check…I am obviously not an expert in any way..
terry cookterrycook
Memberpranaspakeywest….I believe it is 6 months but you should check and I will look later after an event I have tonight…good luck…I applied April 5 and no passport as of tonight..
Terry From Texasterrycook
Membergrb..Good news to some..Tuesday the Government announced they would Refund the $60.00 fee if you paid to expidite your passport..(gee thanks :{. Sorry it will cost you $300 + dollars because you could not buy your ticked in a timely manner before you leave.
.one thing we know is that the government has NO idea of when a passport will be processed. Just for the heck of it I have spent 3+ hours going to all the sites giving my processing number and nada. I also called the U.S.Post Office in Washington and spoke to the department that handled Applications…she said 10-12 weeks but We all Know what was really being said :}
Terry From Texas -