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MemberGuru…you are very right but Please make that 72 hours (3 days not 24)
I know picky picky
Terry From Texas
p.s. perhaps you could try your local church they often help people with funds set aside for such a worthy cause…or even a raffle, sale or what ever..terrycook
MemberYes, Scott I am referring to my U.S. passport….what a bummer…I have set up several site locations for extended stays, although not specific plans as I knew how screwed up the U.S. government is…”bloody bad”…sorry for the Brit. expression but thanks
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberdavid…I am sorry to disagree…an I am the strogest supporter of smaller government there is…but having said that Let’s stop all the spending on war and buying our way into every country we can. The largest U.S. Enbassy now under way to be built (largest and most expensive) is located in Bagdad. Scott would not let me post this as a new topic as he said everyone already knows about this, but this is where we do Not need to spend our money. This is however a great place to show exactly how stupid and wastfull this country has become. We need to spend it at home protecting us from our own starving people, education, and others trying to pass things like this off to us.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberIbarnon, what do you mean “now that they have increased the required funds?
I questioned the amount of either $600.00 per month or 1,000.00 per month do you know which is correct?
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberarnacrluis…I have a copy of the first addition 2005 of Costa Rica By Bus and have found it difficult to get much information getting from one place to another…it is mostly going to and getting back to San Jose. Or if necessary the steps to transfer if tring to get to place (b) and taking the first bus from San Jose and where to get off and get the transfer bus to get to point (b).
However several people have said not to worry just go for it and someone at the stations can guide you. In other words Wing it.
I will go back and re-look at my book to be sure and see If I can help you but I took a trip from Austin Texas to San Jose and found there were not set rules…or anyone to contact..I just started out in Austin and rode to point a….got off and found the bus to the next change point. Yes I did have a few bumps and even slep in a bus station on a bench one night but all in all it all seems to work out.
get back at you later on your quetion if I can find out what you need to know.
I am planing a 5-6 month bus trip all across the country and have no idea how I will do it but know it can be done.
good luck
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberI too am curious as to this problem. My bank has questions and Javier sent me the same sample letter. I really Do Not want to put all tht money in a C.R. bank. I will love to hear more on this subject.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberapexit….thanks for the info….as a non-risk taker I have chosen the Capitol One free checking account..5% interest for one year …no fees plus free checks and free atm card. Only for one year but no catches and no risk (except the assurance of the U.S. government) on Fed. covered funds in a bank :”
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberJerry…with a debit card you just pay a buck and there is no “cash advance” fee because it is a debit card not a credit card….Duh. Do you know which banks in C.R. will allow this? Do you do this on a regular basis so you do not have to get a buch of cash at once?
GREAT idea and so simple
Terry From Texasterrycook
I have been a Real Estate Broker for 35 years and have used Stewart
Title Hundreds of times. I can not tell you what their procedures are in C.R. but they have an excellent reputation anywhere I have known. Also They may charge more money (not saying they do) but it is always best to keep money arms length from the seller. The Title company is a safe place to put your money…of course you should talk to your attorney (not theirs or Stewart titles’) and be sure of what “Refundable deposit” really means. Just how easy is it to get out of the deal?
Watch your back always…
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberrf2cr, I have a few “leads” for La Suiza people but have not heard from anyone as of yet. I do plan for a few weeks to a month in this area too. I have written down your other suggestions and will explore these options also.
Thanks one and all for your input.
I am also going to spend some time in Dominical, Golfito and Cahuita.
Again thanks and any and all info is welcomed. Oh as an up-date it is now taking 12 weeks to get a passport sent back to you UGH :{ The new rules from Uncle Sam has really put a back log on things.
Terry From Texasterrycook
Membergenn789, thanks for the reply…I speak a little Spanish and read very little. I gather from the article that things are still not good. I guess I will go to one of those translating pages to see if I can get a fairly good read out of this article.
again thanks…I will be on the Caribbean side for a month or more too so this is something I need to really look at.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberCharlie: do you live on the Caribbean side?
Terry From Texasterrycook
It sounds to me like it would be a good time to make the move. However I would highly recommend 1. you keep reading this column and get all the advice you can. 2. get a good real estate attorney and find all you can about squaters rights and how to protect your self from the very different laws than the U.S. or Canada.
Good Luck
Terry From Texasterrycook
Memberpeg….boy ain’t that the truth. If the U.S. thinks they are so smart….. you are so right. We are sinking in debt because of the stupidity of the people and the greed of the politicians. We have become so fat, rich, lazy, and complacent(sp?) we just let the government lead us by our nose. It has to implode some time but I hope I get out before that happens.
Terry From Texasterrycook
MemberStan, thanks for the information. I went to the site and the only thing I saw that was not so good is that this is their “introductory rate and only lasts for 3 month not 12 and then it drops to 4.1 or something like that. Are you saying you money is now in Euros? How stable is that? And is this company covered by FDIC or an insurance agency that protects your investment?
Terry From Texas -